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The I Hate Obama website [LOCKED]

Home Forums Miscellaneous Odds and Sods The I Hate Obama website [LOCKED]

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    Here is a site for all of us out there who dislike Obama, I found it the other day and really like it. hope you enjoy it



    Andy Shiers

    Well I luv Obama πŸ˜€
    I think he’s the best thing that the USofA has ever had !
    He certainly looks more inteligent than the other Presidents plus he is Coloured which is more in line with the cosmopolitan race of America.
    Being that two thirds of the country is now Coloured πŸ™‚
    I think The US has a chance to become a major player in international politics instead of just being a heavy thug with no brains , Now that Obama is Head of state πŸ˜€


    Well I luv Obama πŸ˜€
    I think he’s the best thing that the USofA has ever had !
    He certainly looks more inteligent than the other Presidents plus he is Coloured which is more in line with the cosmopolitan race of America.
    Being that two thirds of the country is now Coloured πŸ™‚
    I think The US has a chance to become a major player in international politics instead of just being a heavy thug with no brains , Now that Obama is Head of state πŸ˜€

    Then you don’t know much about Obama, his a crook and one of the worse state senators this country has ever seen. I did a lot of looking into this man before I voted, I feel that is the only way to make the right vote. Don’t just vote for a party I vote for the best man or woman in the race. He has turned the state of Illinois into a wreck, he destroyed the school system there and well the list goes on and on. Plus no one knows if he was even born in the US, he won’t produce a birth certificate and they still let him run and win. And his international politics oh my Lord, he will turn his back on a lot of countries in the years to come.
    Oh and about us being (heavy thug with no brains) your country wasn’t complaining about that when we came over a saved your butts, now were you?
    Love ya lots, hugs and kisses


    came over and saved us ?? I didn’t realise we were involved in Vietnam πŸ˜€

    Andy Shiers

    Ever heard of Friendly fire rovbob 😯
    I heard that from somewhere πŸ˜•



    came over and saved us ?? I didn’t realise we were involved in Vietnam

    What were the Brits doing in Mogadishu, Somalia when they had their butts saved?


    Well, Brits save Yanks buts in Basra and Nasyria, and we where only private contractors. Don’t want to mention the Italians that run away day before shit starts!!!!

    Andy Shiers

    What were the Brits doing in Mogadishu, Somalia when they had their butts saved?

    Why 😯 Filming it of course 8)


    Obama is a puppet on strings,specially chosen to lead the USA into the New World Order…Its amazing how many Sheeple fell for this fraud..
    Guess time will tell…


    Read david Ickes website.David icke.com,a man who was ridiculed for years,but when you read some of the stuff he talks about,particularly Obama,its amazing when you see whats happening in the world now,it all clicks and comes together..The grand plan,global conspiracy,New world order,mass immigration in the UK….all makes sense now..

    Andy Shiers

    I think he’s great πŸ™‚
    I even contributed to his coffers by buying a Teeshirt πŸ˜€



    I thought I was on ROVWorld not a white supremacist website.

    Personally I never understood the requirement to be born in a country to be President. Afraid of Manchurian candidates? Well any self-deluded conspiracy theorist would be. Of course you have the issue of how a person is decided eligible to run for nomination, is nominated and then elected by a popular vote. You’d need a hell of a lot of candidates wouldn’t you?

    Surely it is enough to be a naturalized citizen! Anyway the whole birth certificate thing smacks of a conspiracy theorists creation.

    Might I recommend a visit to a psychiatrist with a view to dealing with your uniquely American paranoia / xenophobia? You may want to call first to make sure that the psych is the right colour.

    I’d think this was a leg-pull apart from the fact that most Americans seem to have real problems with irony.



    So you have to be born there to run for office? Like Arnie was?

    Ah! the penny drops!

    "Is it cos I is black"

    Barak Obama-President elect

    Andy Shiers



    Mr. Backwoods,

    I believe your username says it all.

    Obviously you are proud to be an ignorant redneck. I am sure your likes include improper speech, George W Bush and complaining about minorities in like company.

    Well you have not found like company here. Please return to your backwoods right wing web sites where this kind of conversation can be appreciated by other ignorant people.

    Thank you.

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