Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? ROV Industry slow at the moment?

ROV Industry slow at the moment?

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? ROV Industry slow at the moment?

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    Andy Birchall

    I’ve been speaking to a couple of agencies who have said that the industry is generally a little slow for this time of year when compared to the past couple of years.

    Can anyone else confirm, or provide more details on what I’ve heard:

    Apparently a lot of vessels are in dry dock, and there is a significant regulation change coming into effect later this year for offshore vessels. This means that many of them are being refitted in advance to comply with the new regs.

    Also, there are supposed to be a fair amount of projects coming up, awaiting confirmation of funding and final ‘go ahead’ orders.

    The general feeling is that things will really pick up towards the middle of next month.

    Opinions/comments/"Nah that’s bol-x" from anyone? Is this issue only relevant to UK waters?




    That pretty much the story…along with contractors seem to be leaning towards head hunters finding them a "long term " employee as compared to the job to job basis.

    Andy Birchall

    Interesting. Any suggestions on how to get noticed for those ‘long term’ positions?

    Ray Shields

    Yes, get a job on salary with a company. More and more they are cutting back and have targets to cut back use of Agency dayrate people. Some now delibaretely pay less to dayrate compared to being on salary. A big change to how it used to be.

    I havent noticed any slowdown!


    Agency personnel are generally hired, when companies have no other choice…! all still busy, has been a slight lull, but in-house guys will still be full-on through-out this year. 🙂

    Andy Birchall

    Well, if anyone has any suggestions for how I can make myself a little more attractive for those long term positions, I’d like to hear them. I understand that the main thing is plenty of offshore experience, or more electronics/hydraulics experience. However, if there are any specific suggestions of courses or any companies known to be looking for a rookie, I’d appreciate the info.

    Cheer guys.

    stevie stuart

    Dec through till feb slow for me but ive only been in this game for just under 2 years, all of our experienced guys have been kept busy right through, ahh one day il be busy right through, prob when i take the job on the trolleys at tesco, thank god no more re-terms 😀

    Andy Birchall

    I was peeling potatoes in a construction site cafe last week. Got to pay the bills, you know?

    stevie stuart

    its not that bad yet but it was close ha we get 12 days every month so its good during the quiet times for the lesser experienced guys like myself.

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