Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner List of gear for offshore work…

List of gear for offshore work…

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner List of gear for offshore work…

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  • #8088

    The Barron is right and maybe a couple of Magazines but not FHM or Maxim everyone seems to bring those two.

    Try something off the wall like Bizzare at least it gets some good conversation going. And if you have some really upto date DVD’S as some vessels/rigs tend to have older films.

    And remember try and keep the bag weight down 😀


    The boys have pretty much got it covered , but should you end up working in the middle east the opposite applies with regard to Magazines such as Maxim,loaded Bizarre etc, same goes for DVD’s ,the Saudis especially can get quite antsy about anything too “racy”, and can cause you no end of grief!

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