Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Stop all ROV work worldwide until Day rates are increased

Stop all ROV work worldwide until Day rates are increased

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Stop all ROV work worldwide until Day rates are increased

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    Calling all brave ROV souls out there, I hear all this talk about unions and pay rates but nothing gets done? Lets for once be united like the divers last year and STOP all ROV work world wide and get the day Rates increased 25% across the board.

    They are making a killing off us.

    It’s time to stop talking and lets take action, Let’s pick a date and stop all work.



    To all person’s please just don’t read this and walk away voice your thought and opinions as we will all benefit from an all ROV work stoppage.

    This is finally your chance to speak up and stop being the lowest paid profession in the offshore world.

    Let’s all unite and pick a day where all ROV operations around the world will come to a Halt for a 25% pay increase to all ROV positions.

    All ROV operators please support your employees when the time comes.



    Were not saying this work stoppage is going to start tomorrow, What we are looking to do is stop all ROV work just after the New year. Sometime around January.

    We need everyone’s support in this effort to make the difference. Even the big ROV operator’s out there like SS7, Technip, Oceaneering, Sonsub, Canyon, Dofsubsea, etc. Please support and keep your personnel advised to when a stoppage start’s. You the companies will also benefit from this work stoppage, it translate’s in to getting higher day rates for personnel and equipment.

    We will post on this website when the stoppage will occur. Everyone and anyone is free to make suggestions or comments.



    For those in Australia and are not yet aware, this came through a few days ago.

    MUA ROV Newsletter
    Number 1 – December 2007
    MUA and AMOU agree to work together…

    Following on from last week’s “Open Letter from the MUA to all ROV Workers” the MUA is happy to report on the positive progress resulting from this weeks meeting between Ian Bray from the MUA and senior national officials from the AMOU. That meeting occurred on Tuesday December 11th in Singapore and resulted in an outcome that will benefit all ROV workers in the industry.

    The MUA and AMOU have agreed to work constructively together to advance the wages and conditions of all ROV workers in Australian waters and part of that agreement includes the MUA having the ability to recruit and represent ROV workers. The 2 Unions have decided that only by working together can we achieve the best outcome for ROV workers in the offshore industry.
    ROV workers can now join MUA…

    The most significant outcome from this historic agreement between the 2 Unions is that ROV workers can now join the MUA and both Unions will work together to advance the industrial interests of ROV workers. The MUA looks forward to working hard to organise this industry and achieve success just as we did with the diver’s campaign. The MUA also congratulates the AMOU on it’s progressive stance in working with the MUA to achieve the best possible outcome for all ROV workers.
    Get on board…

    If you have not already done so make sure you contact Will Tracey on the email address below to add your contact details to the MUA contact list that already has in excess of 100 ROV workers on it. We need to work together to campaign hard and smart on wages and conditions that properly recognise and reward the contribution that ROV workers make to the huge amount of wealth that is being generated in the offshore oil and gas industry.

    MUA Contacts:
    Will Tracey wtracey@mua.org.au

    Ian Bray ianbray@mua.org.au

    Well worth considering before doing anything suggested here


    SAV, SGB

    The both of you gentleman sounds like real company men perhaps office jockeys at best? surely the Price of Cigarettes and a pint of Aberdeen’s finest have gone up in price? So why shouldn’t our day rates?

    Would you rather wait for Uni0n’s to step in a negotiate a rate for us and then have to pay Uni0n dues?

    Also lads when I refer to "we" this means that yes there is a group of us spread out on system’s in the GOM, North Sea, Africa, Canada, The Med and Asia.

    The idea behind "oilypipe" is that 10 of us all working in differents parts have the password. That way we can keep up on updating everyone on our goal of increasing everyone’s day rate to what should be the current level of pay for our highly technical ability.

    Sav and SGB please support your lads offshore. Don’t worry the 25% increase won’t affect your office bonus or your back handers.




    To All,

    The letter below has been sent appox. 100 people all from the major ROV operators and Hiring agency and pubilications.


    To All,

    You might have been following our ROV work Stoppage Worldwide campaign on http://www.rovworld.com ? Please make sure the appropriate people read this e-mail as it could save allot of people any serious problems.

    Now that we have your attention, we are a group of ROV workers who work for YOU. We don’t wish to disrupt business but due to the Oil Giants posting huge quarterly profits and the price of oil coming close to $100 US dollars a barrel, All ROV personnel have been getting ready for a Work stoppage all over the world on January 8th 2008. The ROV crews that will be offshore during this time will be encouraged not to launch there Vehicles until a 25% day rate increase for all levels. When all the ROV operators agree on paying there workers the increase please send us an e-mail to this address or you can make a public statement on your respective websites? When we have heard from all the companies involved ROV crew’s will be asked to go back or continue on with work.

