Absolutely Super. Surely this is a record. After nine months of twelve hour plus days without as much as a day off to get this ROV company off the ground. I haven’t even taken the bubble wrap off the systems yet and I come online after my first two days off in that whole time to find a section with my companies name on it in the ‘Joke’ section.
There are doubtless going to be times that I will deserve through my own hand for Kreuz Subsea to be written about on here, but this really is jumping the gun a little.

There is only one way to go after that I hope. 
For future refenence if anyone needs to contact me with employment related questions they can PM me for my email address or go to http://www.kreuzsubsea.com and look in the contact section.
I will of course endevour to answer questions posted by retards on open forums as well.