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Companies’ priority

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    Just wondering, I see a lot of PTs, "Supervisors" and even trainees coming out of Europe/Americas from companies like SS7, Oceaneering, Sonsub etc to work in Africa and quite frankly very little hiring of Africans themselves and yet Africans cannot go work in Europe/America offshore waters.

    Its time a body be formed exclusively to take oil producing governments to task regarding company allocation slots and the rights of Africans. The very few of us working offshore need more than a wake-up call.

    Andy Shiers

    You jest Surely Sir 😕
    There are a few Afro chappies in the Industry but of American or European stock , not that many native because they still have that Native / Tribal attitude which are the wrong characteristics that the OIL Industry uses ! Putting it politely that is . 😯

    James McLauchlan

    Just wondering, I see a lot of PTs, "Supervisors" and even trainees coming out of Europe/Americas from companies like SS7, Oceaneering, Sonsub etc to work in Africa and quite frankly very little hiring of Africans themselves and yet Africans cannot go work in Europe/America offshore waters.

    Its time a body be formed exclusively to take oil producing governments to task regarding company allocation slots and the rights of Africans. The very few of us working offshore need more than a wake-up call.

    By all means form the type of body you mention, but in so doing be fully aware that this industry is very much driven by the ‘survival of the fittest’ by that I mean: Those that have the knowledge and drive to get the job done, to the satisfaction of a discerning client, will be the ones being offered the work.
    I have seen evidence of governments forcing local labour to be used on projects but if the locals were any good at this kind of work there would be no need for that approach.

    You simply can’t force a client to accept local labour, no matter which part of the world, no matter which nationality, if the local people are not up to scratch. This applies anywhere in the world.

    The same applied in the North sea years ago when the first offshore drilling started. The place was awash with Americans because they were the ones that could drill, or had any experience at it. Eventually the locals (Brits) got the idea and took over but it was a while coming.

    I’m sure your fellow countrymen will do the same…… given time.

    and yet Africans cannot go work in Europe/America offshore waters.

    To the best of my knowledge there is no law preventing Africans working in European/American offshore waters.
    I believe anyone can work in those areas as long as they have the required work permits/visas. The same laws apply to Europeans and Americans working in other areas.


    Funny thing that….The OCM thats just left is from Africa………….as is the sub eng working for us………….
    The amount of work in Africa just now means you will need to outsource manpower.supply and demand……….
    Now if the govenments would stop siphoning the proceeds from oil you might get somewhere:-)))


    Piper i take it you`ve never worked in the north sea??
    you`ll find loads of african nationals working there. In the last few months i`ve worked with Tunisian`s, Egyptian`s, South Africans all in rov roles with Nigerians in survey and client rep Roles.
    You will find a high number of foreign nationals working in british waters which all comes down to supply and demand, ability to do the job.
    You will find this in any world wide industry.


    Piper wrote:

    Its time a body be formed exclusively to take oil producing governments to task regarding company allocation slots and the rights of Africans. The very few of us working offshore need more than a wake-up call.

    Here we go again. I’m tired of hearing this Affirmative Action call from Africans. You have the full right to compete on an equal basis and not that of your skin colour, geographic accident of birth location or ethnicity. Get rid of the thieving colonialists attitude, adopt a positive can do attitude, get rid of your insecurities and government protectionist requirements and you might get somewhere.

    At present in West Africa certain companies are forced to have local people employed by the local governments. This is in spite of the locals inferior education, qualifications and resultant work ability. The African work ethic is also questionable in some individuals who believe they are owed an existence because the colonialists "robbed" their countries while providing them with an infrastructure of roads, schools, education, electricity, sewage, water supply and a myriad of other neccesities of modern life that the indigenous population is now destroying through neglect due to the African work ethic and cultural practices.

    Africans cannot go work in Europe/America offshore waters.

    Rubbish. I know of many Africans who have left the "I need protection/special care" attitude behind and work in European and Asian waters on an equal competitive basis to their colleagues and not on the protected status basis I have seen in West Africa. Its difficult for anyone other than Americans to work in American waters. Believe me, working with them can be trying.

    Don’t believe all that political revolutionary claptrap designed to stir you up for someone else’s nefarious purposes.

    Oh, sorry, did I mention that I am African?


