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Jack-Up Rig move and Rov Saves the day

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Jack-Up Rig move and Rov Saves the day

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  • #3738

    Hi Everyone,

    I have just been on a rig move for a Jack-up Rig and the client asked a question that got my intention,

    He asked " Why we need a ROV to check the Leg penetration and A spud-Can survey, cause before Using the ROV for the last 50-60 years, we were Rig Moving as we always do without using a ROV"

    So, rather than the ROV being an insurance method and more confirmation utility, my Question is:

    " Has anyone witnessed a case that the ROV saves the Day specially while a RIG Move and it would be a disaster if the ROV wasn’t there? "

    thanks and have a great day


    was the client confused?? 😆

    James McLauchlan

    Not sure about an ROV actually saving the day…

    Please bear in mind that spud can surveys and pen checks were carried out by divers for many years prior to ROV’s coming along. I know that first hand 😉

    It was good bonus days in winter though 🙂

    James McLauchlan

    The OP posted the same post twice. I’ve deleted the other thread and added the response below.

    Certainly ROV only available for last 25 years or so but once available the clients want it as an additional insurance policy and also helps with the legal issues later when things go tits up.
    Its called progress


    Not sure about an ROV actually saving the day…

    Please bear in mind that spud can surveys and pen checks were carried out by divers for many years prior to ROV’s coming along. I know that first hand 😉

    It was good bonus days in winter though 🙂

    I agree, and my idea is to get some stats and facts to let those few clients who don’t have some ROV awarness (If we may say) and let them know what we are capable of and why his company hired us. 😀

    something like 5 minutes briefing once we step on the rig or something like that 🙂

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