Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner So.. what’s the trick to get in?

So.. what’s the trick to get in?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner So.. what’s the trick to get in?

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  • #19430

    Hi Bluelabeldiving

    If you don’t have a technical qualification it will be difficult to get into ROV no matter how many ROV courses you attend. Remeber, they need you to be able to fix the ROV as well as fly it and basic technical courses just won’t help you to the level they require. You may, with a lot of luck, get in but the odds are against you.

    Don’t try to bullshit your technical qualifications either as you soon get caught out offshore. I know a guy that said he was electrical. During a competency training exercise it was obvious that he knew what a sine wave was but how and why three sine waves interacted on a 3 phase system was above him. What the difference was between peak to peak sine and square wave values on an oscilloscope and consequent RMS values on a multimeter was now way above him and his embarrassment was plain to see.

    it has been hijacked by wannabees and sh1t stirrers…

    We were all wannabees once and most ROV guys I know are sh1t stirrers, latent or qualified. Give the wannabees a break like we got.


    Hi all, been watching this website for years on and off…i am lucky enough to currently be on a company training course after lots of emails/ cv’s etc (and a course at FW) and hopefully i will soon be offshore to start my real training.
    The reason for my post is this: i just wondered what the individuals who post the sarcastic and just plain rude msgs actually gain from it. Is it that they are scared they will lose their jobs to a trainee?…unlikely
    I just dont see why they bother to reply if they cant say something constructive, saying that finding a job will be hard is correct. (but not impossible) I can see the point in telling someone that and the fact that they wouldd be better off with a technical background, but i fail to see the benefit of slagging off someones spelling or the fact saying that ‘it has been hijacked by wannabees and sh1t stirrers… ‘ and the constant trainee bashing that goes on by a limited few.

    If you people think its boring or things could be better then make some usefull comments and help someone and perhaps you might find things get better or just don’t bother and keep the childish comments to yourself.

    I would just like to say that this site has helped me many times and there are lots of very helpful/ regular posters here i just feel they are let down by the minority, and to those i say carry on the good work!!!

    Ben Reymenants

    Thanks RovRat for the useful info. It helps indeed.
    Sad that it had to take 7 posts to get a straight answer.

    So, in short, I’m better off spending 6-8 months doing my HNC electronics/electrics/hydraulics than proceeding with any other course at the moment, right?

    The technical aspects as you mentioned are indeed way above the level you’d reach in a 3in1 course or any problem solving course like the ones that are usually run alongside the existing ROV courses.

    Cheers 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    There are literally hundreds of good responses from us old caruntsand experience levels downwards. Start an excel spread sheet or just a simple question written down with a Y or N as an answer then go through the FAQ’s and threads to get an "overall" opinion and make a decision yourself.


    I agree with you 100% Big Kev. When one door is closed another one is open. Persistance is one of the keys. Never stop trying and one day a trainee will have achieved there goals


    I dont wish to sound to terrible,but lets face some truths here.the ROV industry IS starting to slow down and it WILL slow down alot more this year.There will still be work but only for experienced ROV guys.Its very unlikely that any companies will be taking on trainees for the near future.
    Sorry but this is fact as bad as it sounds…….


    Hi Bluelabeldiving

    You wrote:

    So, in short, I’m better off spending 6-8 months doing my HNC electronics/electrics/hydraulics than proceeding with any other course at the moment, right?

    As I am not aware of your personal circumstances I cannot advise you of this or any other option. Your decisions must remain your own based upon your perceptions.

    Good luck.


    Just a quick note some of the companies regardless of the slowdown are still taking on trainees, one of the big few are still planning to process hundreds this year worldwide. so dont forget in the hunt make sure you contact the overseas office of a company not just the local one as they dont talk to each other and its up to you to make the connection.

    Good luck

    Ray Shields

    People considering taking ROV courses should als consider than an HNC, C&G etc. are all qualifications that can be used to get technical jobs anywhere.

    ROV training courses are only of use in ROV jobs. You really restrict the usefullness of a qualification with ROV specific training, without necessarily getting a great advantage for doing so.


    Bugger me how much longer is this useless conversation going to go on.Surely they would all have got the message by now??Wouldnt they??

    Scott Beveridge

    Bugger me how much longer is this useless conversation going to go on.Surely they would all have got the message by now??Wouldnt they??

    How does one teach a litter of puppies??

    Andy Shiers

    Don’t forget the opposite way of Getting in 🙂
    To not get work , By Bull#hitting your way in the first place .
    If you have plenty of years experience by all means but don’t Bull#hit your way as you will end up with egg on ya face and Thousands of dollars of broken bits on the seabed ! 😯 Ooh and pissed off work mates plus a reputation that ain’t to your liking 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    Don’t forget the opposite way of Getting in 🙂
    To not get work , By Bull#hitting your way in the first place .
    If you have plenty of years experience by all means but don’t Bull#hit your way as you will end up with egg on ya face and Thousands of dollars of broken bits on the seabed ! 😯 Ooh and pissed off work mates plus a reputation that ain’t to your liking 😀

    Funny thing that ain’t it?? Rumor true or not? PM me dude…


    yeah informative for bloody trainees

    well mate it is in the Rookie Corner so what do you expect, if you dont waan talk about trainee stuff then stay out of the rookie corner, im sure people appreciate your posts but not when there negative.


    [Here’s pictures of the two workclass ROV’s from the UWC. I wonder if they’ve hit the water since my time at the UWC. Where does the £96k per class go Paul?

    Hi Sir, do you happen to know how old are these ROV?

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