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Sonsubs new rates

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    Scott Beveridge

    Wow scotbeve all I can think of in reply to your remarks are you must be a superstar topgun pilot or you are full of it.

    As most agency workers do I keep my ear to the ground regarding rates. Nearly every respectable agency pays virtually the same rate for each recognised level of Pilot.

    At the moment good supervisors seem to be pushing around about 400GBP. Occasionally you may get lucky and negotiate an exceptional rate but I am sure in the next lul the companies will remeber who screwed them when it got busy….. Could your name be on that list.

    Or are you just trying to wind people up on this site to see if you can stir up some kind of revolt throughout the industy to push rates through the roof. This would lead probably to an influx of personnel from other countries who work for half the price (like the Asian dwelling money grabbers who have come back to the north sea from the bottom of the barrel/bottle).

    😆 It’s not luck Jim… Ask around. And as I said ALOT of haggling. 26 yrs dude… Nobody’s a superstar in my book including myself. We have all seen what happens when people try to get a union started but IF and ONLY IF more of us (meaning; as a TEAM) stuck together and stopped the bloody back stabbing, we could see more of the 650.00 GBP jobs.


    I am going to call a big beverage of bullshit on that one. But let dream continue…..

    Joel W

    This site seems to be getting a bit like those “show your girlfriend” ones (not that i know about that stuff…someone told me once). The more bullshit you tell the more believable it seems… to yourself anyway


    Can i get a pay rise please……

    Scott Beveridge


    Someone asked me where I’ve been (not posting). Guess this pretty well shows why… 🙄

    I didn’t say it was in the oil field did I????


    So scotbeve lets clear this up once and for all. You got 650 a day on an ROV job but not in the oil and gas industry.

    The majority of us work in that industry where having read another thread on this site it would appear that the budgets offered by the oil companies are set at oil prices being 12 dolars a barrel. This being the case they are obviously hiring the cheapest ROV companies and as such the cheapest personnel costs.

    So where does the line get drawn regarding low rates; is it our fault for earning a good living with loads of time off; is it the ROV companies for trying to be competative with tenders for work or is it the oil companies for trying to keep project costs to a mininmum.

    Perhaps it is all or none of these.

    You seem to think everyone else is being tedious on this site where as if you are going to make a bold set of statements and then start adding additional information randomly to support what you have said then perhaps everyone else will start to feel that you are actually being very tedious.

    Dan is right about the major players in the oil and gas industry paying around about the same and as the north sea calms down for the winter then rates will not go up untill next season.

    Unions may be the answer but then again if as an industry we all went on strike oil prices would rocket and the oil companies and the tax man are laughing all the way to the bank.


    See now i am going to have to call a big beverage of bullshit on that statement as well particularly since your recent posting stated you were working for Mermaid in Thailand onboard their DP vessel??

    Let the dream continue

    Philip Pedlow

    Jees, 650 a day eh! If I was on that kinda deal I wouldnt advertise it on here.

    So based on 180 days at say 500 a day…….thats ermmmm….eh big number….hold on…….

    Yeah, got it, thats BULLSHIT.

    I could see a one off maybe in some shithole war torn country but not on a regualr basis.

    I know guys makin big cash but thats cause they put the days in at 300 or 330. They might pull 80k. Ive never made over 60k myself and I had put in 240 days for the return. I like my time off and I like what i’m makin. I’m not saying it the best or the worst but I’ve only ever sat at home 3 months in 18 years so I think i’m doin OK. I imagine its the same for 95% of the rest of the guys and girls out there. We all want more money, but I think the industry has it pretty much figured.

    There will always be better deals. If its the money your after then go for it. For me, the money is important but so is lifestyle. As a long as i’m on an average with everyone else then I will keep a job.

    Later dudes

    Scott Beveridge

    It WAS a one off. And ya’ can get them every now and never… Random? Yes. Nobody’s tedious on here ladies and fellas. But don’t you older hands feel that for the past 15 – 25 years the rates were stagnant??? And advertising it is a way for your rates (sorry agency / operator folks for this) to be in line with the oil prices.