    For all the company’s that wish to reply through this e-mail address, your response will be posted on http://www.rovworld.com so your employees will be able to see what companies are in support of a wage increase.

    The diving industry have done the same tactic last year successfully, you the ROV operator’s just have to pass this increase on to the oil companies. All of our focus is not on hurting you the operators but going for what we deserve to get paid. ROV workers need to be highly trained and skilled people and we should be paid accordingly.

    A copy of this letter will be posted on http://www.rovworld.com so that all of your workers can see that "Oilypipe" is committed and serious about the up coming ROV work stoppage. The group "Oilypipe" is made up of 10 offshore workers and we all have the password to this account and we are all offshore operating your equipment, We have at least one guy on each of the major ROV operators example Sonsub, Oceaneering, Fugro, SS7,Technip, DOfsubsea, Canyon and DMT. We are spread out all over the world, this way we could spread the word more efficiently.

    The other way for us to get the 25% increase would to bring in a Uni0n, like the Maritime Uni0n of Australia or RMT of the UK? None of us wish to take this route as it would cause more problems and hard feeling between the offshore workers and management, That way would also cost us allot more than the 25% that we are asking for.

    Please send this Letter to all your systems and inform all your workers to obey the work stoppage on January 8th 2008, If the oil companies don’t agree to pay the 25% day-rate increase. This is also a good opportunities for all the operator’s to raise there equipment day rates.

    Please support all of your workers if they are forced to carry out a ROV work stoppage.



    I bet all the companys are Sh****G themselves with the thought of such action.

    I hadn’t realised Arthur Scargill was now passing himself of as an ROV guy
    you have 2 HOPES BOB and NO.


    For F&*k’s sake,

    What a load of horse shit. If you are worth a 25% pay rise (or think you are) then go ask for one!! All this crap about global work stoppages and (the "group oilypipe") who do you think you are, a re-incarnation of Atilla the Hun on a new quest for world domination 😈 😈

    Maybe it is about time some of you got off your arse and started doing your job as well as you talk it, instead of crying about the fact your rate is £1 less than his, or there is no internet onboard, or the f^&kin’ bog paper is to rough 😯 😯

    Grow up, do your job to the best of your ability (regardless of you being "a company man" or a agency guy) Leave the cabins and workshops in good order for the next crew, not in a shit state cos you won’t be back etc 💡 😳

    The only way (in my humble opinion) to EARN your raise is to change the attitude of a lot of guys out there, that is going to be more difficult than your work stoppage etc as that means taking a look at how YOU do YOUR job.

    Rant over, gonna go to sleep now.

    Be good


    Well said Dog.

    If i’d been in a coma and just woke up i’d have sworn it was APRIL the 1ST 😆

    The problem at the moment seems to be that there are a lot of guys out there who think they are better than they are. ❗

    Ray Shields


    how about you start one thread about this and stick to it instead of posting the same message over and over in several threads, thats known as spamming.


    Provocative Subject material to say the least

    I say if your good enough you’ll get payed what your worth, this is relative of course, on an Individual Basis…..
    Before starting a Job YOU (as in "Indivual", that’s YOU by the way) hammer out YOUR dayrate and YOU live with it, not like some clowns who, when arriving on the job inccessently bitching and moaning about how they’re getting done hard by, but i digress

    Sure it would be nice to get a 25percent increase, I’d be a fool to say otherwise, But, there’s more than one way to skin a cat…

    Is this the right way to do this – (getting more from the Boss)

    Over the last two years, the rates have come steadily Up, good for us all, the rates will no doubt continue to go Up, thereby, good is now getting better…

    I can’t comment for any one else reading here, we all have our own agenda’s to consider, I’d have to say that I hope I’m not on your shift come the 8th January where YOU are the Supervisor, "Client wants to Launch, it’s your decision mate, I’m just the Tech"

    With respect to the Divers and their Pay deal/rise, what happened with the Uni0ns???…..Wouldn’t this be a better avenue, for all parties concerned?

    Someone mentioned Anarchy, and I Agree, sorry, you can count me out, I’ve worked too long in this Industry to have my name and work ethic compromised by something as suss as this
    Later 8)

    "Let clear heads Prevail"


    If you want more money ask for it.
    if you are any good you may get it.

    After 18 years i’m not going to upset anybody for someone else to get more money, i earn a very good wage thanks.

    if the money is not enough don’t go on the job!

    If your dayrate isn’t as high as another guy on the job chalk it up to experience. then on the next job you will have the same.


    Can we keep all the replies in the GENERAL FORUM from now on.

    I am enjoying the read and the responses but not the twoing and frowing, it’s far too much effort. 😉


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