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The I Hate Obama website [LOCKED]

Home Forums Miscellaneous Odds and Sods The I Hate Obama website [LOCKED]

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    So you have to be born there to run for office? Like Arnie was?

    The USA has the requirement of being born in the USA, shades of Bruce Springsteen but I digress, to be eligible to be elected President. Arnie can become anything except President because he was born in Austria.

    The British have no such restrictions, after all, they have a German Queen as monarch.

    Andy Shiers

    If he declares himself to be an AMerican Citizen with USA Passport ( hand on heart , swears the American oath , then he can 🙂
    I mean , if you think about it , if being all american is being born there with ancestory then I think the next president should be a Sioux Indian 😀


    A German Queen as Monarch? We better have a history lesson for the uneducated and ill informed. Queen Elizabeth the 2nd was born in Mayfair, London, her farther George the 6th was born in Norfolk UK and her mother Elizabeth Bowes Lyon was also born in London. The last British monarch to be born outside the UK was George the 2nd born in Hanover Germany in 1638, who reigned from 1727 to 1760.

    Coincidentally the mass colonisation of what is now the USA started around 1750 where some 50 million Europeans including British, French, German, Italian, Russian etc settled in the “New World”

    So yes the British monarch does descend from German ancestry (and Russian), but that German was also sovereign over the British colony that is now the USA.

    So if our Queen is German, then all 43 American presidents have been British, French, German, Italian, Russian etc.

    Oh! And number 44 is Kenyan 😆

    Andy Shiers

    Don’t forget the Irish concern 😀


    The last British monarch to be born outside the UK was George the 2nd born in Hanover Germany in 1638, who reigned from 1727 to 1760.

    That would make him 122 when he died…. wow 🙂


    Typo, should be 1683.


    Lostboy, Arnie can do everything he pleases including standing on his head farting Yankee Doodle but he cannot get past the legislation requiring a President of the United States to have been born there.

    Heres some more history for the ill informed and uneducated. What was Lord Louis Mountbattens name before he changed it in WW2? Also, what was the royal families’ name before being changed to Windsor? Thanks for the logic Effinreps but I was hoping he Brits would see the tongue in cheek humour and someone else would respond. Ah well, win some lose some.

    Funny enough, the Kenyans and most of Africa see Obama as a Kenyan or African.



    I obviously did miss the tongue in cheek humour, probably in the same way you missed the irony in my post.

    So you have to be born there to run for office? Like Arnie was?

    Ah! the penny drops!

    "Is it cos I is black"

    Barak Obama-President elect

    Anyway this is not the real point, there has always been light hearted banter on this site between US UK and Aus. However, occasionally there has been the odd idiot who has taken things beyond the acceptable with personal insults and abusive posts.

    Unfortunately Backwoods falls into this category, check out some of his previous posts. I will not descend to his level, suffice to say that some of his xenophobic rants are unacceptable and have caused offence. So it is of little surprise that anything he now posts is replied to with suspicion and contempt. Similarly anyone who appears to be siding with him, whether real or perceived, is treated the same. I suppose it’s a case of guilt by association, and I guess any humour etc is missed because the Red Mist has descended due to the nature of past post.

    I apologise for missing your humour for the reasons explained above. By the way, the Windsor family were Saxe-Coberg, Mountbatten was Battenberg, both changed in 1917 (WW1 not WW11). 1st US president was John Hansen, elected by congress not by the people, he was followed by 6 others before GW was elected by the people under the constitution. Finally 50 US states and one Federal District. Sorry to be an anorak but history is one of my pet topics.

    One final thought, and this is not directed at you ROVRatt so please don’t take offence.

    Some people manage to get into the gene pool when the lifeguard is off duty 😀

    Andy Shiers

    Now that………………….. Is funny 😆


    laughed!….I almost spilt me tea 😀

    Andy Shiers

    There’s something to be said for British humour 😀
    Laugh in the face of adversity


    No offence taken Effinreps. Also, thank you for putting your point across so decently.

    I intended Backwoods to answer the questions though, as this would have caused a bit of research and hopefully the realisation that all is not as was taught in school. I find that when doubts are raised about commonly believed factoids (Factoid – Information falsely but commonly perceived as fact), other facts tend to be questioned untill confirmed, leading to a healthy scepticism which may eventually lead to an informed instead of blinkered viewpoint.

    Education, after all, is not a collection of qualifications but rather an awareness of and adherence to a developed yet intangible value system.

    Enjoy the skinny dip in the gene pool!

    Andy Shiers

    Aagh 🙂 You mean the perception of History was not as one learnt at school and that not all news in the "Sun" news paper is legite 😀
    That the moon is not made of cheese and it was in fact the British that cracked the Enigma machine codes plus the Choo Choo train 😀


    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing


    A small amount of knowledge can cause people to think they are more expert than they really are.


    "A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again."

    Alexander Pope 😉

    Andy Shiers

    People and Senators, do not be afraid.
    Don’t run away; stand still. Ambition’s debt has been paid !
    Brutus 😀

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