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Fugro – Rovtech pay rates?

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Fugro – Rovtech pay rates?

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    I think there are good and bad points for both but obviously the people who have left this great nation to live abroad but still feel a need to take jobs off British companies hence stealing the jobs of the good tax paying public of this great and mighty nation would benefit from day rate.

    Wrote Substandard37

    then again there are some who live abroad but still pay British tax, then claim it back at the end of the year in much the same way as a lot of the rest of you through the Seafarers tax rebate. People in glass houses…

    Andy Shiers

    Shouldn’t let off mk 6 thunderflashes 😀


    Sarcy as one of the few offshore workers who has never got there tax rebate I would not know but as always if you fish for a bite you can normally catch an Ex-pat on the subject of tax..


    I was suppose to start at the start of this tax year but have been away with Hallin for a couple of jobs in South Africa and the GOM so I now only just in a position to reaproach F-R. Orly was supposed to fire me a contract accross but this obviously got lost in the to do list pile I will give them a ring and see what is happening.


    hello ray
    It appears that you really are a donkey ❓ , Ten grand pay rise my arse.

    are you on a fugro recruitment drive or just after a management job or are you already in it.

    before you reply with the three L`s I`ve already chosen the later of the three.

    Cheers try telling the truth to people???


    Obviously you are having second thoughts about your decision, and are trying to make yourself feel better by trying to convince yourself that no-one would get pay rises of the scale that we have. When you take into account the salary, day rate, and loyalty bonus increase, those of us who have been loyal to the comany for numerous years are substantially better off. Looking at my P60 from last year and the minimum I will earn this year, I am 10 grand better off plus some.

    It would probably be best in future if you found out the facts before you started voicing your worthless opinion. maybe you are working with Prophet, and you have formed some sort of alliance with him, but if you choose to bury your head in the sand with him and ignore the truth, that is your choice.

    Hope you are happy wherever you are…..I certainly am, and spend my time counting the brass!!!!!

    J Deans

    After their harmonisation I hear the payrates are

    Pilot (4 grades), Salary £17k-£24k, Offshore allowance £80-£110

    Supervisor (2 grades), Salary £26k-£27k, Offshore allowance £145-155

    SubEng (3 grades), Salary £26k-£29k, Offshore allowance £130-£150

    Superintendent (3 grades), Salary £30k-£36.5k, Offshore allowance £170

    Plus loyalty bonus after 3 years on an increasing scale
    Plus bonus after 170 days work

    Isnt that considerably more than Rovtech were on? 😀


    So just lets get the maths straight here?
    Oceaneering for example (one of the lowest payers going) working on the 183 day principle for a supervisor will be:-
    £350 p/d = £64050 p/a gross Sup + 6.5% 3 year loyalty bonus
    As opposed to Fugro/RT
    27k + £155 p/d = £55,365

    Why is anyone salary these days explain what £8,685 of benefit you get that would make anybody come on board because thats a lot of dental/medical or supposed job security to fork out for every year????

    J Deans

    Well for a start, I think an Oceaneering Supervisor is the same level as a Fugro RT Superintendent 2 in their overall grading. So that would work out about the same.

    Second, Oceaneering is 90% West Africa!

    Third, well, its Oceaneering!


    and the pension too.

    Why salary? Some of us have some sort of loyalty to one company and the people we work with rather than flitting around.


    The Fugro salary is based on 170 day’s not 183, so it’s £29000 for 183 day’s.


    It has to be 183 days or your loosing 12-15 grand tax as well or you’ve got drill support job only. Thats a lot for a non index linked pension to make up and as for loyality to a company sarcy you’ve got to be kidding right!!!! Shirley you dont mean that!!
    I personally would like to see everyone on day rate and I mean day rate staff not agency then thats everyone on an equal footing and not some people feeling that because they earn less money they can berate/be crap/comand the boss’ ear/Feck things etc etc and still feel safe in their position because to get anyone else would cost the company more loot!!
    I only used Oceaneering as a poor example to highlight crap salary positions.


    now the figures are out the bitchin starts eh 😕

    you’ll find that fugro want to try an remove people on existings day rate contracts to salary although this will have to done of own free will, not forced,probably one reason they tried to not pay dayraters the loyalty bonus (although this was eventually over ruled).

    myself i’m glad there is choice of salary and dayrate, some people will chase the fast buck (dayrate) others want security (salary), yes there are some perks to salary eg health scheme, pension but are these options open to current dayraters in fugro aswell?

    i guess on the lower rates PT1 etc… there is noticeable diffrence between salary and dayrate incomes over 183 days, but the higher the scale you go eg Supt1 then then 183 days works out to be a pretty good rate as 13 of those days are bonus.


    For the 203 days i did last year i got 66grand.
    for the same ammount of days this year i will get 80grand!!
    That includes the loyalty bonus plus bonus for the days over 170 which is a good bit extra to the old 183.
    Whos complaining certainly not me!
    Its a case of sour grapes all round plus guys who dont add the figures up correctly.


    I guess from that you are some supt grade of what ever the equivilent normal supervisor anywhere else is or an actual pen pusher sort offshore not sure but by Dino’s figures thats
    28,900 for 170 days @ £170 + £36.5K basic not inc tax unless you’re on a boat then its 183 days or you will pay tax on that gross figure which if you are construction then thats not a bad end result 80K for 200 days!!!! The Oceaneering supv only gets 70K 200 days on an equiv Vessel @ £350p/d
    Sweet rover37


    Sausage wrote:

    It would probably be best in future if you found out the facts before you started voicing your worthless opinion. maybe you are working with Prophet, and you have formed some sort of alliance with him, but if you choose to bury your head in the sand with him and ignore the truth, that is your choice.


    Apptly named contains all the offal and crap nobody wants!

    The prophet made his decision and left for better pastures as foe Edge ithought he was working with Bono and Adam! 😆


    JB2 do you have any idea what you are talking about when it comes to getting tax back? Because it does not sound like you do. 183 days? Construction? I worked 183 days offshore last year therefore give me my tax back – not that simple, did you forget about your foreign port call? 210 days offshore in the North Sea with no foreign port call is possible therefore no tax back. There are other jobs on vessels too – dive support or platform and pipeline inspection to name a couple.

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