Probably get an ear-bashing (not right on topic).
Given the number of "butterballs" I see offshore and by that I mean nearly spherical people I think it’s a bit of piss taking yet again!
I’m no tri-athlete, in fact try not to know where or what a gym is, but I’ve been called obese here in Oz at OGUK medicals at 87kgs with a medium build and gone offshore to see guys 5′ 4" with a 54" waist. They were Americans/Canadians, naturally (don’t want to be mistaken for a seal pup)!
Now I don’t care if you die offshore along as you don’t injure/ kill me or anyone else but it beats me how I’d escape from a helo seated besides one of these or drag this guy to safety in a fire.
I’m over 50 now and therefore reasonably expect a medical but let’s make the playing field level and ensure that corruption doesn’t exist.