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Nigeria ROV market

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Nigeria ROV market

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  • #3225

    Nigeria ROV market

    Hi, I’m currently conducting some research into the ROV market in off shore Nigeria and the Gulf of Guinea and would greatly appreciate it if any member could advise on the following:

    Daily rates for work class and observation class ROV’s in Nigeria and Gulf of Guniea
    Daily rates for operators and supervisor of ROV’s in Nigeria and Gulf of Guniea
    ROV utilisation rates in Nigeria and Gulf of Guniea
    Demand levels in Nigeria and Gulf of Guniea

    Again I’d like to thanks you in advice for you help


    Scott Beveridge

    Why do I feel like there are about to be (in the next few days) quite a few replies directed at this thread?

    Andy Shiers

    It’s that bad in Nigeria that even the president had to leave 😯

    Ray Shields


    please dont post the same message 3 times, once is quite sufficient.

    My answer is the costs and wages should be at very least the same as the North Sea rates plus 50%.

    Andy Shiers

    50 % 😯
    And some !
    Mind you……………….. Depends what you think is worth in delays/possible Ransom/malaria and humiliation 😕



    I dunno…Some people would pay good money to be slapped around a bit, stripped naked, blindfolded, greased up and then chucked in a dark stinky room….. 😈

    In fact, where do I put my thumbprint???????? 😆

    James McLauchlan


    please dont post the same message 3 times, once is quite sufficient.

    Ray is correct here… it’s called double posting and is not on. I will delete the other identical messages.


    It’s that bad in Nigeria that even the president had to leave 😯

    Was his first name Brain as well!


    Please accept my sincerest apologies for double posting on the forum

    Bill Bulloch

    Is ‘Brain’ a misprint?
    Surely ‘Brian’?

    Anyway, the original questions was valid. IT would be interesting to see what sort of rates companies are putting their kit out at in Nigeria, and elsewhere for that matter.

    James McLauchlan

    Please accept my sincerest apologies for double posting on the forum

    Accepted.. but can you clarify your email address?

    I naturally assumed it was BrianMetcalfe@

    but the address you posted shows as BrainMetcalfe@

    Simon Jackson

    Hi Brain- I just tried emailing you but it bounced back.

    Daily charge rates for Work Class and observation Class ROV’s in Nigeria pretty much mirror rates in other parts of the world. I’m currently working with a firm called Chamberlin Energy who are supplying ROV’s and sub sea engineering service in Nigeria and I posed the same question to one of their guys and he thought though he was not certain that the Niger Delta premium was anything from 5% to 40%

    I hope that helps. If anyone else has some input I’ll be keen to also hear

    Scott Beveridge

    Hi Brain- I just tried emailing you but it bounced back.

    Daily charge rates for Work Class and observation Class ROV’s in Nigeria pretty much mirror rates in other parts of the world. I’m currently working with a firm called Chamberlin Energy who are supplying ROV’s and sub sea engineering service in Nigeria and I posed the same question to one of their guys and he thought though he was not certain that the Niger Delta premium was anything from 5% to 40%

    I hope that helps. If anyone else has some input I’ll be keen to also hear

    I get paid more in SEA…


    Hi Brain- I just tried emailing you but it bounced back.

    The above, the three same postings and the ‘website’ (domain) makes me wonder about the intentions of the original poster.


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