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oceaneering losing 12 guys a month

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? oceaneering losing 12 guys a month

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    There you go James yet another reason for making the Location in profile mandatory before joining?
    I’ll bet another one of our southern state employees fighting the good cause on behalf of there $100 per day policy OI special people.
    GOD loves em ’cause NO f++ker else does!


    OI have just issued all offshore employees an ROV survey to fill in.
    It doesn’t take an Oceaneering Power and Control genius to work that one out 😕 🙄 💡


    Aye let’s see if this survey will make any difference , very much doubt it.

    Look Oceaneering has been heading the wrong direction for a number of years now.

    Dubai couldnt care less about the morale of crews as long as they can fill seats with walking corpses and the job scrapes by then nothing will change!

    JBR (fit like min ? ) you know the score, 1 year guys coming over from the GOM to WA and instantly made up to Supervisor. This is receipe for disaster and is going to bite OI in the arse one day soon.


    Aye Fit like loon

    OI don’t ever worry about bums on seats unless the Co Man decides he’s had enough and threatens to put bums on chopper seats!!!


    i heard that OI is getting the boot from Chouest boats also. my BIL works for Oceaneering and he has been gone for 9 weeks now because they cant get an out MT to relieve him and the client wont allow a trainee on the platform. pretty sh*tty but i know his pain.


    weren’t eddison always scheduling in schilling uhds on their vessels for this year??


    thats the plan. i think that Chouest was going to ease the UHD’s onto the ships and slowly move OI off since Schilling has a back order, but that house of cards fell down early this year. i have run across some CI people that said there is some bad blood. never heard what really happened just lots of stories. but OI is on a global ship and so canyon is also. it seems like several big ROV companies are slowing the recruiting and sending people home. it just took a little longer to hurt OI since they are into so many different things.


    I work for CI and I love it, yep we are kicking OI off all our vessels. 😈 The bad blood is some people trying to be better than they are but that pots boiling for them now. We have a great group of people leading this company and they are very good to their men. I’m home!!! 😀


    First of all.. I’m a really newbie.. But I have read the FAQ! 🙂

    I have read some post’s and I can’t find anything good about Oceaneering. I recon this is mostly the UK, and maybe the US part of the firm.

    Any who have some coments about the Norwegian part of the firm?’


    Hi Dreuf

    Please tell us what you know about Oceaneering.


    Hi, I got to admit, I don’t know mutch.
    Only what I have read on this forum. (Maybe I have pushed on the wrong links?)
    And I read a comment who linked to me to this forum, who said "This is why you don’t want to work for Oceaneering".

    I’m not in the buissiness (yet) and Oceaneering is the only company who is hiring in Norway now. (trainee)


    The question 🙂
    Why is it , Oceaneering have pilots leaving in droves but everywhere else the companies loose a few at a time 8)


    I work with a few old OI hands and from what I can tell they just don’t do their men very good. I’ve never worked for them but the guys I’ve talked to all said the same thing, when its time for your raise get ready for a fight. They just have so many employees they think they can treat them how they want to. The problem with that are the men who can get jobs elsewhere will and all they will have is the hands that can’t get a job with another ROV company. At least that’s what we are seeing in the GOM. I have no idea about how they are to their men overseas.


    LukeD wrote:

    Why is it , Oceaneering have pilots leaving in droves but everywhere else the companies loose a few at a time

    Interesting stayement but it needs some clarification. Please tell us how many pilots you know of that have left Oceaneering and in which region?

    I have noticed that everyone that has commented here has not worked for Oceaneering but spoke to old OI hands or were told about OI pilots leaving. Or am I wrong?

    Any ex OI pilots want to comment?



    They’re pish.

    They were never the best, but then someone put a surveyor in charge of the aberdeen office (long, long time ago), and they went downhill rapidly.

    Seems the ‘treat them like sh*te’ attitude spread to the GOM as well.

    The norway office used to be pretty good – all the good oceaneering tooling (RCU, etc) was designed and built there, and the norwegian guys I worked with were happy enough. Maybe they’ve managed to avoid the oceanqueerthingitis syndrome.

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