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- This topic has 34 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 4 months ago by
November 5, 2010 at 3:55 pm #28787
James McLauchlan
ParticipantTo the best of my knowledge, as of yet, the IROVA has not been formed officially.
I would guess once that happens a badge/logo will be dealt with.. along with all sorts of other massively more important issues.November 5, 2010 at 5:36 pm #28788luckyjim37
ParticipantThat is very true. There are some serious issues like what type of biscuits to have at the first meeting.
Joking aside the idea seems to have gone fairly quiet are there any updates on where the concept is at?
Maybe if there are some sticking points it would be an idea to put them out there and see if anyone has a solution or idea for moving it forward?
I think there is every reason why this should succeed over a Uni0n as it is the opportunity to give the industry a bit of recognition as a serious body in the offshore community.
November 5, 2010 at 9:32 pm #28789Anonymous
GuestI didn’t think this IROVA was going to be a union ? Thought more like an ROV club 8)
November 6, 2010 at 2:35 am #28790thomas
ParticipantGuys the IROVA is still working away in the background.Like others we,who are working on it are also working at our various jobs right now.
I know its taking a bit of time but it will come to fruition quite fast when all the bits and pieces come together.
I haven’t been posting much for discussion as there are so many things to be done without the need.
It would be of great benefit if all those good people who are supporting this idea could stimulate discussion of any aspect they think should be considered for inclusion in our association.
This in turn would save time at a later date when we get up and running.
Best Regards to all.
November 6, 2010 at 10:26 am #28791James McLauchlan
I think there is every reason why this should succeed over a Uni0n as it is the opportunity to give the industry a bit of recognition as a serious body in the offshore community……….I didn’t think this IROVA was going to be a union ? Thought more like an ROV club 8)
If you take a closer look at what was written by luckyjim37 you will note that he said succeed over a union not be a union.
So you are quite correct in thinking that the IROVA is not going to be a union.
November 6, 2010 at 12:11 pm #28786Andy Shiers
ParticipantAnd if you look really closely at the letters, you will find the letter A at the end which denotes association.
The word association means …….group ,alliance ,band ,club ,organisation, federation or society BUT not union,
The same as IMCA or AODC. the difference is this is to do with Submersibles and not divers or ………… marine crew or train drivers
I hope this clears up the misunderstanding once and for all.
Tea anyoneNovember 7, 2010 at 1:23 pm #28792Anonymous
GuestWell hope the irovA works out for you guys . As for me I,m not really interested , more than happy with my lot & in the end in this game for mememe! I’m alright jack as they say, plenty work plenty$ & great conditions so see no need to join a club which in essance is a talking shop with no teeth.
November 8, 2010 at 1:59 am #28793KeyserSoze
ParticipantThank you once again AsianStallion for giving us the true measure of your character.
November 9, 2010 at 11:49 am #28794TEAMJBR
ParticipantI was wondering how the association were going to vet or police the members prior to joining.
If for example you need to give copies of indentures certs quals and not a fake/inflated CV how will this info be secured and checked?It begs the question if you have no relevant quals and you did a 2 week trip with a VideoRay off a sail boat in the Med are you eligable??
November 9, 2010 at 1:31 pm #28795thomas
It is the intention that the IROVA will vet all people wishing to join at whatever particular level to avoid what’s happening at present in our industry.
There will be zero back door entries and potential members will have a secure method of submission of sensitive documents for review.
Details of entry qualifications are being worked on at this time and following agreement will be published when we come live.
Almost everyone involved in the set-up is at present away working but are still working on various parts.
IROVA is alive and well and I look forward to our industry’s future.November 9, 2010 at 4:08 pm #28796subseascott
ParticipantAnd may I ask, what exactly is your experience that you feel suitably qualifies you to police an industry?
November 9, 2010 at 4:14 pm #28797subseascott
ParticipantI don’t mean to be rude by the way IROVA, I just feel that some clarity to potential members may be courteous! After all, we will be expected to provide you with all our credentials!!!
