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C-Innovation U.S. Payrates?

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates C-Innovation U.S. Payrates?

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    I was wondering if anyone knows the current average payrate C-Innovation hires at for U.S.-based ROV techs with about 1.5 years experience. I know that they do base salary plus offshore rate, but not sure what to expect to make with them. Thank you for any info.

    Scott Beveridge

    Go to the latest rates page and check all the GOM dayrates (recent) – otherwise I don’t know the rate for your grade…


    I checked the pay chart, and didn’t see chouest or c-innovations anywhere on there.

    Scott Beveridge

    Correct… What I mean is to use the numbers you see in the table and use them to BASE your pay demands upon them (the co.).


    I guess where my confusion comes in is about what a good combo of base/hourly is. Also, kind of unrelated, This is the firdt time I feel experienced enough to possibly negotiate my rate. Do most companies lowball with offers, or is it a fairly good standards? My last company I know I got lowballed.

    Thank you for taking the time to help me out

    Scott Beveridge

    Most companies will try it on ya’. If you have a good rep. then try it on them!


    Does anyone know anything about this company, C-INNOVATIONS, do they have a lot of work?, contracts, etc.


    I heard that they work 4 weeks on – 2 off.

    that’s not good !

    James McLauchlan

    I heard that they work 4 weeks on – 2 off.

    that’s not good !

    What’s not good about that? That type of rotation would suit a number of people quite well.

    For a day rate (freelance) person that’s not a bad rotation if it’s just local travel (in the same country/area).

    If you are on a flat rate salary then it’s a different matter as you would be on the losing (not ‘loosing’) end of the deal.


    I wouldn’t mind being the ‘back to back’ I could have four weeks off and two weeks on… Not a bad rotation.. but 6 off and 2 on would be perfect 🙂

    Ray Shields

    I wouldn’t mind being the ‘back to back’ I could have four weeks off and two weeks on… Not a bad rotation.. but 6 off and 2 on would be perfect 🙂

    As I only did 111 days in the last year I’m kind of that rotation! Tho it wasnt regular trips 🙂

    Scott Beveridge

    I wouldn’t mind being the ‘back to back’ I could have four weeks off and two weeks on… Not a bad rotation.. but 6 off and 2 on would be perfect 🙂

    Hey D,

    I’ll do the 6 (for a little while…) say 3 trips… got one yet? Ah, to be a man of leisure again….


    Hi, My name is Casey Nelton. I am the National Recruiter for C-Innovation. If you guys have any questions please ask. I will give you a direct answer. Thank you. By the way just incite a Superintendent position just opened for an immediate fill.

    Anyway if your interested or just need info you can reach me at my desk phone at 985-612-3365.

    Ray Shields

    Hi, My name is Casey Nelton. I am the National Recruiter for C-Innovation. If you guys have any questions please ask. I will give you a direct answer. Thank you. By the way just incite a Superintendent position just opened for an immediate fill.

    Anyway if your interested or just need info you can reach me at my desk phone at 985-612-3365.

    In that case are you able to say what the payrates that C-Innovation are offering for different grades.

    Or is it the usual "we will discuss it with you" ?


    The pay rates are individual based. Depending on what you bring to the table. What I can tell you is that we are fare. We are making sure that we are hiring people that want to be a part of C-Innovation for the right reasons. We know that everyone works to take care of there families. But we want to make sure that the people that we are hiring are willing to be a part of an organization to uphold the professionalism and heart that Chouest has made in the industry. I invite who ever is interested in being a part of our company to give me a call or email me.

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