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Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion ROV TRAINEES REQUIRED!!

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    here you go my bonnie fort bill "Graduates"


    up to you now!

    Ray Shields

    That gives you a list of every job they have. If you click on Search Again and put the word "Trainee" in they keywords, you will get a list of 23 jobs including ROV Trainee positions for Canada, Singapore, India.

    However, if you look at the job spec – such as the Far East one – they also say "ROV Tech/Pilot, Minimum 2 years experience working within an engineering environment"

    So ex taxi drivers need not apply 😀

    Oh, it also says "Ideally candidates should have no previous ROV training experience, due to the tailored in-house training programme"

    so doing an ROV training school course is a waste of your money for this job :L


    ROV Pilot Technician 2 – Trainee
    Employer: Global Resources
    Desired Expertise: ROV Tech/Pilot, Minimum 2 years working within an engineering environment
    Experience: 2+ years
    Education: Some College
    Salary: TBA
    Location: Offshore Vessels – India,
    Date Updated: 7/14/2008


    Ray Shields

    ROV Pilot Technician 2 – Trainee
    Employer: Global Resources
    Desired Expertise: ROV Tech/Pilot, Minimum 2 years working within an engineering environment
    Experience: 2+ years
    Education: Some College
    Salary: TBA
    Location: Offshore Vessels – India,
    Date Updated: 7/14/2008


    Yes, this is why we continually tell people to get into trainees you have to come from a technical or engineering background. We’re not saying this just to stop people getting into the industry, its true, honest!


    Unfortunately they also list that they are only looking for Malays, Indians and Canadians.
    Not sure if this is a MUST or what. If it is it p*sses on a lot of fires!!

    James McLauchlan

    Yes, this is why we continually tell people to get into trainees you have to come from a technical or engineering background. We’re not saying this just to stop people getting into the industry, its true, honest!

    I must admit… diving was different. If you were a labourer you could train to dive and still do the same job offshore, but under water.

    Becoming an ROV trainee should be limited to those with the type of background as suggested above. Like Ray says. It’s not a deliberate ploy to prevent people getting into the game. It’s the type of background needed to be useful from day one. You cannot get that as a taxi driver having trained for a few weeks at a training school. In effect you may still be a good taxi driver, but not a lot if use on the ROV front unless, before driving taxis you worked in a technical or engineering environment… full circle.

    Training establishments should recognise this and only allow people on their courses that have this type of background. Unfortunately they are are business and therefore will er… bend the rules, to place bums on classroom seats.

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