Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Touchscreens & Video Window systems experiences

Touchscreens & Video Window systems experiences

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Touchscreens & Video Window systems experiences

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    I’m interested to hear any feedback that you folks out there have of Touchscreens & Video Window systems that are appearing in the new workclass systems (particularly UHD, XLX, etc.)

    Has anyone found a Video Window system that has an acceptable level of latency that doesn’t make Manip ops or flying feel a bit weird?

    Or how about ‘old skool’ switches vs. touchscreens?

    I know opinions are like @rseh0les but I’d like to hear them.



    Touchscreens are OK but it all depends on the software, ie how many times you need to press the screen to execute one command, how big the different buttons are, how many "pages" you have to flick through just to open a valve or turn on a light etc.
    I prefer a combination of touchscreen and switches, espesially for Rigmaster controll.

    With respect to video system, I am also interested in any solutions, I know for sure Avitec are not the system I would go for..


    xlx has small joysticks for 5F so not too bad!only thing i would like is a good old toggle for open/ close!! but thats just my preference!!
    lots of pages you can go through but only a few are required for ops stuff!!
    perry probably looked at the uhd and thought they needed the same information pages with their system!!
    touch screens on xlx are responsive and have worked fine up to now..
    a bit tellus on the finger makes them slide better:-))
    video system (media wall!) take a little bit of getting used to and is easy muck up if you don’t know what you are doing!!!


    glass cockpits are ok, but I don’t like the interface where the cursor tracks with the finger movement and doesn’t automatically go there and instantiates a "click".

    I’ve used the schilling system and it doesn’t move fast enough and there are some occasions where I feel like the button doesn’t respond positively enough. Sometimes I’m sure I’ve have to press twice!

    Scott Beveridge

    Touchscreens are OK but it all depends on the software, ie how many times you need to press the screen to execute one command, how big the different buttons are, how many "pages" you have to flick through just to open a valve or turn on a light etc.
    I prefer a combination of touchscreen and switches, espesially for Rigmaster controll.

    With respect to video system, I am also interested in any solutions, I know for sure Avitec are not the system I would go for..


    What part of a video system are you referring to? Switcher? Multiple DVD’s, etc? I agree having switches in parallel with the touch screen hyd functions to a certain extent. 100% redundancy would be nice but maybe not enough space to do so…

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