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Gordon Brown Guilty of Treason ?

Home Forums General General Board Gordon Brown Guilty of Treason ?

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    From Wiki, "In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of disloyalty to one’s sovereign or nation"

    Gordon Brown is a complete idiot a ballon of the highest inflation but could he actually be guilty of treason, given his willfull destruction of UK economy while Chancellor and PM ?

    He stole our futures by raping our pensions and has now completely bankrupted the country, destroying our present.

    Is he a criminal or just criminally inept ?


    He is a criminal, incompetant arrogant arsehole, deaths too good for him , he shouild be cut into little pieces and buried alive.


    He is a criminal, incompetant arrogant [banned word], deaths too good for him , he shouild be cut into little pieces and buried alive.

    Surely the act of cutting him into little pieces would prevent his subsequent burial alive.

    Andy Shiers

    I think he should be made to open up his secret bank accounts and give ALL his money to the state , His houses given to the state and to wear a placard around his neck to walk around London until he drops dead !
    Oh , 😀 The Placard would read …………….. Gordon is a MORON 😀


    Nero fiddled whilst Rome burned…… ….history has a wonderful habit of repeating itself !

    Andy Shiers

    Yeah but at least the Plebs were able to Kill the barsteward 8)
    Not much chance of lynching Brown is there 😕


    Who voted for the reprobate anyway???????

    What a system we have in the UK! If the current PM has enough, he simpley hands over power to the most willing candidate, or rather his mate who he promissed the position to after the "joker" party was re-elected.

    Too much under the table dealings in UK politics, AND WE STAND FOR IT!

    I don’t suppose ethnic English, Scotish, Welsh, NI, gave the majority vote for them anyway, but thats another story, and maybe another argument for charge of treason to the whole of the incompetent Labour party.


    I don’t know who to quote on this one, but it was someone very old and hopefully far uglier than I.

    "you elect the government you deserve". Took me a while for that one to sink in, but I get it now.


    What about all the speculative investors that pushed the price of oil to unseen amounts??
    Or the banking leaders who presided over years of mismanagement only to get bailled out by the humble tax payer(again).
    I think we should have a cull and knock off a few of these big bonus grabbing monkeys!!!!
    Save the tax payer some money…..
    viva la revolution!!!!

    Andy Shiers

    Bring out the Guillotine 😀
    First motto !
    You get what you put in !
    You don’t put in …………………. Get out !
    All slackers to be put on a sinking vessel and sent to the west 😀
    All MP’s given a probation period of six months ! No delivery after that then they have all their toys taken away and they get put in a home…………. And spanked ………………………. 🙄
    ‘Ang on 😕 They would probably like that !
    Filled with the latest drugs on the market and used as guineapigs in a government research station 😀
    ‘Ang on 😕 They would probably like that too 😯
    Shoot them ?
    Nahhhhh , Lynch the barstewards 😈


    I am quite happy with a public hanging for some of the more heinous crimes committed by the guilty culprits.:-)
    We could be onto something here- live televised lynchings!!
    It would make a fortune!!!
    On second thoughts it would probably be stuck on F*****g Murdochs Sky box offfice and shown at 4 in the morning for the foreign audience…
    A Bush/Brown double bill would pull a fair crown though……that I am sure!!!!!
    We can live in hope though!!!!

    Andy Shiers

    Everybody gets in on the act 🙂
    Celebrity Lynching 😀

    Ray Shields

    What about all the people who borrowed money they had no way to pay back?

    What about all the people that bought houses they couldn’t really afford?

    What about all the people who decided to cash in and overcharge what their house was really worth?

    What about all those who wanted more money from their investments or returns from the money they put in stocks and shares?

    What about those who wanted to use more and more energy and not worry where it was coming from?

    There are a lot more of them than there is of him. And it is all their fault as well.

    Andy Shiers

    Lynch the whole bloody lot !


    He is a criminal, incompetant arrogant [banned word], deaths too good for him , he shouild be cut into little pieces and buried alive.

    Surely the act of cutting him into little pieces would prevent his subsequent burial alive.

    Not if its done properly, using surgical methods.

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