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OI considering terms

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner OI considering terms

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    Steven White

    Hi there, I want to interest about the considering terms of applies, I know that they can be for about 1000 and if one of them is lucky, for what time after applying they will communicate with this person? Thx /m\

    P.S. I’ve heard about 3 weeks – 1 month+ – after that terms you’re knocked out of competition. Can you tell me your experience in this, when OI or some other makes you a call?
    (I resend CV on other positions, not only ROV, cause I see it like addition opportunity to set up my life) 🙁

    James McLauchlan

    I can’t quite figure out what you are asking ??


    All said and done you will be lucky to get some positive feedback with the way you phrase your query/request or whatever it is. Best thing to do is write it in your own language and translate.

    Steven White

    I mean the time of consideration of application for the post of trainee for example or some other post.

    For example, we take 1 person with great experience in his CV, and give him name "best candidate". Our candidate pass through review of HR succesfuly, so when they will call him, and after what period he can don’t bother about this and forget about this company.


    Using my laws of secret cypher, I conclude that;

    The green cow has eaten the maple oatmeal. Follow his footprints grasshopper, your CV is now viable.

    P.S For me OI was 4’6 then all out on a really cold day just 4.
    CV’s at 3 o’clock

    (Now you life should be setup) ❓


    Steven White

    Thnks for nice mood 8)

    Ok, one more question, if you are rejected, will be there some notice on email or something else? 🙄

    Graham Starkie

    In brief, if you have applied for the job and you heard nothing for a few weeks after the closing date then it’s a good chance you have not got the job.

    Not all companies take the time to say "thanks but no thanks", likewise there are people that have applied for a position and heard nothing and then get a letter out of the blue upto a year later inviting them for interview….

    The thing is, your cv does not get you a job; it gets you an invite to interview. Only in very rare occasions will you be offered a position just based upon your cv alone.

    It’s a numbers game and if they have 1000 applications for 8 positions, do you think they are going to reply to 992 to say thanks but no thanks? Some will get a letter but most of those 1000 cv’s are in the bin.

    If your application looks like the question you posted above then the odds are your not getting a letter to say thanks but no thanks, unless of course you applied in your native tongue and to a company that speaks your language.


    Steven White

    Thank you for responding!

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