Home Forums General We’re alongside… So where do I go? ShenZhen/Hong Kong

ShenZhen/Hong Kong

Home Forums General We’re alongside… So where do I go? ShenZhen/Hong Kong

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  • #1449
    Jason Garic

    Anyone working out of Hong Kong or ShenZhen? Looking to support a system and crew for about a year in this area.

    Scott Beveridge


    I would think you’d get more replies if you put this thread in either ROV Operator requirements or Agency Requirements forums….



    Go to Alice Bar,meet the owner.Speak to him.His add 1/F,J&K,Yinhui Bldg,Bitao,Shekou,Shenzhen.He works Offshore.

    Jason Garic

    Very true scotbeve. Thanks.

    Thanks aoh.


    Had this conversation before, basically why should anyone want to work for you an anonymous nobody, give us some info and we can consider things. Is it work in Hong Kong or China, as there is a serious amount of posts about a right dodgy outfit in china called Bluewhale


    Bluewhale…………now theres a blast from the past.

    Was looking at working out in that region last year and got all sorts of negative feedback on the company. Heard all sorts, from flights not getting paid, guys walking off the job.
    Have not heard much since so……………anyone else heard anything??

    Still interested in working out in asia as i like sunshine – whats the job on offer for this rov and crew?????

    Scott Beveridge

    Bluewhale…………now theres a blast from the past.

    Was looking at working out in that region last year and got all sorts of negative feedback on the company. Heard all sorts, from flights not getting paid, guys walking off the job.
    Have not heard much since so……………anyone else heard anything??

    Still interested in working out in asia as i like sunshine – whats the job on offer for this rov and crew?????

    Blast from the past?????? Huh???

    Ray Shields

    Cheers Ray, this is just the sort of thing ROVWORLD should highlight, as the only protection against rip off merchants is for people to spread the word.


    Sorry Scotti

    I thought everyone got in on that forum a while back, as Ray has highlighted………….lots of trouble and problems galore.
    Hence…….Bluewale………..blast from the past!! Huh?????

    Anyway…..Skinny……….Im assuming you aint Bluewhale in disguise, so whats the job, whats the money, whats the vehicle, whats the weather like.

    Its gotta beat west africa.

    Scott Beveridge


    When you actually say or write the words "blast from the past " I’ve always associated it with something kinda-far-away from the ROV industry…. Sorry for my digression …



    Back to the main point here we want to know more about the job.If it is for bluewhale then we must be told up front.No one wants to be shafted.So lets start off with some honesty and tell us the facts about the job.


    yeah i agree give us some info skinny and tell us who you are if you want us to work for you.

    Scott Beveridge

    BTW Balloo,

    It’s HD for His Dudeness to you NOT Scotti (should be spelled Scotty in any event). Other folks know me be other names and afflictions…


    HD you still based in Thailand??

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