Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? North Sea Divers Strike tonight

North Sea Divers Strike tonight

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? North Sea Divers Strike tonight

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    James McLauchlan

    Coveralls?? Leave them out of this topic please…

    Maybe big letters will help the semi-blind….

    This is about the Divers Strike….


    In answer to your questions;

    1. Very heavy duty ones with double stitching on the knees for begging for pay rises (they can be coveralls or overalls, it depends on whether you are a whinging pom or a lazy whining antipodean)

    2. It is like a woman, you start at the bottom and work your way up.

    In any event ….UP THE DIVERS (right up them GIRFUY)

    And thats all i have to say on the subject James 🙁

    Andy Shiers

    Divers have been getting the short end of the preverbial for years since the eighties , I hope they get sum 😀


    biodegradable rovs? overpaid underwater laborers!!! but yes, more cash for a crappy job…….. 😉

    James McLauchlan

    Excerpt from the front page news….

    STRIKING NORTH Sea divers and support workers have reacted angrily to bullying and intimimidation tactics from employers seeking to undermine RMT’s solid strike action.

    As the strike by more than 900 diving personnel entered its second day, reports were coming in of intimidating ‘phone calls being made to strikers’ homes and attempts to bully people into signing individual contracts. 02 Nov 2006

    Andy Shiers

    Sounds like the norm for Oil companies 😡
    Next time ya down there dudes witha Brocco rod cut the f@#1ing platform and not the bracket 👿
    Some FAT Twat shareholder needs popping 😈

    James McLauchlan

    Here is a load of bull from the so called employers….

    The employers went on to accuse divers’ uni0n, the RMT, of "intimidation of our workforce, aimed at getting them to leave the sites immediately," when the strike began. In doing so, the employers said the RMT had "reneged on its promise to ensure a safe shut down of diving systems.

    "Divers live in the diving system at pressures equivalent to the depth of water they are diving in, so the maintenance of the system, its support and the correct procedure for shutdown are safety critical," said the statement.

    "When they break their promise on such a critical safety matter, it undermines any confidence the employers can have that the uni0n can be trusted," the statement said.

    -By James Herron, Dow Jones Newswires; +44 (0)20 7842 9317; james.herron@ dowjones.com

    I can really see the divers just leaving their mates under pressure in the bin and walking off. NOT!!
    How can anyone even believe such crap?

    BTW… When using the word Uni0n replace the letter ‘o’ with the number ‘0’, as I have just done, or your post may not be accepted. Any use of the full word (with letters only) may be blocked.
    This is because that word can be used in code when hacking attempts are made on this site. We are protected as best that can be at present against this type of attack.



    So what’s the latest, are the guys atill striking or are the back to work yet?

    Ray Shields

    still on strike according to tonights news. Talks are taking place between the companies and RMT using ACAS

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