Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates C-Innovation U.S. Payrates?

C-Innovation U.S. Payrates?

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates C-Innovation U.S. Payrates?

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  • #22067
    Ray Shields

    The pay rates are individual based. Depending on what you bring to the table. What I can tell you is that we are fare. We are making sure that we are hiring people that want to be a part of C-Innovation for the right reasons. We know that everyone works to take care of there families. But we want to make sure that the people that we are hiring are willing to be a part of an organization to uphold the professionalism and heart that Chouest has made in the industry. I invite who ever is interested in being a part of our company to give me a call or email me.

    So are you saying there is no pay structure, people are all paid different rates depending on experience, qualifications etc. You must surely have a band of pay for each grade e.g. Supervisor $30-60k base salary. Are you not able to give an indication of what these bands are?

    Surely a professional company would have such a structure in place and be transparent rather than playing the games of "dont talk about pay" game some do in order to get people on the cheap.

    What you consider fare (sic) is not what others would consider fair.

    Do you also pay different rates also depending on Nationality?

    cheers, Ray

    Joe Nixon

    Ray, your money depends on your negotiation skills from what I’ve seen so far. From everyone i know working for them (ive been here a year) they havent short changed anyone. I came from OII and got well more than what i was asking in my first offer. I know this is vague mate, but its the best i ccan really do for you. hope it helps.


    David Stevens

    Ray, your money depends on your negotiation skills from what I’ve seen so far. From everyone i know working for them (ive been here a year) they havent short changed anyone. I came from OII and got well more than what i was asking in my first offer.

    I have been with C-I and I can say that I got about a 40% pay increase compared to what SonSub was paying me. I was hired on as a Senior Tech with 3 years under my belt. I also agree that it has a lot to do with how well you negotiate and how well you sell yourself. I don’t want to hear anything from all you old timers that think your still a green hat until you get 5 years in the game. I already work circles around most of the guys who have been doing this for ten years. With all the new tech on these subs, us younger guys have an edge on the old school guys. Remember, you pay a lot less for dial up than you do DSL.

    Andy Shiers

    Oh dear 😕
    Here we go again 🙄
    It smells of the Old Bull and the Young Bull standing on the hill looking down at the females in the pasture 8)
    The young bull says .. "Lets run down the hill and maybe catch a couple of females and have our wicked way with them"
    The Old bull says " You have a lot to learn about life sonny , Too petulent and TOO inexperienced ! , Why don’t we STROLL down the hill and have them all ! "

    David Stevens

    Oh dear Confused
    Here we go again Rolling Eyes
    It smells of the Old Bull and the Young Bull standing on the hill looking down at the females in the pasture Cool
    The young bull says .. "Lets run down the hill and maybe catch a couple of females and have our wicked way with them"
    The Old bull says " You have a lot to learn about life sonny , Too petulent and TOO inexperienced ! , Why don’t we STROLL down the hill and have them all ! "

    I think you missed my point there old timer. I am attempting to convey that us younger guys who are a little more techno savvy are gonna pick up the newer more advanced ROVs. Specifically the Schilling UHD that C-I uses. So far, I have seen that most the older guys with decades of time on the job fumble around with the new fancy touchscreens and computer network based telemetry systems. It’s like giving your grandpa an iPhone. Therefore we are going to advance through the ranks faster now than you guys did back in the day. It’s a new era and the world is changing, whether you like it or not. I’m not saying that there isn’t any wisdom to be gleaned from experience. I just feel that us younger guys are more adept at understanding new technology.


    Back to C-Innovation pay rates…….. Rotation for techs?? 😉

    James McLauchlan

    Oh dear Confused
    Here we go again Rolling Eyes
    It smells of the Old Bull and the Young Bull standing on the hill looking down at the females in the pasture Cool
    The young bull says .. "Lets run down the hill and maybe catch a couple of females and have our wicked way with them"
    The Old bull says " You have a lot to learn about life sonny , Too petulent and TOO inexperienced ! , Why don’t we STROLL down the hill and have them all ! "

    I think you missed my point there old timer. I am attempting to convey that us younger guys who are a little more techno savvy are gonna pick up the newer more advanced ROVs.

    So convey the point by starting a new thread on the subject rather than hi-jack this topic which is discussing:

    C-Innovation U.S. Payrates?

    David Stevens

    Rotations are going to depend on where you’re working. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking Chouest is going to ever do away with the 4 on, 2 off schedule. They only seem to do that if the have to because the client demands it, or for guys working overseas.

    Also, I’m sorry about getting a little off topic.


    Oh I’ve got a brand new puppy here perfect!!
    I’ve been watching the the posts with great interest and this one deserves a mention only for the fact if you were not USA this might be a post on Norway doing their 2 on 4 off rotation and at least double the dollar by exchange rate!!! Hey keep the posts coming "Linford" (Just for the English that one)!

    Scott Beveridge


    So just humor me for a moment please… You guys are actually working 8 months a year for $100K BEFORE TAX, in Brazil – where you lose a day and a half on each side of your hitch for travel (losing time off…), and you’re happy with this???? Do you not believe there is better than this??? I’m assuming you’re not married…

    David Stevens


    So just humor me for a moment please… You guys are actually working 8 months a year for $100K BEFORE TAX, in Brazil – where you lose a day and a half on each side of your hitch for travel (losing time off…), and you’re happy with this???? Do you not believe there is better than this??? I’m assuming you’re not married…

    Well as I mentioned before in another post. $100K a year is doing pretty damn good in the states. Also for us that are over seas, we are not subject to the 4 and 2 rotation, we get paid a high hourly rate and we get paid for out travel time. The travel back to the States is 10 hours, but only across 3 time zones, not 7 to the North Sea. As far as being happy with it, well sure, I’d like to make more money. Who doesn’t want to make more? do I think it’s worth more? Maybe, Maybe not. Depends on how pissy the Dutch are being. I’m guessing that more of the posters here on this website are not American and have no clue about living in the States. I won’t go off on a nationalistic tangent about how America is, but I will say in our economy, where stuff isn’t ridiculously expensive (depending on where in the States you live), $100K+ a year is doing good. Compared to the peanuts I used to make doing a more stressful job, for less time off, longer shifts, no OT and having to commute to work everyday, this job might as well be a promotion to royalty. Heck, at Saipem, I was making less than $100K and I was still living good. I can C-I pays better than Saipem, OI, and Canyon. Lastly, I don’t see what being married has to do with anything. As I said, I live a comfortable life on the amount of money I make.

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