Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) OILC-RMT Forum Closed!

OILC-RMT Forum Closed!

Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) OILC-RMT Forum Closed!

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  • #2925
    James McLauchlan

    If you are looking for the OILC EiE Forum forget it!
    It has been shut down by it’s founders due to total lack of interest from the branch and union organisers.

    Please be advised that the new Forum for OILC Offshore Energy Workers Branch of the RMT is now officially open for registration.

    This feat of ingenuity has been pulled off by a few dedicated volunteers in their spare time.

    All ROV RMT members are invited to pop on over and register ASAP.

    Sequence of registration:

    • You register (make sure you have your RMT member number to hand)
    • Your union membership number is checked for validity (by a human being) on the live RMT members register.
    • Assuming all is well, your account will be activated (Can take up to 48hrs – weekdays and up to 72hrs – weekends).
    • Upon successful account activation you will receive access instructions to the email address used when registering.
    • Once logged in, find the group that best suits your vocation: ROV, Subsea Inspection or Subsea Survey. (there are other groups).
    • Join the group of your choice. (there are instructions on how to join groups in the help section of the OILC forum).
    • Post and say Hi in your group of choice.

    FORUM CLOSED http://www.nokernok.com



    Firstly well done. Next, who is eligible to join and what is an RMT number?


    James McLauchlan


    Firstly well done. Next, who is eligible to join and what is an RMT number?


    Who is eligible to join?
    Basically any EU citizen, working in the Offshore Energy Industry, is eligible to join the OILC branch of the RMT.

    What is an RMT number?
    An RMT membership number is a number that identifies members of the UK Rail Maritime and Transport workers uni0n.

    James McLauchlan

    As a reminder. You do need to join the RMT before you attempt to register at the above mentioned Forum. Information on how to join can be found in the open access boards (read only) at: http://www.nokernok.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48#p88

    Preferably, you should be member of the OILC S100 branch of the RMT, as it is technically an OILC branch forum (for Offshore Energy workers) and not an official RMT forum. You won’t find any train drivers there 😉


    Is there any way that the many non EU resident ROV personnel can join and what would be the advantages if they can?

    James McLauchlan

    Somebody also asked me a similar question by PM recently:

    Hi James

    What’s the best way for us "non" EU folks to stay abreast of uni0n developments/discussions? thanks

    If you mean specific ROV uni0n developments I’m not entirely sure on the answer to that one without you being a member.

    OILC branch (Offshore Energy workers) publishes a monthly magazine called Enough is Enough (EiE) which is available to anyone who wants a copy. It covers all vocations and can be downloaded in electronic .pdf format in the following OILC open access board: Latest News and Announcements

    You could join the uni0n. That would also give you OILC branch Forum access. There are joining instructions at http://www.nokernok.com

    As a member you would be entitled to the usual union benefits (see http://www.rmt.org.uk/ ) in addition as an OILC branch member, you would be able to participate in ongoing ROV uni0n discussions.
    If you do join the RMT do it by phone and request that you be registered under the OILC branch of the RMT which caters for Offshore energy workers.

    Note: Soon the uni0n specific boards will close at ROVworld.com The idea was only ever to create a temporary home for ROV uni0n members until such time as the OILC could get it’s own forum up and running. As you can see by the first post we have now achieved that.

    James McLauchlan

    This is a reminder.

    Now that the official OILC Forum is up and running the RMT related Union board at ROVworld.com will be closed at the end of this month.

    The general union board will remain open for discussions concerning any union in any part of the world.

    Scott Beveridge


    Well done and kudos to the "crew" that helped with that matter. Do you suppose you could delay the OILC thread closure for 45 days> This would enable ROVers that are offshore and are unable to connect to the internet the chance to get the last bits from ROV World thread.


    James McLauchlan

    Cheers! :tup:

    Yes I see no reason why not… but I’ll lock the RMT related unions board at the end of the month to prevent further posts being added.

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