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  • #1596

    Do some of you guys have some experience/knowledge about working in West Africa – Nigeria.

    How bad is the situation right now?

    What should one be especially on the watch for?

    What is a fair pay in that area for a pilot tech. on a starters level?

    Dont give me stupid answers like "Dont go" "Learn how to spell" and bla bla bla. 🙄

    This is a serious post.

    Thanks in advance.


    Do some of you guys have some experience/knowledge about working in West Africa – Nigeria.


    Dont give me stupid answers like "Dont go" "Learn how to spell" and bla bla bla. 🙄



    Everyone involved in the O&G industry should go atleast once so that once you get back you can tell the boss to go f#%k himself the next time he asks you to go. Done it once, once was enough!!
    Don’t know how much a PT gets nowadays but me personally I get 30% on top of the day Rate for Nigeria and 20% for the rest of the dark continent, never had any probs in Nigeria (but heard of lots) had a couple of probs in other parts of the shit hole they call west Africa though, just yer luck I guess. And don’t believe everything you hear as these types of stories sometimes grow extra limbs!
    But you could be the unlucky one first time you go!


    shell bonga attack

    does anyone know if they’ve considered those acoustic defences – use them quite a bit in somalia apparently for defending cruise ships against piracy?

    reading this report however, they seem to be aghast at someone being able to make it 120km to a point in the ocean. GPS isn’t encrypted in WA is it?


    Acoustic defense working in Soamlia? So all those ships that were taken by pirates should have had that installed then.

    Why not arm the crew with real defensive weapons. Plenty of ex-forces working on the rigs who know how to operate a machine gun.


    I have never been to WA.

    Just watch the BBC news, that’s enough to put anybody off!?

    I spoke with a guy who was born and bred in Nigeria only yesterday about this very subject, he fears for his own life on a daily basis and said you could go there and have an uneventful journey, or…you could be kidnapped, but not killed (you are worth too much!)…it’s down to luck.

    Have a read of the FOREIGN OFFICE website

    It’s a pity…one country that I would really like to explore.


    yeah; to be honest I’m not sure the things are effective – apparently though they are really good at keeping neds away from shopping centres though 😆


    For the latest news on nigeria


    Thanks, I guess one should consider this location twice or more 😕


    Aquarius said:

    Thanks, I guess one should consider this location twice or more

    Consider? Do you mean avoid, don’t you?

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