Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Operator Requirements Regular Rotation – Oh the impossible dream!!!

Regular Rotation – Oh the impossible dream!!!

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Operator Requirements Regular Rotation – Oh the impossible dream!!!

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  • #821

    We are once again going to go for the impossible dream.

    As we all know working with your mates is always alot better than a bunch of random guys.

    Well here is the chance.

    If you and your favourite supervisor or Pilot tech fancy a regular rotation or maybe there is a squad of you who all want to work together with a system you can make your own. Drop us a line and lets talk about a deal!

    This goes for Workclass and Seaeye crews.

    In the subject line Simply state: Me and my Mates – (Seaeye) or (Workclass)


    Fugro ROV (Singapore)

    Send all CV’s and emails regarding this requirement to janewong@fugro.com.sg or rovsecretary@fugro.com.sg


    As long as we get to work on all the "really well looked after Sealions and Seals" you have in S’pore that would be great!! No issues with reliability or quality crews, free clogs for all, excellent i’m in!!!


    Please be advised that we no longer operate SEALS from Singapore and the Sealions are all being prepared to be upgraded in the near future.

    If you are generaly interested please send your CV.



    whats your day rate for sealion supervisor n pilot tech roughly?


    keep them coming!

    James McLauchlan

    whats your day rate for sealion supervisor n pilot tech roughly?

    A question that many companies don’t like to answer out in the open.


    I think all you guys should ask why do they require so many guy before you jump into the fire .

    Now they will say because of the work load its because of the rate people are leaving .

    So have a chat with some of the x Fugro guys and ask !





    It really is as simple as that!

    Fleet expansion means the requirement for crew is increased. Please dont read any more into it.




    Am i the only one who remembers what it was like to work with a regular squad.

    I am sure there must be some like minded guys still left out there who would like to go offshore with a decent group of guys they actually like.

    Let me know i can hopefully fix it for you!


    Jimmy. S. Aville


    Teams still wanted for the following systems

    New Seaeye Panther Plus
    Newly refurbed SEL Olympian
    New FCV 3000

    Also experienced Falcon crews are wekcome.

    We have also dabbled with the concept of family members joining our Teams as in some cases banking on DNA has turned up some pretty good results.



    Any more takers for this offer.

    We now have another 3 full systems to man coming up in October / November.

    So if it is sun your after or just a break from the N/Sea give us a shout


    David Grant

    I sent my CV to the 2 different email contacts in this post 3 different times since this post was started and have not even got an acknowledgment that it was received.

    Be aware guys, if Fugro Singapore cannot acknowledge receipt of CVs how well are they going to respond to Invoices, Time Sheets, Expense Claims and crew change requests from personnel?


    Well for sure they will have you on there records if you sent to there e-mail address more than once.

    They will contact you when they need how many CV’s you think they get from guys from here plus off there own web site? as well if they send how many times?

    In Business today when applying for work it is common knowledge that you may not get replied too.

    Wait and see you will get a reply when they have work they will be having more systems on line soon they will contact you if you have the right experence or what ever.

    They also employ some guys on the policy of nearest Airport so Asia first the onwards

    So it also depends where you are and experence etc

    Any way why not call Reece or Desmond or Jane speak to them in person


    speak in person or make the phonecall.


    I agree with Dodge on that part 😕
    If a company is posting on here of how desperate they are to get people then surely sending a curtesy email back after they have requested CV’s would be professional , no 😕

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