November 9, 2010 at 5:33 pm #28798James McLauchlan
ParticipantI can see this going around in circles.
On the one hand, many might agree that we have a screwed up system and, on the other, no mechanism to get the house in order.
Yet, when someone comes along and tries to do something about it they start being asked what qualifies them to attempt to run such an association, even though it might be the way the majority might like to see it run. Beats me!Make no mistake about it, nobody is qualified to police our industry. The reason for this is simply down to lack of previous self regulation in any form. So! There is no way anyone could be qualified. Equally, who is going to decide who is suitably qualified run such an association? Then you need to ask….. what would their authority be on the matter? I know little about running an ROV association. Does anyone here? If so, why not drop IROVA a line and help him and his team out.
So, as we may all agree there is no such qualification in existence how about people go with the flow and see what develops. If they don’t like what transpires they don’t have to join. Nobody can be forced to join the IROVA. In all likelihood they will be encouraged to join because they themselves feel it may be of benefit to them personally, not because they are being coerced into joining.
As for the IROVA holding personal information
ROV bods send CV’s and certs to all kinds of agencies and companies all over the world to get work, so I don’t see the point in getting too up in the air about an ROV association holding (securely as has been suggested by IROVA) copies of such information. After all, the association is supposed to be there to help ROV personnel, not shaft them by leaking or disclosing information about it’s members to third parties no matter whom they might be.If IROVA (and his small team) get it wrong then it’ll be nothing more than a bloody small association, probably about 5 people, and nobody will be any worse off. If they get it right then good things might come out of it for many people in this industry.
I do note that it’s very easy to knock an idea, and pick it to pieces, but it would be a real bonus if people could come up with some more positive suggestions to help IROVA down the long path of sorting out an International ROV Association.
November 9, 2010 at 5:36 pm #28799luckyjim37
ParticipantSubsea Scott has a point about the policing of an industry but then again someone had to stand up and be responsible for the initial idea for IMCA and all the other proffessional bodies.
I would assume that there are a few people involved now who know each other. Would it be beyond the realms of reason to have the names of the inital key players published.
I would also assume (and I do hate that word) that if James has got behind this then he will have some knowledge of who IROVA is and what his background is.
As for my earlier posting it is quite right that I do not think this is a Uni0n.
I was trying to make the point that when uniting the industry this is a better way of doing it than getting everyone in a Uni0n. Hopefully IROVA will define what we are as an industry and begin to promote us as a proffessional working body rather than a group of individuals.
November 10, 2010 at 3:39 am #28800Scott Beveridge
ParticipantSubsea Scott has a point about the policing of an industry but then again someone had to stand up and be responsible for the initial idea for IMCA and all the other proffessional bodies.
I would assume that there are a few people involved now who know each other. Would it be beyond the realms of reason to have the names of the inital key players published.
I would also assume (and I do hate that word) that if James has got behind this then he will have some knowledge of who IROVA is and what his background is.
As for my earlier posting it is quite right that I do not think this is a Uni0n.
I was trying to make the point that when uniting the industry this is a better way of doing it than getting everyone in a Uni0n. Hopefully IROVA will define what we are as an industry and begin to promote us as a proffessional working body rather than a group of individuals.
A good, succinct post Lucky. There are some good questions that some folks have posted in this thread and hopefully the questions keep coming. The folks that are formulating the IROVA seem to be (IMHO) going about it in the right way and not ramming it down our throats such as Uni0ns do – it will probably take a good amount of time – Lostboy made it more than clear "THE "A" IN THE IROVA MEANS ASSOCIATION NOT Uni0n". Our industry is a mess and totally unorganized with the likes of too many Asian Stallions. We’re supposed to be professionals (albeit some silly posts by some of us – guilty!). I don’t see the reason for getting all "huffy-puffy" chested about a group of people trying to better ALL our safety & well being.
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