    We have 2 Nigerian PT1s on board the Subsea Viking in the north sea , they are competant guys.Both live in Aberdeen and do not want to wrk in africa due to lousy standards and wages.


    It doesn’t matter where you come from. Competancy,solid work ethic and the ability to communicate are what’s required. Qualities that are lacking in people of all ethnic backgrounds.


    Thanks James:

    I have seen evidence of governments forcing local labour to be used on projects but if the locals were any good at this kind of work there would be no need for that approach.

    You simply can’t force a client to accept local labour, no matter which part of the world, no matter which nationality, if the local people are not up to scratch. This applies anywhere in the world.

    Piper, the purpose of companies is to maximise profits. So, if they can fly a local a short distance offshore instead of an expat on an expensive long haul flight to do a job to their standards and satisfaction and save the long haul flight cost, don’t you think they would?

    Companies are not in the expat charity business.


    I’m tired of hearing this Affirmative Action call…

    As a 1/2 breed Native American ("Red Indian" for those of you who forget Columbus thought he was in the West Indies…thus calling us "Indians") with hair to my waist, barely out of "savagery" and having worked on every continent excluding Africa; I consider "Affirmative Action" best exampled in it’s usefulness as the "action" within a firearm…"doesn’t work and can’t be fired."

    Get off your pathetic tribal arses, get an education that teaches you what to do with your hands besides hold them out and get a job. Handouts are for mentally beaten Abo’s hiding behind yesteryear’s old news, not indigenous peoples with a gram of pride!

    p.s. To all Yank Cowboys, Rednecks, Coonarses, etc: Custer died for your sins…LOL!

    Andy Shiers

    😆 Now that………………………… is funny 😆 😆 😆

    Benny Edelman

    I met few non-white South African pilots and supervisors in places other then Africa. They did well although they had no special privileges or government protection.
    Any African who is good at his job, has the right qualifications and speaks good English will have a good chance to get work anywhere in the oil industry.

    Scott Beveridge

    Had a Nigerian SDPSO on the last job – heavy currents and demands from us – within the contract safety parameters. No problems if you went through the PROPER COMMUNICATIONS protocols and actually verified / confirmed any or all actions requested either way. Re: try not to slur your words dudes and TRY to slow the FARQ down when you try to talk (re: don’t try to talk faster than yourself!!!!!!!!!!!) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I duuunnna tek lek dat!!!!!! Farqikin English….. Nuff sezd….


    Hey piper, ❗ ❗

    That attitude may work in south africa, but please dont even think about it working anywhere else. Governments of oil-producing countries dont give a toss about your skin colour or background, just so long as the industry still keeps working and getting the job done. To do this, people who can do the job (regardless of colour or country of origon) are used by companies who are contracted to do the work required to keep the oil flowing.

    Drop the "I am at a disadvantage" attitude, get your head down and work hard at your job, keep your company happy with your services and let that, not your skin colour/nationality keep you employed.


    Trouble is that for every local guy you get who is motivated, educated and skilled there are a dozen hangers on. They have been hired cos their uncle is the boss. Or cos they are cheap and there is some national percentage clause in the contract.. So these unmotivated lumps end up replacing a useful guy and leave the team shorthanded. This = pissed off crew.. I’ve worked with guys of all nationalities some good some bad and some hopeless.. In the end it will come down to whether you can do the job, fit in well and are good value for money. Lets not kid ourselves if the companies could replace all us expensive expat types with cheap labour from Eastern Europe or China with no loss of production they would… In my time I have had to train dozens of trainees.. and the same is true for all of them irrespective of race, colour or creed… If they coud do the job they were accepted.. If they were a useless c*** they weren’t required back… Of course personality and personal hygiene are also very important.. Nobody wants to sit in the shack for 12 hrs with a bloke stinking of B.O or looking at a miserable face..

    So before all the apologists and politically correct types start waving ‘the racist card’ it isn’t about race… An ROV team is a close knit thing and there needs to commonality and respect amongs it’s members to function effectively..

    PS: Heard a rumour that Sonsub now has a African National trainee on every shift aboard the S3000 ? and that their other vessels will soon follow suit… Wonder if this is because they genuinly want to train and emancipate Africans or because they only cost 400 quid a Month and Sonsub can’t keep expat staff cos their payrates are sh*te ?

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