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SubSea7 interviews

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    ROVRATT, yes it was for the trainee position….


    Optic wrote:

    ROVRATT, yes it was for the trainee position….

    Thanks for the answer Optic. The rate offered represents the glut of trainees at present so there are fewer trainee positions and companies really don’t want trainees, hence the low rate offered.

    You were offered a foot in the door into the ROV industry and declined it. There are tons of guys trying to get in that would have given their left testicle to get into the industry.

    You would not have remained on that rate for very long, but that time would have depended on you. That rate was also not far behind the trainee rate of another major player in the industry. Once in and graded as a pilot/tech you could easily have switched to another company with better rates if SS7 didn’t want to equal the rates.

    In my opinion you let a golden opportunity that may not come around easily again slip by.

    Good luck hunting and I hope you find something.


    Rovpilot wrote:

    £100 will go a lot further in SA than £250 in UK

    Really? SA has the most expensive phone calls and internet in the world. Try buying the most expensive cars in the world or a house on 15% prime interest rate. You will have to have a car or two as public transport is non existent or deadly. No catching the late train or bus from town to home cause there ain’t one.

    You will also have to fork out monthly for an armed response company to protect your home and family, never mind the cost of burglar bars, IR perimeter detectors, an alarm system or the expensive insurance for your possesions.

    Don’t equate your holiday or cheap drinks in SA to the realities of living there.

    Please guys, (Back on Topic); – Associate Pilot/Tech. Its TRAINEE for goodness sake!

    No cheap holidays, and i dont drink,I live there, in JHB, and my flat is half what i would pay in UK, and has a pool outside too. Id quiet happily live/work there on ZAR 30000 P/M (£2000) which is a LOT more than the average as you will know. And still enjoy a lifestyle that i couldnt get in the UK
    Apart from crime, you guys have it very easy in SA


    I recieved a yes from the interviews carried out. Given a start date early December at Greenwell base. But im still waiting on the contract to come through in the post. Is any one else still waiting or am I alone on this one? Cheers


    No you are not alone. I’ve been given a January 2009 start date. I was also concerned about the lack of a contract, so I gave SS7 a call last week, to see what’s happening.

    They have since e-mailed a Draft Contract Agreement to me, together with a copy of the Employee Handbook. (Both as Pdf documents). They have also assured me, that a hard copy will be posted to me shortly. I suggest you also give them a call if you don’t hear from them soon. I hope this helps.


    Hello JoeBolt,

    Got the electronic draft through the other day. It seems the hard copy is coming from Singapore. Sure I’ll see you around some time in the near future.

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