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Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion What’s Around?

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    At the risk of a tirade of “why would you want to!!?”……a question for all you companies and operators out there.

    If…if, in this busy time where there’s an abundance of work, a Supervisor (though not excluding non Supv jobs) was considering looking around to see what was on offer if he commited to a company for a year or so, what kind of offers would there be around? Would there be, for instance, a guaranteed number of days paid? Where is your company based, where is the work and what kind of operations? etc etc. An indicator on the rate would be informative too 😉

    I’ll pass on any info the friend of mine who’s asking!!


    Ray Shields

    Payrates are all listed on the rates page here on ROVworld. Thats a very good indication.

    I doubt you are going to get replies from managers of Companies saying “this is what we offer” which is what your message sounds like you’re after.

    If you have an idea as to which company you are interested in, then Im sure people on here can tell you what that company offers in the way of T&Cs and work etc. But if you want someone to list all the companies and all the contracts they offer and all the types of work they do…etc.

    I know some companies DO offer guaranteed days (dayrate). The salary ones offer the salary and an offshore allowance for each day offshore, contracts tend to be based on 185 days (getting paid even more for any day worked more than that).

    Generally if you join a company you cannot say “I will only work in North Sea, I wont work W Africa; I wil only work on boats, I wont do Drill Support” etc. as even in these busy times they cannot take people on on that basis. If you want to do that, you need to go Agency.

    Get a job with a UK based office of whatever company, you will then be paid North Sea rates no matter where they send you in the world.


    I know where you’re coming from Ray. But, as they say where I come from, shy bairns get nowt.

    I did a year on one of these guaranteed days deals a few years back. Went ok but did have a few issues with clauses in subsequent contract offers. I’m not looking to become “employed” with any of the UK offices, as there are areas of the globe that I don’t particularly want to visit. Offices away from UK treat you better I’ve found.

    Anyway, like I said. Just thought I’d ask……

    Andy Shiers

    It boils down to …………………
    How long have ya been doing it , Are you competent in what you are doing and does your resume look impressive !
    If after a job the orifice thinks you have done an excellent contribution to their coffers , they may offer you a contract !
    Go by the rates in Rovworld should help ya.
    Good luck

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