For the UK and many other location globally the old offshore medical standard was known as UKOOA
The current UK standard is quoted as Oil & Gas UK (OGUK)
The list of locations and approved doctors may be updated by OGUK from time to time. To locate an OGUK registered doctor near you try a search in the latest official list of OGUK registered doctors (along with full contact information) at:
In that list there isn’t ITALY.
In Italy we have the opportunity to obtain these certificate
UKOOA OGUK and OLF in Catania.
Dr. Alagona Giovanna
mob +39 3474797957
c/o Cannizzaro Hospital
or Centro Medico Acese.
Anyone know where to get one in Seattle, Washington?
I tried to look it up on the above list, it says its there, but when you try the search function, Seattle is not even in the city list. I would rather go to Seattle, than Houston, or Salt Lake. Anyone?
This is a pre employment medical exam facility downtown Seattle. A few years ago they were doing UKOOA and Norwegian med certs–not sure what they offer these days. Be sure to get past receptionist for your questions. They don’t do a lot of the foreign exams and there was only one physician in the northwest qualified to sign off on these so the answer phone person isn’t always up to snuff.
Health Force One Med
3223 1st Suite C
Seattle WA