Fugro pay

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  • #1182
    Terry Simons

    I heard that Fugro are not offering contractors any Christmas Eve/day or New years eve/day double bubble or even any bonus incentive?!?

    Can’t be true can it?


    Then Fugro don’t deserve your services!

    I am going on a 6 week job with another company and getting double pay for 25th/26th and 1st/2nd.


    stun -yer -grun laddie ! 😯


    It is also getting quite busy right now as well, so you can negotiate some good deals if you want to work xmas and New Year.

    I have had 4 offers in the last 2 days alone.

    Stick to yer guns laddie!


    That happened to me a couple of years ago when i was with UKPS on a Fugro job. I was promised a christmas / newyear bonus, but Fugro reneged on it…. After much whinging and bleating and threats of wanting a relief, they eventually gave us £80 per day 25/26th and 1st/2nd. Not much but at least it was something.
    Anyway there is plenty of work elsewhere this time of the year.


    Don’t do it dude…Most, if not ALL companies are paying bubble or at least a chunky bonus.

    Ray Shields

    I heard that Fugro are not offering contractors any Christmas Eve/day or New years eve/day double bubble or even any bonus incentive?!?

    Can’t be true can it?

    Not just contractors, none of their staff to get any bonus either as far as I have heard. If so, this will be the first time ever (from the Fugro side, dont know what Rovtech gave if anything) that there has been nothing at all given as extra. Last year I think it was £110 a day for the 4 days (Christmas/Boxing/Hogmanay/New Year)

    Poor show really.


    Think your wrong on that Ray, I’m getting an extra offshore rate for 25/26 and the guy’s working 1/2 are also receiving it. Best you check with the office.

    Ray Shields

    Think your wrong on that Ray, I’m getting an extra offshore rate for 25/26 and the guy’s working 1/2 are also receiving it. Best you check with the office.

    Seems to be conflicting info then as a Super on Drill Support was told there was none. I’ll double check and report back, as I said it will be a poor show if there isn’t.


    I know they are not paying any out in the SAE (Egypt) to contractors.

    Really not an ideal way of attracting staff.

    Ray Shields

    I have had it confirmed that FROV Aberdeen are paying double dayrate/offshore allowance for the 4 days over the Christmas/New Year period.


    WoW… Finally something where Sonnysub isn’t the bottom of the pile..
    They are paying an extra 250 quid a day for the 4 ‘festive days’.. been that way for a while now.. think that ‘double bubble is the way to go.. maybe next year ?


    but not in asia i heard


    Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:22 pm

    but not in asia i heard


    Ray Shields

    Thats because they are not FROV Aberdeen, they are a different company, as is SAE.

    At least Aberdeen seem to be trying to treat their people better and by doing so are more likely to retain them. The others should take notes and do likewise.

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