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Early Mid-life crisis career cahnge

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Early Mid-life crisis career cahnge

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    I would like to try and find out more about how to make a career in ROV indusrty.
    I am an electrician by trade, who for the last 4 years has travelled around teaching scuba diving.
    Now I am ready for another challenge and would like to link my former trade and current profession, if possible.
    I have tried to find out about training courses, career prospects etc, but can’t find anything adequate. This site has been the most informative, but I still can’t find the information.
    Can someone please advise me on where I can find information for ROV training and careers.



    just a hint you can go back in and edit! if your wanting help correct spelling is a starter! especially in the "subject"

    sparky… well done mate!

    diver …. boo!

    joking! regards



    Subsea 7 i-tec and fugro are looking for trainees at the moment, nowadays they seem to look for HNC/HND or some one with a trade background like yourself. As long as your not a twin and earth whippet you should get a look in. However dont expect to earn a lot of money, the starting money is low by sparks standards, its not until supervisor level that the money improves somewhat. Bear in mind you can make a damn good wage as a spark offshore. As long as money is not your main concern, go for it. Avoid spending extortionate amounts of money on training courses that promise the earth. If a company wants you and sees your potential you will get all that training for free and get paid for the pleasure.

    Best of luck.

    P.S. All the best to Freddie Mercurys folks if you happen to bump into them in Zanzibar.


    Oh nooooo, not more competition. 😯

    Go on, get back on the building site. 😈


    Sorry Woody, I didn’t mean it. 😀

    Try Sonsub as well, they sent me an invite for a interview today, so there looking as well.

    I’m in the same boat as you, near mid life (not that near) and in dire need of something interesting to do. I’ve just been taken on by Fugro (pending references) and that seems to be the best way to get a start.

    The ROV courses don’t seem to benefit your job chances. Perseverance is the key. Keep plugging, but don’t push too hard, Oceaneering aren’t talking to me now coz I pestered them a bit too much. 😳

    Good luck.


    Scott Beveridge


    Early mid-life crisis career change??? Are you expecting a long-term mid-life crisis????

    This site has a plethora of info and links….

    See also Ron’s ROV links

    Schools? Read the forum man! Or "RFM"



    just a hint you can go back in and edit! if your wanting help correct spelling is a starter! especially in the "subject"

    sparky… well done mate!

    diver …. boo!

    joking! regards



    lovely woody!

    best of luck……

    Andy Shiers


    Ray Shields

    Woody, the scuba diving will not help with getting an ROV job – you dont actually NEED to go in the water. Ive never understood why divers think this means they can automatically do ROVs.

    The electrical will. However if you aint done it for 4 years then that will count against you, you need to have techical qualifications AND experience.

    Likewise, doing ROV training courses ON THEIR OWN, will not get you in, technical background, technical experience AND a training course might make that wee bit of difference.

    Good luck anyways.

    Andy Shiers

    Were you ever a career officer , Ray ?

    Ray Shields

    No, but I was kicked out of the Diplomatic Corps…

    Bill Evans

    Hi Woody, good luck breaking into the industry – it is a good one despite some of the sarky comments you will read in here.

    By the way, despite the comments to the contrary, doing a course will generally increase your chances of employment. It certainly does in Australia.




    The course will not increase the chance to get a job only in Australia but in America too. Worked for me and for few friends.
    Good luck

    Andy Shiers

    Courses are good woody 🙂
    Just try the universities or better still Open university.
    Get those qualifications in Hydraulics or electrickery and the world is your oyster 🙂
    Good luck

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