Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Sonsub only want to pay 60% travel rate to West Africa

Sonsub only want to pay 60% travel rate to West Africa

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Sonsub only want to pay 60% travel rate to West Africa

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    Mate showed me an email he received from UKPS. Seems that Saipem UK (sonsub diviaion) are planning to stop paying door to door for guys working in West Africa.. They now want to pay only 60% for travel days.. Quite a paycut if you get 4 – 5 days travel every trip… Thought they were trying to encorage guys to go to Africa.. not put them off 😆


    What was their day rate bonus for working in africa or have they scrapperd that as well? 🙄


    Believe they were receiving an additonal 10% on their dayrate. Plus Sonsub employees get an additonal 50% on their loyalty bonus percentage..

    All in all though, the door to door plus 10% was meant to make W Africa more attractive.. By introducing a travel rate (same as most other regions) They are creating one less reason to got to W Africa.. Off course some guys go for the girls not the money 🙄


    Ha, ha, ha!!
    Each to their own I suppose 😮


    Tell your mate if pushes it with UKPS that normally can be pushed up to 100% travel to anywhere when the travel is over 12 hours.

    I would bet you a pound that they are getting full rate for the man for the day.

    However why would he want to go there anyway.

    Andy Shiers

    To bloody right !
    Why would anyone want to go to a shit hole like west Africa except for the money 🙂
    It is an experience , I grant you which Have some fond memories but mostly bad 😕
    If the ROV company is having problems in fullfilling a contract because their own personnel don’t want to go then they should pay TOP dollar for Mercenaries , Door to Door , All expenses paid and completely covered by the agents insurance 🙂
    At the end of the day YOU pay the Cyborgs in the Orifice their wages while YOU do all the dirty work !
    Charge them to the hilt 😀
    Happy hunting 😀


    I believe it is UKPS that is trying it on. I am working for Sonsub through an agency and there has been no talk of 60 % for travel days. Stand firm. It is time for the tail to wag the dog. We have had our pay held back for too many years to let this sort of carry on continue. Door to Door pay or no play !!!!!


    Didn’t someone say that the agencies do their deal with the companies at the beginning of the year? If that’s the case, then it smells like an agency manoeuvre!


    That’s another reason for avoid West africa, it doesn’t matter who or why don’t want to pay full rate on travel days, If they go themselfs to do the job they will save a lot money too! 😆


    I believe it is UKPS that is trying it on. I am working for Sonsub through an agency and there has been no talk of 60 % for travel days. Stand firm. It is time for the tail to wag the dog. We have had our pay held back for too many years to let this sort of carry on continue. Door to Door pay or no play !!!!!

    Do you live in the UK and Where are you currently working??

    David Grant


    So, did your mate end up going for the 60% travel rate?

    Scott Beveridge


    So, did your mate end up going for the 60% travel rate?

    I think that Africa, the whole continent in general, is off quite a few peoples places-to-work-lists. If they (the companies / agencies) are that daft as to start cutting / stealing the coins from the lads, then, more power to them and see how long the jobs / vehicles will last!!!

    Don’t you think so Tak-dude? You still going there?

    ROVSKI, well said.


    UKPS at it again, ROVSKI is absolutely right. I have lost count of the jobs I have done through proffs on full travel and found UKPS guys on the same job on 50/60% travel.

    Tell your mate to insist on full travel or he will not go, end of.

    This really needs to be stopped, the agency who are supposed to be working for YOU, are lining their own pockets at your expense. It’s criminal. 👿


    scot your just a hammer head from the gulf of ol ye mexico… slippers and pipes brigade!! you moan if you cant get a ty-wrap sent out that day… now make that steak.. and coffee boy!

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