Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements ROV pilot/techs, Sub Engineers, Supervisors, and Surveyors.

ROV pilot/techs, Sub Engineers, Supervisors, and Surveyors.

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements ROV pilot/techs, Sub Engineers, Supervisors, and Surveyors.

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  • #2110

    UKPS OFFSHORE has opened an office in Houston, Texas. We provide a variety of contract ROV personnel, divers, hydrographic surveyors, survey project managers, data processors and deck crews.

    If you are interested in working with us, please email your resume and all current certificates at jobs@ukpsoffshore.com.

    Please visit our website at http://www.ukpsoffshore.com

    Look forward to working with you.



    I’m brazilian and I have 3 years of experience with WROV. I would like to know where is the job ( place, country), the period of contract, the period of work and the rate.

    Thank you,


    Luciano Henrique

    Ray Shields


    they will not give such information on the board here, you need to contact them direct to get sort of info.

    Agencies etc. almost never give out how much they are paying on an open board (unless they are really desperate!)

    You will also find that a person from one country will be offered one rate, and one from another a different one.


    Thank you by information!


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