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ISS Employment offer

Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion ISS Employment offer

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  • #16501
    Lloyd Todd

    Black dog

    Please correct me here but is Sonsubs bonus scheme one were you have to be with them for 3 or 4 years before getting 12%.
    Canyons is not 12% i know i have worked for them.
    Oceaneering and Fugro? I dont know

    As for Tax i havent paid any for a long time, 100k nice but
    how many days did you do?

    Is Richie Adamson still out on the FDS?

    25% Extra is good, but your welcome to it


    Ray Shields

    For info, Fugros start after 3 years I think, and its an extra £5 a day. I’m 14 years and get an extra £21 a day. Max is £28 a day for 20 years +. Theres a scale that increases every couple of years up to 10 years.

    The bonus rate is the same no matter what grade you are or earnings, so not possible to state it as a %.

    Ewan McKen

    I can state it as a Percentage:

    After 20 years Fugro Loyalty Bonus is 6.2% of the above stated Sonsub Day Rate.


    Ray Shields

    The reason I said (at Fugro) it wasn’t a % is that the loyalty bonus is the same monetray amont depending on length of service not what you earned. Hence a PT1 with 5 years service would get the same money as a Superintendent with 5 years service etc.

    On the figures quoted, then I think you can safely say that Black Dog was incorrect when he said 12% was way below others such as Fugros 🙂


    Ray is right,

    Fugro offer a day rate bonus not a percentage bonus which if I remeber rightly is paid out twice a year.

    I quite like Sonsubs loyalty bonus for agency staff though I was offered 10% a couple of years ago to stay with them for a year.

    Shame the jobs I was being sent out on were crap. Do they still do the bonus for agency or have they finally started to recruit enough staff??


    Hey, thanks for replys. Offer is £370 p/day + 5% loyalty for Subeng. I have two years experience on MRV’s, maybe that was the ticket on not needing an interview??
    Thanks for all your input



    Oh dearieme!!!
    That will be you stuck with MRV 3 or 4. 😯


    Anyway full marks to the company for posting the rate here.

    And also to everybody else for the relevant rates info. this is how this forum can work to the benifit of the rov personnel.

    Ray Shields

    I thought i was BlackDog that posted the rates, not ISS.

    MRV3 or 4, maybe I should apply for a job there. 14 years with MRV5 should count for summat 😀 😀 (a medal??)


    .[Possibly the 450pd is the gross amount the company will pay the agency.
    As you rightly said, possibly 450 is just to get us lot interested.

    £450 a day offers do seem to be creeping in at the moment. I know of at least one guy who got that as an agency supervisor for Allseas in the last couple of months.

    Seems like the rates are moving in the right direciton at last


    Nah, worked on MRV5 for a good while, she eventually after a lot of work became fairly reliable, well except when the Lawman got hold of her.
    MRV 4 will be ok as it is getting a lot of workshop time and cash being spent on her.
    MRV 3 on the other hand will take a wee bit longer as it is in the queue. The other problem all of the guys want to go and play with the XLS / XLX systems, (Can you blame them, I mean XLX 1 has a Ipod docking station on the console.) 😀
    By the way the rates for ISS posted are within a couple of pounds or so per day, obviously there will be higher spot rates available, but that will always be the case as there is generally a lower rate for contracted guys.


    MRV’s ROCK.

    All the guys who want to ditch them for the new shiny ROV’s are making a mistake.

    MRV 6 was my baby for quite a while and as long as you touched her every day she was fine.

    MRV 8 was horrible but fun to work on and MRV 5 just does not like the sun she worked fine for months out in the Danish sector a few years back.

    After working on new shiny bits of kit with touch screen controls I miss the old beasts. Five wire SELMEC systems with loads of boards in pods with big old relays and fuses and boards you can follow the tracks on.

    Not to mention redundancy in the main lift to save downtime.

    Happy days.


    MRV5….the problem with that system was the amount of personnel that worked on it without knowing how to fix it.
    It surely must have ran out of capacitor boards for the jupiter Mux on the TMS by mow!! Cracking subs to fly though.

    As for poor old MRV2, probably still stuck on the last poxy drill rig I ever worked on over 6 years ago, wonder if thats still banging on, the crew nearly sh*t themselves when they heard they were to put a TMS on her aswell, I dont think there was one hyd. fitting that wasn’t rusted into the blocks…poor show


    MRV 2 not with Sclub?

    Ray Shields

    MRV5….the problem with that system was the amount of personnel that worked on it without knowing how to fix it.
    It surely must have ran out of capacitor boards for the jupiter Mux on the TMS by mow!! Cracking subs to fly though.

    Noo, that aint happened since the first problems a couple of years back – lately they have got water in the Jupiter box and trashed the boards – oh, and the spare boards! 😀 😀

    The first point still remains, however.

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