    Thing is though rates are coming up on a supply and demand basis. The supply of people is there and the industry demand is huge. Companies , Fugro is the best example, are hiking the rates up to get the people in. At last some young blood is getting into the industry. It still amazes me that on most jobs I am by far the youngest and I am thrity tomorrow (please forward cards and gifts to the Geomaster, Vigo Spain.).

    I suppose that is moving a little off the subject though. As long as the oil price stays high then rates will eventually catch up to a more realistic level but I do think that to many guys think they are worth more than what they deserve. Going back to comments made on pay on other threads. We get half a year off and still earn in excess of £40,000 when there are a lot of people who are probably just as capable working onshore for a lot less doing equally difficult and in the real world probably more important jobs.

    I would bet that the majority of ROV pilots who are complaining about pay have stupidly expensive lifestyles and need to fund this or live in Asia having been divorced and lost everything.

    Personally if a company wants to pay me more then thank you very much.
    Yes like everyone else who works I look for the best deal at the time but when guys are trying to double the normal dayrates all the time then I think it starting to take the p***.

    In real terms rates were very high a few years ago and have now stagnated but lets get real this is a very well paid job and if the pay was so poor then we would not be doing this would we???

    Scott Beveridge

    I am going to call a big beverage of bullshit on that one. But let dream continue…..


    Scott Beveridge

    Thing is though rates are coming up on a supply and demand basis. The supply of people is there and the industry demand is huge. Companies , Fugro is the best example, are hiking the rates up to get the people in. At last some young blood is getting into the industry. It still amazes me that on most jobs I am by far the youngest and I am thrity tomorrow (please forward cards and gifts to the Geomaster, Vigo Spain.).

    I suppose that is moving a little off the subject though. As long as the oil price stays high then rates will eventually catch up to a more realistic level but I do think that to many guys think they are worth more than what they deserve. Going back to comments made on pay on other threads. We get half a year off and still earn in excess of £40,000 when there are a lot of people who are probably just as capable working onshore for a lot less doing equally difficult and in the real world probably more important jobs.

    I would bet that the majority of ROV pilots who are complaining about pay have stupidly expensive lifestyles and need to fund this or live in Asia having been divorced and lost everything.

    Personally if a company wants to pay me more then thank you very much.
    Yes like everyone else who works I look for the best deal at the time but when guys are trying to double the normal dayrates all the time then I think it starting to take the p***.

    In real terms rates were very high a few years ago and have now stagnated but lets get real this is a very well paid job and if the pay was so poor then we would not be doing this would we???

    Good valid points dude, especially how too many people don’t live within their budget. Credit has really screwed so many people up. Yeah, asking for the double dayrate is KIND OF takin’ it – BUT it’s fun.

    By the way all, with all the extra bene’s that Sonsub offer, it’s not that bad if you look at it long term. I still like the days (there weren’t too many of them) of retainers.


    So let me just get this straight in my head.

    The 650 GBP job was a “once off” and was not O and G related however you are currently working for Mermaid on the Team Siam for 500 GBP per day in South East Asia whilst the rest of the known ROV world is on about 320-380GBP ??. Well Mermaid must be one hell of a company to work for. I must get onto all the people i know that work for them and let them know just how much Mermaid pay for Supvs….
    Or perhaps the 500 GBP one that you are currently on is a one of those non oill and gas related fantasy jobs? 😆 😆

    Donnie Cameron

    You lot must have a lot of time on your hands to bitch like you have in this forum. If you’re at work go do something, if you’re at home you should get more! There are jobs around that are not O&G and paying over the odds, all short term, but they are there.


    😉 Ok, beam me up Scotty. I sometimes work for Sonsub Singers and get paid (after lengthy negotiations, sometimes taking up to 2 1/2 – 3 weeks on a face to face basis with "keep quiet about the dirty girls" clauses) $1000 per day as a senior pilot tech, supervisor or superintendent, depending on the job/client/ mood of JW at the time and are yet to electronically display my ‘girlfriend’ on a publicly acsessible web site but will be willing to do so if this is what is really required to progress in the industry with this particular ROV company. All I ask in return is for AS to join a gym, build up the biceps, or get some tatoos before coming down to the vessel on mobs, and for JW to keep quiet about what really goes on when the CV’s from North Sea boys (I know all about ROV’s ) arrive in the trash bin, sorry I meant mail.

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