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oceaneering losing 12 guys a month

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? oceaneering losing 12 guys a month

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  • #10524
    Ray Shields

    Blimey this thread has been going for 3 years. If there were 12 people leving every month thats (counts fingers, takes socks off, counts toes…)

    432 have left! There must only be several thousand left working for Oceaneering by now 😀


    if you want to get ahead in oceaneering you must join the masons, all the top guys in aberdeen and dubai are in it. they should change the name to oceaneering lodge. the worst company i’ve worked for, they run it like a family business.
    They also blacklist those that piss them off

    James McLauchlan

    Blimey this thread has been going for 3 years. If there were 12 people leving every month thats (counts fingers, takes socks off, counts toes…)

    432 have left! There must only be several thousand left working for Oceaneering by now 😀

    Losing 12 a month and hiring 24 a month… 😉


    Oceaneering is not laying off 12 a month, a house cleaning had been done as needed in every large company. They plan on having a large group hiring for 2011. Oceaneering is and strives to continue to have the best ROV onshore support . 24 hours a day offshore systems are supported through the Technical dept and Parts are pulled from in house inventory. I beleive OI will continue to dominate, dont let the goosip fool you !


    Oceaneering is not laying off 12 a month, a house cleaning had been done as needed in every large company. They plan on having a large group hiring for 2011. Oceaneering is and strives to continue to have the best ROV onshore support . 24 hours a day offshore systems are supported through the Technical dept and Parts are pulled from in house inventory. I beleive OI will continue to dominate, dont let the goosip fool you !

    And what about the day rate? That has never been good? So is it the old saying "you get what you pay for”:wink:
    i remember years ago i was offered a job in WA, i had to say no OI also wanted me to pay tax out of a very low day rate.

    Andy Shiers

    I prefer the term …………. Pay peanuts, Get Monkees 😀


    I just worry where all these drill support monkeys are gonna end up !!


    I don’t know where all this bollocks about losing 12 guys a month is coming from? Maybe in the Gulf, but certainly not Eastern Region and West Africa. We can’t get enough people with the right background
    The big problem at the moment in Angola is visas. For some reason the Angolan authorities think that we can take an Angolan (usually connected) off the street, and turn him into an experienced hand in three years. I’m a Superintendant, and I’m supposed to train one of them to take my job in three years. Yeah right!
    Regarding day rates, well I’m making around £100K per annum, tax free. The standard day rates may be no better than at other companies, but we also get a loyalty bonus worth up to 14%.
    I don’t wear my master’s livery, and I wouldn’t hesitate to move company for the right offer, but at the moment I can’t see any reason to.


    Hello Highlander, ya might be checking ya email mate, the loyality bonus ya think ya getting appears to have been taken away today. Heard that the OI guys got emails today that the bonus is gone. If ya didnt get one still should ask some questions, ya might be surprised.


    Think you just made Highlander’s day!

    Scott Beveridge

    I don’t know where all this bollocks about losing 12 guys a month is coming from? Maybe in the Gulf, but certainly not Eastern Region and West Africa. We can’t get enough people with the right background
    The big problem at the moment in Angola is visas. For some reason the Angolan authorities think that we can take an Angolan (usually connected) off the street, and turn him into an experienced hand in three years. I’m a Superintendant, and I’m supposed to train one of them to take my job in three years. Yeah right!
    Regarding day rates, well I’m making around £100K per annum, tax free. The standard day rates may be no better than at other companies, but we also get a loyalty bonus worth up to 14%.
    I don’t wear my master’s livery, and I wouldn’t hesitate to move company for the right offer, but at the moment I can’t see any reason to.

    Hope you don’t mind if I comment on / modify your above statement… "We can’t get enough people with the right background (that are willing to work for peanuts in a dangerous / unstable region)."

    I’m an old hand and am only doing a Supervisors slot with an eyeball and I make USD$170,000 per annum "T-free" with out a bonus. I think you should have a hard think especially when your bonus has been cut…



    hi dude。
    shit happens


    Just got word that OI is hiring 200 more this coming year.
    IF you haven’t jumped ship yet… I recommend you jump now. I worked for em and they couldn’t keep me in work. To many promises with no follow through.
    benefits are good but not as good as working steady


    With the down turn in the industry because of lower prices I would be surprised if OI GOM follows through and hires that many, if any, new hires. It might actually work out that they have enough people to work the jobs they have this coming year for a change. Layoffs are happening throughout the oil industry right now and more are coming as long as the price of oil keeps falling. OI AME is screaming for people also but again, with the down turn they might actually be able to keep up with the work they have going on now with the people they have already, especially in West Africa without working everyone for five to six weeks at a time.

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