Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner List of gear for offshore work…

List of gear for offshore work…

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner List of gear for offshore work…

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    J. Brad Conley

    I am going to be headed offshore here in a few days and was hoping that some of the more experienced members could give me a basic outline of what to take. I’m pretty sure that this had been posted before the forums crash… but felt that it would be valuable for all the rookies. Thanks everyone!

    Gina McLauchlan

    Wow…sorry, I must’ve missed this one while I was away doing my exam.

    Things to take offshore…well, since you’re from Alaska, better start with warm clothes if your staying local!

    General things…
    -work clothes (coveralls/hat/boots, will probably be supplied before hand by your company), clothes for offshift … clean jeans and shirt for travelling/night(s) out if you get a port call
    -toiletries…toothpaste, shampoo, razor, shaving gel, deodorant….the usual stuff… soap is usually supplied so no need to carry that
    -alarm clock… little clock, on your mobile phone…whatever, so long as it wakes you up in time for shift.
    -entertainment for offshift time… PC, DVD’s, PC games, books…whatever you like to do to take your mind off things for a while, although usually there will be a load of books and or DVD’s on the vessel/RIG/platform
    -any special foods you like… a particular brand of coffee/type of tea/fav choc bar… take your own, usually one flavour of tea/coffee, depend on where you go…they might have choc on offer or you might have a shop to buy some.

    Anyone think of anything else??


    Jason Garic

    Ibuprofen, Theraflu, sinus pills.

    One of those cheap little thumb drives for getting your own copies of files.

    Some sort of journal to keep track of things you learn. Forget the tallybook. 99% of tallybooks with good info in them are never around when you need them.

    Scott Beveridge


    If you’re on a long boring job and not getting the ROV wet try a correspondence course (hopefully you’ll be on the net – some places you aren’t!) either online or snail mail.

    Andy Shiers

    Some companies have dress code policies.
    No wearing of shorts or cut teashirts in messroom so take a track suit with you.
    There can be Sock and pants monsters in the laundry so bring a few just in case.
    There are also cretain companies (oops certain )that have band Flip flops due to too many accidents.
    This applies to the footwear where the grip is between the fourth and big toe.
    Don’t take them offshore with you . The other type , slip on where the grip is a band over the instep is allowed and you should wear them espeicially on platforms , rigs or ships where the showers are communal ! Then ya don’t get unfriendlys’ such as athletes feet or verucas.
    It would be better to take a small alarm with you and not rely on mobile phones as on certain transits , You are not allowed Mobiles offshore let alone use them as alarm clocks in ya cabin.


    don’t forget your huet, medical and innoculation certifictaes.

    some areas now demand to see your huet before letting you on the chopper.

    west african country’s need to see you vaccination card especially yellow fever

    Andy Shiers

    Remember , some vacinations are three coarse drugs ( like one of the
    Heps ) over a three month period so make sure you get them done in plenty of time.
    Little emergency dentistry kit comes in very very handy when on the Dark continent ! I have used Araldite ! works if you are in some backward part exterior of the world but it’s a pain in the arse removing it afterwards !
    Oh , and the dentist tells you off ! 🙄

    Scott Beveridge

    don’t forget your huet, medical and innoculation certifictaes.

    some areas now demand to see your huet before letting you on the chopper.

    west african country’s need to see you vaccination card especially yellow fever

    Trured means the original hardcopies. Also, scan and save them as a .pdf and save in 2 different computers. Whilst I’m at it, try to get the companies to pay for it (them).

    Lostboy is right but in addition take some clove oil to kill the teeth pain.


    as most control vans are normally “blue-ass-cold”, bring a sweatshirt or light jacket that you can throw over your coveralls during your shift. Even in the GoM, our vans are suitable for breeding penguins…
    To reiterate the flip flop policy, we have been banned by our current client from any open toed shoe/sandal/flip-flop/slipper onboard, except in the shower. The popular and acceptable choice by most has been “Crocs” which satisfies the customer for wear in the common areas.
    Don’t forget the PPE. But if you do, there are generally extra hard hats and glasses. BRING YOUR OWN BOOTS. Ewwww, if you don’t…

    Stamps and envelopes for the people that you keep in touch with who do not have e-mail, like your mortgage company, insurance company, etc. With that says, if your paying bills offshore, a checkbook is nice to have as well, but I recommend you use auto bill pay through your bank as much as possible.
    Other than that, I think we have covered alot of good stuff here


    Don’t forget to bring any type of PORN for your supervisor to copy!




    Look like a tug cut your own hair. A must have/bring…



    A sewing kit. Always handy when the holes seem to get bigger than the socks their selfs.


    Extra shampoo as well. Most places will supply soap but to run out of shampoo cos your four week trip becomes closer to six is a real pain. As I just found out last night…


    Get off to a good start with your new muckers by grabbing all the free newspapers given out by airlines, and don’t worry about the date either. Some of the guys/gals out there may not have read any news for weeks. I’ve even seen people cave-in and read The Herald Tribune and New York Times out of shear desperation!

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