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Visa problems

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    I am kinda stuck for about 6 days because my visa was screwed up by the Indian consulate in South Africa. The company I am working for approached me on the 17 of December and asked if I could get a business visa for India by 19 December. So on Friday 19 December I took a flight and went from Capetown to Johannesburg to get a emergency visa. Got there all in time but then was still waiting for the letter of invitation and letter from applicant’s company. This delay was cause by the Indian agency and not the company.

    As it is the embassy only takes visa application’s between 9 and 12 am. I only got the letters emailed to me by 12:30pm. But I went to the embassy in any case. By luck I got to talk to the Vise Chancellor and he agreed to give me a business visa. I gave him all the application forms and letters all in duplicate. So with my visa I got on a flight to India.

    This is where the problems started. Got to my port where I was supposed to board the ship. It turns out that the address written on my visa meant that I could only go through immigration in the city where the agency is. The visa was also an Employment Visa. Now what gets to me is on the applications forms there is no option for a business visa.

    I now have to reapply for a business visa. This has caused a delay of 6 days as the embassy is closed until Monday when I hope I can get a new visa issued.

    This is my first time to India and I had no idea that my visa was not a business visa and the fact that they said "yes you getting a business visa" at the embassy maid me not question the visa. I did look at it but unknowingly to me it all looked right.

    My question here is, has this happened to anyone else and how did you solve your visa problems. How did the company react to what happened.

    I really feel bad about this hole thing but I really believe it was not my fault. I am however trying my best to get the visa sorted as fast as possible. At this stage everyone is on holiday so I cant even get the company on the phone.

    Any advice and input on this will really be appreciated 🙁

    Hopefully this information could help someone else not doing the same thing in the future.

    Andy Shiers

    Savvi ,
    This is where you have to put your foot down about getting VISA’s 👿
    YOU are not the one that needs to sort this out ! They are ! No matter where you are , That is the Orifice’s Job !
    An Orifice employs many personnel to back-up , Accomodate or assist the Offshore personnel to / On and from the contract !
    That someone in the Orifice should be Sacked for being F#@king useless !
    If you are freelance then say I can go but you have to sort it out,
    I hope that you are not dealing with an agency in this because that is definateley their job to sort it out !
    On a different note , India is a shite place to work VERY Corrupt and smelly 👿 Why on earth would you want to volunteer to go to a shit-hole like that in the first place ?


    Tourist visa to India is about 1 day to get, business visa will take 5 working days, it did say business on my one.


    business visa will take 5 working days

    I think it’s five working days if you are non resident of the country you are applying in, 1 working day if you are resident.



    Is it possible to change the visa in India. The agency here told me to do it back in South Africa and they cant do it I must. Where would I need to go?
    Maybe they will help me faster then 5 days if i ask nicely.

    I just don’t want to sit in this damn hotel any longer.



    Savvi you are wasting your time. Nothing happens fast in India except for bowel movements. They just wobble their heads from side to side and say "yes, yes, sir" but do nothing. My advice, get out and never go back!!

    Andy Shiers

    I this for Bluestream ?

    James McLauchlan


    Is it possible to change the visa in India. The agency here told me to do it back in South Africa and they cant do it I must. Where would I need to go?
    Maybe they will help me faster then 5 days if i ask nicely.

    I just don’t want to sit in this damn hotel any longer.


    No matter what they hell is going on with your Visa you should be on day rate. If you are not then you need to consider this safety net prior to travelling in future. Locations like India/Africa are renowned for this and being on pay, from the day you travel, is your only insurance on this. Avoid jobs that will only pay from arrival at the offshore work site. I suspect this is what the deal is hear judging by your employers performance so far.

    Because there seems to be no drive, on the part of your employer to resolve this I am assuming that you are not on day rate. If they were paying you I am reasonably sure that the problem would be fixed by now.

    You need to call whomever employed you and tell them that they (Not you) need to fix the problem or you will be flying home. It will hurt them a little to have paid for flights and hotel costs without getting you offshore because the client (ONGC for example) will not reimburse them for mobilisation costs if you did not make it to the job through their lack of action on admin front.

    It is most definitely not your responsibility to fix this so tell the agency (whomever they may be) to get their act together and sort it or send you home.
    Give up being Mr Nice guy on this and put your foot down from this moment onwards, if you don’t they will jerk you around until next Christmas!

    On the other hand. If you are on day rate (which you damn well should be) and sitting in a nice hotel I can’t see where the problem is.

    best regards
    James Mc

    Scott Beveridge

    Once again James, it’s a matter which I’ve brought up quite a few times in several threads… Lads / lasses, please develope lg. brass cajones!!! Please be more demanding when it comes to your safety and basic rights as a worker. Speak up and shout if you have to – but PLEASE do it!!!!! If you don’t like it, pack your bags and walk off!

    YOU are the backbone of the company, YOU are in effect, paying the orifice wallies, YOU only have to answer to the CLIENT, CAPTAIN / SAFETY OFFICERS, and SHARE HOLDERS / DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY that you work for.



    Who is the agent you are through? (pm me if you prefer)?

    1/ Do you have the return part of your ticket?

    2/ are you on door to door rate? if so no problem!

    3/ If not get on the phone and kick up!

    4/ " The agency here told me to do it back in South Africa and they cant do it I must"

    I know what i would be saying to them and the second word would be off!!

    get out of there if you can…………(unless your on pay)

    Scott Beveridge


    Pay or not, there’s the basic rights of workers (as in most industries) that is usually overlooked in regards to the old adage "Just send me another box of …….. fill in your occupation here………" Hoddam! Git offa ma bahge!

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