Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Recommended personal kit list for a job

Recommended personal kit list for a job

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Recommended personal kit list for a job

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  • #4325

    Hi All,

    rookie heading for the first time offshore. I’ve read through loads of threads in the rookie corner and couldn’t find one to match so here goes…..

    If I give 2 scenarios for jobs what would be a recommended kit list for personal equipment, clothing etc.

    1. 17 days offshore, North Sea, ship based.

    2. 4 week rotation on a rig.

    I understand that space is always limited and don’t want to turn up, and have to throw stuff away in order to get aboard. I also don’t want to turn up without my lucky underpants, etc.

    Many thanks and please don’t slate me too much, it’s a serious question.



    Swimming trunks. 🙂

    James McLauchlan

    Swimming trunks. 🙂

    Very helpful 🙁

    James McLauchlan

    Take what you might need for any 4 week trip to anywhere.
    No booze or drugs unless prescribed. Take plenty of cigarettes if you smoke. Some boats don’t have bonds (duty free).
    With most boats you often step on and off on the quayside, so what you bring is more than likely restricted by airline baggage limits, if you have flown that is. Sometimes boats will crew change by chopper.. ask before you leave home.
    Laundry can be sorted after every shift, so you don’t need 4 weeks worth of clothes. Take plenty of socks as the buggers often get lost in the laundry.

    Watch it for rigs though. If crew changing by chopper there are weight limits in place and certain goods can’t be in chopper baggage (aerosols spring to mind). I’ve not crew changed via chopper for years, so maybe someone else can fill in the gaps on weights, etc.


    From what I can remember the bagage limit for the chopper is 12Kg and you are limited to one bag. Which is a pain in the arse if they actually enforce it:) Size wise is like hand luggage on planes as it has to fit into the tail on the chopper…although I have seen people bring full sized suitcases as well!!!

    Sometimes (depending on the field) they are funny about mobile phones and cameras, especially in Saudi/Qatar, Im not sure about the UK. If you dont need it dont take it as you might be asked to leave it behind at the heliport. Dont try to smuggle it through, you can plead ignorance if caught but then you lose it till you come back that way and there’s no guarantee it will actually be there!

    Hope it helps and have a good time!


    Thanks for the replies guys. I’ve packed swimming trunks but would you recommend bermudas or speedos?


    Gotta be speedos 😉


    Gotta be speedos 😉

    Yeah, Budgie smugglers……the all time favorite 😈



    Keep a yir sheite under 12kg’s if chopper bound and yeel be a richt, including yir man bag o soap n pufter joos

    Mind n take sum cupasoopz especialy if yir gaun tae a barge in china…ah them wur the days 😆 😆 😆

    take cash – various currencies asweel, sma denominachion tae, a’wiys helpful if yur gaun ootwith that baistard north sea

    where ye gaun anywiy????


    This is actually a pretty important question… Here is what I tend to take:

    PPE (some of this may be provided for you, but I don’t take chances):
    Coveralls, work boots, hard hat with ear defenders, work gloves, foam earplugs (also useful if you share with a snorer), safety glasses. If you wear prescription glasses, consider getting presciption safety glasses.

    Clothes (depends on destination of course):
    Two pairs of trousers, one pair of shorts, sufficient socks and underwear (I usually go with 7 pairs), four or five T shirts, a couple of jumpers/fleeces, lightweight rain coat or jacket, warm gloves, buff/neck gaiter, sunhat/cap, gym gear (if you go to the gym), shoes/trainers. Bear in mind if there is a laundry service they might not take good care of your clothes, so don’t take favourite woolen jumper, it WILL be shrunk for you! Most work sites won’t allow flipflops even in accomodation, crocs/sandals are often frowned upon.

    Small personal first aid kit: make sure you have plenty of aspirin and lemsip, chances are there will be a cold going around the ship.

    Sunglasses (and spare prescription glasses if you wear them)

    A small sewing kit – needles, thread, buttons

    Laptop + portable hard disk with a few games and movies (in case you need to kill some time) + charger


    Toiletries – ample shower gel, toothpaste and sun block

    Smartphone with music and books on for listening to and reading. + charger

    Worldwide socket adapter (with built in surge protector if you can find one)

    Compact digital camera + charger

    Pack it in a soft bag, not a hard suitcase, you’ll probably have to stash your bag in a small space.

    If anyone has any thoughts of suggestions I’d love to hear them.



    This one is controversial; flip-flops. Some people are complete minkers in the showers.


    Get to a joke shop and get a hairy gorrilla hand and a ring doughnut, it’ll help you through the lonely nights.

    Jed Francis

    I’ve been going out with Bond helicopters in Aberdeen and they have a 12 kg bag weight limit but you can take more than 1 bag.
    I did find out that Ensco don’t let you take medications or vitamins out if they aren’t in a blister pack all nicely sealed up or in sealed bottles. I had to ditch a new bottle of vitamin tabs as I had opened them up. 🙁

    Joseph Murphy

    Lemmin has pretty much covered it, but I would add the following.

    Take the oldest, cheapest clothes you have. There is nobody to impress out there and the laundry will tumble dry it at the highest temperature setting available to save time.

    If you have room in your bag, then spend a couple of quid on a selection of that days/weeks newspapers to share with your new buddies. Not all platforms/vessels have internet access, so any news from the outside world is very welcome.


    From Bond……

    Advice to Passengers on the Transportation of Prescribed & Non-Prescribed
    Medication, Food, Drink, Protein, Body Building & Health Supplements
    Protein Powders/Body Building Supplements:
    · Only permitted if the container has an intact manufacturer’s sealed lid. If seal not intact the
    item and contents will be disposed of
    Health Supplements e.g Vitamin tablets, cod liver oil capsules etc:
    · Only permitted if the container has an intact manufacturer’s sealed lid. If seal not intact the
    item and contents will be disposed of
    Chemist issued containers of single type loose medication with a chemist affixed label clearly
    showing the passenger’s name:
    · Treated as medication and placed in a sealed bag and then either replaced in the passenger’s
    bag or in an oil company medication bag/box
    Chemist issued containers with multiple type of tablets with a chemist affixed label clearly
    showing the passenger’s name:
    · Not permitted – returned to oil company logistics/security department
    Monday – Sunday pill boxes or unlabelled containers containing any tablets (single or multitype):
    · Not permitted – container and contents disposed of
    All sealed containers or blister packs:
    · Treated as medication and placed in a sealed bag and then either replaced in the passenger’s
    bag or in an oil company medication bag/box.
    Inhalers and/or Medi-pens:
    · Passenger will be allowed to carry the required items on their person for immediate use, if
    required during flight. Any additional inhalers and medi-pens of the same type will be
    placed in a sealed bag and then either replaced in the passenger’s bag or in an oil company
    medication bag/box
    Probiotic Yoghurts:
    · Permitted providing they are in sealed packs with the manufacturers seal on the pot
    All other foods:
    · Permitted providing they are sealed with the manufacturers seal still intact
    All drinks (hand carried or in baggage):
    · Not permitted – bottled water/water available in briefing rooms

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