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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner rov pilot opportunities

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    hi i have finished the 7 week rov and electronics course at fort william,I come from a fishing background mainly in the north sea and i am 21. I know its a hard field to get into so was wondering what steps i should take to get of finally ie Other courses college etc?? Im from scotland but more than happy to re-locate.I seem to be getting the same reply when calling and going around companies, I have applied for several jobs but dont have enough flying time (10 hours) mainly using with falcons. if anybody has a suggestion i would be glad for your comment or info.

    I have a up to date cv bossiet and medical.if required when reading this

    thanks again stephen


    you got to ask yourself, whats your advantages over the other applicants?
    yea u got the rov course, but thats not enough. You need hyd/el/mech education also… if u get this education, THEN u might have an advantage over the other applicants, who maybe dont have any flying time at all..


    Employers do not employ "pilots".
    So forget the flying you got at school it is almost worthless!

    Employers require Technicians (at the moment the word "require" may well be stretching the truth). What qualifications and work experience do you have?

    FW advertise that they follow the IMCA guidelines. So If you have no qualifications they should have warned you that you will have almost zero chance of getting a job. If you have the relevant qualifications but no relevant Industrial experience then FW should have told you to get Industrial experience. Although I’d guess that at the moment FW will have much in common with most other business enterprises ie happy to take your any money that comes along. IF you have neither quals nor indepth experience of Hyd, Mech, Elect or Electronics then you have been led down the garden path.

    A 3 week course cannot possibly train unqualified personnel to work competently or proficiently in any of the above fields.

    [Edited (last paragraph removed) by website admin to negate potentially libellous content]

    Ray Shields

    As above – you require a technical qualification and experience background to START with ROVs. We have been told in the past that FW vet people who apply and do not allow people who are not suitably qualified to take their courses. Did they mention this to you?

    As for further education, I would suggest speaking to local colleges and investigate doing an HNC/SVQs in eklectrical/electronic or hydraulics. These would help you get into the ROV industry.

    Doing a training school course and 10 hours of flying is enough – as long as you ALSO have asuitable technical background – to become a TRAINEE Pilot technician. No-one who does the course can walk into a full ROV Pilot Techs job, sorry.


    Imca pilot/technician II

    svq d132 11 Electrical fundamentals
    e9s9 11 Introduction to electronics test equipment and measurement
    ec2y 11 Electrical installation-an introduction to industrial electronics
    ee9k 12 Fault diagnostic on basic electronic circuits
    ed13 12 Introduction in ROV’s- electrical installation in adverse/hazardous conditions
    Tuc module 1 Introduction to ROV’s
    Tuc module 2 Engineering skills 1
    Tuc module 3 Engineering skills 2

    you got to ask yourself, whats your advantages over the other applicants?

    Well as i said i come from a fishing background so dont have much qualifications worked in north sea and fished for scallops since a young age. I would say im a hard worker and determined to be successful at what i do. Im used to being away from home and have no tie etc. I have been told to do courses so im looking into that for the time being. The qualifications above are the only ones i have along with standard grades highers from school

    Are these qualifications of any use to me??

    Thanks again for your comments


    About the guy that got his money back i was thinking of looking into that as the course did cost me 12k:(. There have been people from my course that got a start with not the best background, but as u say its hard. And you can always get a break or really lucky.

    * Did they mention this to you*

    I juat got told at FW that it was hard to get a start or break offshore. Nothing about my recent background.

    Anymore suggestion i would be glad to hear.


    Hi Stephen,

    I too did the course at FW back in Jan 2008. I’m 23 (will be 24 in a week). Before attending the course I had a college degree in Electronics and Telecom Engineering. There was a guy on the course without any technical background. But YES they did make it very clear to him that it would be extremely hard to get a job later.
    Even with my degree I was finding it hard to get in. After reading a lot here I realised that there are ppl who are way better qualified so I did a Hydaulics Engineering course and got Uk medicals and BOSIET from Singapore. I’m still waiting for my break! It can get quite frsutrating but if you really want this you have to keep trying.
    As suggested it might be good idea to get some sort of tech education.
    As already mentioned, we are not ROV Pilots yet nor are we qualified Technicians so I think we should be be open for a Trainee position even in a workshop. In my opinion its the best place to get started and learn the system.
    Since you’re in the Uk you have the luxury of going door-to-door. You might just get lucky. I’m from India and apart from Oceaneering India there isn’t any ROV company here. So for me its email and phone but there’s nothing like face to face.
    Anyway, keep at it mate. Perseverance will pay off 🙂




    Don’t limit yourself to just ROV work offshore at the moment. Any technical offshore work will stand you in good stead when applying for ROV work later on down the line when things pick up again as they eventually will.

    There are dozens of Indian companies working Bombay High.


    Hi sedco,

    Yeah I’ve realised it’s going to be real hard to break into ROVs at this time that too without any relevant work exp. I have taken your advice and trying to get in somewhere here. Hopefully something gives soon. I’m itching to get started..



    I have been going for Trainee positions but not got a break yet. Go to aberdeen alot and around the companies. Some of my family are in the rov field and have advised me to get into rovs. They came from a fishing background 2.Is there any courses or that i can do at home or is it best to go to college.

    Ray Shields

    I have been going for Trainee positions but not got a break yet. Go to aberdeen alot and around the companies. Some of my family are in the rov field and have advised me to get into rovs. They came from a fishing background 2.Is there any courses or that i can do at home or is it best to go to college.

    I would highly recommend college, anything with a recognised qualification, SVQ, HNC, City & Guilds etc..

    As stated, even if you can get an onshore job working in a workshop, that would certainly count towards technical experience.

    I know you think being a hard worker and being away from home a lot may count, yes it will to a certain extent (though you have to PROVE you are a hard worker, many SAY they are…), howver your primary job as an ROV Pilot Technican is a technical role of maintaining and fixing the equipment.


    thanks again

    I dont think it counts for alot i put it on because i am, i know what your sayin everyone will put that sayings in *hard worker* *dedicated* etc. I have beenn searching for any rov realated job but the longer it goes on college seems the best bet.


    I think banff n buchan college have a course in electronics


    After doin the course and banging on company doors for 18 month I got an interviwm with TS Marine then heard nothing.

    But for the past 2 years I been working offshore as a geoptec technician. Money pretty good. Salary + day rate for offshore I cant complain. Still would love to get into ROV though. Maybe after a couple more years offshore it’ll be possible

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