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ROV job – USA

Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion ROV job – USA

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  • #3149
    James McLauchlan

    Due to visa issues we can only look at US Nationals

    Please forward your CV to me if you are a US National and Eyeball Experience

    So…. how is it that this is OK in the USA, but in the UK no work permit is required and any foreigner can work offshore?

    Write to your local UK MP and ask!

    Craig Thorngren


    I don’t think this person is looking for work in the US, I think he’s looking for someone to work overseas in a country that makes it easy or automatic for a US citizen to get in or get a visa. Equatorial Guinea would be a prime example… Brits could take as long as 6 weeks to get a visa, Yanks, don’t need one, just show up 😀



    It is Equatorial Guinea i got privat mail from them.


    Yes I received mail from two agencies today about the same work… Not sure whether to be amused or annoyed…After all I’m not a Seppo.. So why send it to me ?

    It is for work in Equatorial Guinea and Brits especially have had problems with visas ever since Maggie’s son Mark was allegedly involved with a coup attempt there..

    Come to think about it maybe the client is SS7 ❓ They are deffo a company that I could wish all the clueless yanks in the World on…

    Upto them.. Take a bloke cos he has a proven track record in the industry or take a hopeless trainee cos he has the ‘correct’ passport…

    Go figure…

    James McLauchlan


    I don’t think this person is looking for work in the US, I think he’s looking for someone to work overseas in a country that makes it easy or automatic for a US citizen to get in or get a visa. Equatorial Guinea would be a prime example… Brits could take as long as 6 weeks to get a visa, Yanks, don’t need one, just show up 😀


    Good point…..

    Scott Beveridge

    Yes I received mail from two agencies today about the same work… Not sure whether to be amused or annoyed…After all I’m not a Seppo.. So why send it to me ?

    It is for work in Equatorial Guinea and Brits especially have had problems with visas ever since Maggie’s son Mark was allegedly involved with a coup attempt there..

    Come to think about it maybe the client is SS7 ❓ They are deffo a company that I could wish all the clueless yanks in the World on…

    Upto them.. Take a bloke cos he has a proven track record in the industry or take a hopeless trainee cos he has the ‘correct’ passport…

    Go figure…

    Damn!!! I wish I was clueless now (sans the SS Club bit tho’)!!! For that matter a trainee to boot…. 😆 😆

    Too true DJan!!! WTF does ones passport, color(our for those of you who can’t figure out there’s different ways to spell certain words…), race, or "Dee-plome-ahs" got to do with ones ACTUAL track record??? Oh wait…. let me think a mo’…. Ahhhhhh…. too expensive – just waiting for more empty TMS units to come back to the shops MT… 😆 😆

    Craig Thorngren

    It is for work in Equatorial Guinea and Brits especially have had problems with visas ever since Maggie’s son Mark was allegedly involved with a coup attempt there..

    Come to think about it maybe the client is SS7 ❓ They are deffo a company that I could wish all the clueless yanks in the World on…

    Upto them.. Take a bloke cos he has a proven track record in the industry or take a hopeless trainee cos he has the ‘correct’ passport…

    Go figure…

    DJ- Actually it’s been tough to get a visa before Mark’s attempted coup… believe it or not, his rogue actions have made it harder for South African’s to get into EG, not Brits…

    I think another reason they make it hard on the Brits is because of a general lack of oral hygene and the fact that you drive on the wrong side of the road… 😮


    Mike Kidd

    SS7 have no eyeballs in EG


    The Mysterious eyeball…. 8)


    I stand corrected on the eyeballs.. SS7 was just a guess cos they had a lot of work down there before.. Well either way they ain’t somebody I want to bother with again… Apologies to yanks that do have a clue… But as you are no doubt aware there are a lot of hopeless ones giving the good guys a bad name.. Especially when the arrive on the job straight from some drug rehab course and the ROV they have seen was on the Discovery channel.

    Anyhow I’d don’t eyeballs .. My hands are too damn big for all those fiddly little cans.. 🙁

    Scott Beveridge

    I stand corrected on the eyeballs.. SS7 was just a guess cos they had a lot of work down there before.. Well either way they ain’t somebody I want to bother with again… Apologies to yanks that do have a clue… But as you are no doubt aware there are a lot of hopeless ones giving the good guys a bad name.. Especially when the arrive on the job straight from some drug rehab course and the ROV they have seen was on the Discovery channel.

    Anyhow I’d don’t eyeballs .. My hands are too damn big for all those fiddly little cans.. 🙁

    DJan dude…

    Don’t I know it!!!! Interviewer: "Can you spell ROV without spellcheque?"

    "Begins with an "R" …. (yes, the old Cheech & Chong skit!!!)


    I think it might be O.I. They are looking into pulling USA dudes off jobs in the Congo and Angola for this visa reason just a bit of ex-Pat shuffling on their part I guess purely on a hassle basis having waited for various visa’s West Africa(Brit) I can see their point.

    Theodore Ventsias

    I think it might be O.I. They are looking into pulling USA dudes off jobs in the Congo and Angola for this visa reason just a bit of ex-Pat shuffling on their part I guess purely on a hassle basis having waited for various visa’s West Africa(Brit) I can see their point.

    That is good because they are kicking all the UK guys out of the GOM no not us guys on us flaged vessles because of the Jones act. So move us back over here and let the UK guys have Africa.

    Theodore Ventsias

    I think it might be O.I. They are looking into pulling USA dudes off jobs in the Congo and Angola for this visa reason just a bit of ex-Pat shuffling on their part I guess purely on a hassle basis having waited for various visa’s West Africa(Brit) I can see their point.

    Theodore Ventsias

    I think it might be O.I. They are looking into pulling USA dudes off jobs in the Congo and Angola for this visa reason just a bit of ex-Pat shuffling on their part I guess purely on a hassle basis having waited for various visa’s West Africa(Brit) I can see their point.

    That is good because they are kicking all the UK guys out of the GOM no not us guys on us flaged vessles because of the Jones act. So move us back over here and let the UK guys have Africa.

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