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Taking The Piss !

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Taking The Piss !

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  • #27912

    Dandydon – the last of the great communicators.


    You should see ma emails inta the beach hoho
    Thats why they leave me to git oan wi it ken!!


    Scott Beveridge

    Beg Pardon?

    Fit like? Dnnae kin "mite"????


    Beg Pardon?

    Ach, dinnae gie me that keich OZROV!

    After a’, your ancestors wir probably criminal jocks anywa’ so a’ am speakin is yir mither tongue lad, the mither tongue

    😀 xxx

    Scott Beveridge

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    High socks and all….


    Don’t get it, i still dont know any being offered less day rate, been out 3.5 months this year, worked with a lot of guys, none have been asked to take a cut, what’s going on??????????????????

    Scott Beveridge


    Back to my ditty there about the years in service … Should be that way…. A 10 year supv. can not have as much experience as a 30 year supv. / supt.

    It depends what they did in those extra 20 years! Attending a job is not necessarily the same as gaining experience.

    e.g. 5 years of work class contruction jobs versus 5 years of work class drill support.

    There are too many variations in vehicles and jobs to just make it a length of service in job.

    Agreed… in a table there could be those categories as well. Insp., Light Construction, Heavy Construction, Subsea completions, Drill Support, salvage, research, etc.. Once again, with years attached to each. Could be done…. How about the numbers of different types / models of ROV’s one has worked on as well.. (getting complicated…) AND the more various environments / tasks the more dollars or pounds (if one must – tho’ at the moment…)


    Maybe you should get extra pay for filling all of the catagories on the table. Dont forget science work, dive support, exploration, surviving a night out in Nigeria. That kind of crap is going to fragment the industry even more than it is.

    That is why within the IMCA guidlines to obtain the pilot/tech level you have to display evidence of three various flying skills. I assume that continues through all the levels of piloting.

    I do slightly disagree with the concept of different industries keeping the rates the same for example. A few years back I was contacted by a company that used crawler ROV vehicles for sewer surveys. They are ROV’s and defintely did not have the same staff budget as an offshore company.

    Now I work in the science sector and would say that the rates are slightly lower for the contractors however the work is a lot more interesting and the environment is a lot more civilised.


    And by "civilised" you mean…..? ❓


    Id much rather be cleaning and working with a sub thats just come out of some very " civilised " salt water than doing the same with you " civilised " types when its just come out of a sewer or a potentially hazardous liquid or pipe………or did you mean the people who work in science are more "civilised " because you spent time at uni?…….
    Well my friend please reflect on your views as there are many more educated,more qualified,spent more time with unis offshore in our industry.
    I have met many of the science types and many of them were cetrtainly not as " civilised " as many I have met in my 38yrs in diving and rov. 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    Is there an echo here??? here???? here??? 😀


    aye aye


    And by "civilised" you mean…..? ❓

    Generally a much more relaxed atmosphere, procedures are either adhoc or non existant as half the time the objectives are not there but how to achieve them is worked out as you go along.

    It is a different environment to the industrial offshore work and not having reps breathing down your neck when you are on breakdown or the office shouting for updates every five minutes tends to mean you get the thing up and running faster as well.

    I supposed you could have swapped the word civilised with less stressful.


    Id much rather be cleaning and working with a sub thats just come out of some very " civilised " salt water than doing the same with you " civilised " types when its just come out of a sewer or a potentially hazardous liquid or pipe………or did you mean the people who work in science are more "civilised " because you spent time at uni?…….
    Well my friend please reflect on your views as there are many more educated,more qualified,spent more time with unis offshore in our industry.
    I have met many of the science types and many of them were cetrtainly not as " civilised " as many I have met in my 38yrs in diving and rov. 😆

    TC1 the closest I have come to Uni is looking at the pictures online. The point I was making, probably not very well, was that not every ROV industry can support the wage levels paid in the oil and gas fields.
    So to state as someone did earlier that an ROV is an ROV and pay rates should be fixed is not feasible .

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