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Oceaneering online tests

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    Hello all, this is my first message!

    I received an email today from Oceaneering saying they were interested in taking my application further and wanted to get me to complete an online aptitude test and an interview would follow if successful in the test.

    Has anyone done the test before and able to offer any advice?


    damian archbold

    Hey, welcome to the club, I received an email this morning as well, was starting to get a bit dis heartened when I hadn’t heard back. Not sure when this test will be but I imagine fairly soon.


    Hey cbradley – congrats on making progress with your application. I was at this stage with another company a few months ago…

    Can’t be sure the format is the same – but if it is the online tests will be sub-contracted out to a third party specialist.

    For what its worth, my advice would be:
    1. Check the required completion date. You’ll usually be given a week or so, so you can wait until the environment is right for you to do it.
    2. Make sure you do the test is a quiet environment where you wont get disturbed, and where the internet connection is reliable. (I stayed behind after work, for example)
    3. Don’t be tempted to ‘cheat’ by getting assistance (not assuming you would!). More people for this type of thing actually just adds confusion, rather than being helpful! And there’s a good chance you’d be re-tested at a later stage under supervision.
    4. You should be given example questions, which demonstrate the mechanisms of the test. For me, there were several ‘types’ e.g. spacial awareness, mechanical/numerical/verbal reasoning – all pretty standard stuff. Go through them thoroughly so you are entirely sure of the assessment requirements – you don’t want to be working out how the test works at the same time your working out the answer.
    5. With all the above being said, don’t linger too long before doing the tests – I almost got to this point and started making it too big a ‘thing’ so I just went and done it! Probably, I over thought it all tbh…
    6. Obviously, don’t sit the test after a night out, or feeling stressed.

    Also, I believe your ‘score’ is based on both your correctness, and speed of response. A tricky balance! Personally, I edged strongly towards getting the answer right, rather than answer everything and getting half wrong! I did not compete all the tests – and made it through!

    Its a balance… if you’re really stuck, just pick your best guess and move on but make sure each question gets fully thought out before taking the ‘wild card’ option.

    Also again, of all the online test sections I had to take – the only one you could really revise for IMO was mechanical reasoning. As the name suggests, make sure you look at the principles of mechanical systems e.g. Pulleys, Gear Trains, Springs…

    Good luck!!


    Hey guys, thanks for the replies! Some great information there. Glad to see people out there willing to help.

    I’m not too worried at the moment tbh. I’ve done loads of tests with Schlumberger and happy to hear they are similar. The hr girl said that the tests wont be till late feb/ mid march. Any idea why they take so long? I’ll defo be taking your advice and studying up for the mechanical aspects again.

    Hey Archie – was the email contact from a woman called Preeti? I was worrying earlier in case it was a fraudulent reply. My missus asked the question and I started doubting it!

    damian archbold

    Yes the email was from preeti, I emailed directly with my cv through a LinkedIn contact and very surprised they looked at me. Just retired from the royal navy as a mine warfare specialist. Piloted modified observation class military rov’s for the last 15 years maybe that helped.

    Fingers crossed for your test



    Brilliant, thats settled my worries! Strange you being on here, I’m due to leave the RAF in May.

    Good luck for the test when it comes.



    If it’s the same test I took for OI a few months ago, it was mostly personality type questions. For instance, on a scale of one to five, one being strongly agree, five being strongly disagree, rate the following statements: I like to work with others. I like to work alone. I enjoy a challenge. I am mostly happy. I would rather attend parties of small groups. I am easily annoyed. I like to take longs walks on the beach. I like to bite the heads off of children. I have hated all my previous employers. All bosses are jerks. (I’m paraphrasing.. mostly)

    That kind of stuff. I think there were some technical questions, and math and stuff like that, but the personality stuff stood out to me. It seems like there are no wrong answers, but I think common sense applies when answering questions like these to a potential employer, IMHO.


    Excellent, good to hear you’ve done the test recently. Ive done something similar before so nothing massively new which is good. I think the best think to do is answer how you feel not what you think they want to hear. Unless ive got hat completely the wrong way round haha.


    Hi all! glad I came across this topic within the Forum…. I completed the knowledge test and received a reply last week confirming that there will be an interview to attend the training centre in Batam. However the email did say that the course will cost me nearly $14k USD + flights to Singapore and does not guarantee a position. Up until seeing this topic I had pretty much put it down to a hoax email…. I have already paid $10K on a course a few years back and was a bit reluctant to go down that road again. but now it does seem legit, I kinda want this bad enough that Ill beg borrow and steal to get the money! Has anyone else received a similar email?


    🙂 🙂
    So, what was your decision, aquaman?


    Hi Freediver, In the end I had another opportunity and took it. Pretty sweet gig so kinda glad i did as with price of oil where it is things are getting pretty quiet offshore… I probably would have been out of pocket and out of work…


    You have no more dreams about offshore opportunities?


    Hi Freediver

    Ill go back offshore again… ive just had a good 8 years both on and offshore so im enjoying time with the family but missing the time off i used to have so we’ll see.. im still in the oilfield but doing sales so not entirely out of contact

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