Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance UK and Non UK based Agencies Updated 16/05/2014

UK and Non UK based Agencies Updated 16/05/2014

Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance UK and Non UK based Agencies Updated 16/05/2014

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  • #35247
    Richard Browne

    I cant believe what some of the UK based agencies are offering in the way of day rates…Why would people even work for these rates?…People who do are destroying the industry slowly but surely..
    I received an email from a well know UK based agency for a trenching job in Norway..I thought I would reply to see what rates they are paying, and low and be-hold, the same rate they were paying 5 years ago..
    This is their reply..Note the client has "Set the rates" not the agency..

    This client has set rates. £395 plus 10% Norway uplift.

    Maybe these new tax laws will be good thing and see alot of these parasites collapse..


    I cant believe what some of the UK based agencies are offering in the way of day rates…Why would people even work for these rates?…People who do are destroying the industry slowly but surely..
    I received an email from a well know UK based agency for a trenching job in Norway..I thought I would reply to see what rates they are paying, and low and be-hold, the same rate they were paying 5 years ago..
    This is their reply..Note the client has "Set the rates" not the agency..

    This client has set rates. �395 plus 10% Norway uplift.

    Echidna, you are quite right. Feel free, (as well as anyone else) to add your ‘laughable’ adverts/emails from agencies here :


    Hopefully we can build a picture of the ones to avoid!

    Also, we are an agency that would like to offer transparency, so if you are wanting to know what we would be making, then we are more then happy to let you know. This, I feel would help our relationship with our contractors as they will know they are not getting ripped off.

    Stephen, what are you making?
    More than me I hope….standing on the streetcorners in Abz is a killa 😆


    Roy Simson

    After speaking to a few of the main line agency’s in the UK it would see they will be deducting about 40% from your day rate this is under PAYE .

    To give you some idea of what 40% is if rate is £520 a day your take home will be £312 , Need I say any more !

    Yes your will be told don’t worry your get some of it back , You wont know anything about this until you get back onshore and put your invoice in , By this time its to late .

    So as we have all ready stated work via only non UK based agency unless you want to be PAYE or limited company .


    Thanks Sedco !

    Andy Shiers



    To give you some idea of what 40% is if rate is £520 a day your take home will be £208 , Need I say any more !


    £208 will be deducted and your take home will be £312. Still shite.

    Richard Browne

    Where on earth do they come up with a 40% deduction from our dayrate, that is truly ridiculous…40%???

    Richard Browne

    And what do they mean by " Dont worry you will get some of it back" how,why,when ??
    You will get all of it back yes, if you qualify for SED, but NONE back if you dont ?..

    Roy Simson

    The problem is if the agency does not deduct money from you they are liable and will end up having to pay out of there own pocket . As for the 40% deductions this is because your be put on emergency tax .Because they do not have your tax code .

    Most of the work via agency’s is temporary your be be doing a few days here and a few months there so like I said your be put on emergency tax and before you say your provide your tax code I think to cover them self’s the agency will still put you on emergency tax .

    So when they have sorted out your tax code that could take some time your get a cheque in the post from the inland revenue .

    Now the agency will tell you any thing to get you out on the job and the tax is your problem not theirs so like we have all ready said " Do Not Work via UK Agency’s "

    Perhaps there is some other member of this forum who has been working via a UK based agency’s who could let us know first hand how much was deducted .


    Andy Shiers

    Nope , Sorry …………. I work for a UK Agency but I have my own company and everything is above board so I do not have any problems Nor do any of my Friends who also have their own companies ……………….. Which is a good thing ! 😀
    This should remove half the so called "Freelancers" on the market …………. Great news 😀

    Richard Browne

    Lostboy could you tell me ..Is it possible to still claim SED being a Ltd Company ?


    Andy Shiers


    Andy Shiers

    Refer to FaQ data

    Richard Browne

    Lost boy " Refer to FAQ data"….Please explain ?

    Andy Shiers

    Look on the site Navigation

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