Home › Forums › ROV › International ROV Related Associations › IROVA Logo and badge design – need some ideas
- This topic has 73 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 6 months ago by
Scott Beveridge.
July 25, 2010 at 10:53 pm #28514
ParticipantSuggestion #8
A lighter, non-shaded globe allows the font to stand out more.
I quite like this one. The colours are "clean" and its fairly uncomplicated. It also looks good when reduced in size.
irova_logo_deja_vu_sans_font_mollweide_globe_mid_blue_solid_small_825.jpg July 25, 2010 at 10:56 pm #28515Lemmin
ParticipantBy the way, do we have any preference as to whether its REMOTE Operated Vehicle, or REMOTELY operated Vehicle? I’ve seen both terms used before….
July 26, 2010 at 12:58 am #28516Paul
ParticipantSuggestion #9
A few "nit picky" things, take it for what it’s worth:
To my eye, I think it would look better if the tether in your logo either led somewhere else, was a different color, or somehow didn’t merge into the "I".
Here in the US at least, ROV’s are commonly regarded as "REMOTELY operated vehicles".
And lastly, shouldn’t it be the "International Association of Remotely Operated Vehicle Pilots", "International Remotely Operated Vehicle Pilot’s Association" or something similar? After all, the members of the association are humans not robots.
Edit: I added another "doodle". Feel free to use / edit / discard at will.
another_idea_210.jpg July 26, 2010 at 3:25 am #28517Robert Black
ParticipantWith reference to the above, what about "Association of Remote System Engineers & Supervisors" ?
Seriously though, I like the suggestion of people over equipment in the name.
July 26, 2010 at 6:02 am #28518Wade Berglund
ParticipantI like KreuzOps suggestion but look at the acronym of it…..ARSES.
Interesting…it would definitely catch peoples attention.
July 26, 2010 at 8:11 am #28519James McLauchlan
ParticipantWhy is it when weeks have passed since the name IROVA was fist touted, a domain name (www.IROVA.org) has been registered.. (also weeks ago), email addresses under that domain have been set up (as indicated in the forum) and official registration of the IROVA is under way, people start changing the subject of this thread from a discussion about logo design into a debate about the name of the association?
This thread is about logo design for the IROVA not a debate about the name of the Association.July 26, 2010 at 8:27 am #28520Paul
ParticipantSorry James, my fault. I haven’t really been following this topic that closely and didn’t know that much had been invested already. For what it’s worth, hope you didn’t pay a lot for your domain name. Lots of places will do it for under $10. Setting up emails should be free. As long as you’re renting web space, you can have numerous domains all lead to the same website, lots of companies do this. As for the logo, do with it whatever you like. Heck, print it and put it up on a dart board if it makes you feel better.
July 26, 2010 at 2:13 pm #28521James McLauchlan
ParticipantI register domain names through a US registrar.. it’s less that USD $10 as you suggest and we have total on-line control over DNS settings etc.. Emails are (unlimited mailboxes) and free (in a way), through the shared hosting ISP account we set up, which the site will be hosted on.
The unlimited mail boxes option will allow for the setting up of reps in each country along the lines of UK.Rep@IROVA.org or USA.rep@IROVA.org etc.
Anyone interested in representing the country they live in should register their interest with IROVA at info@irova.orgBack to the Logo- As per this topic
Any further input on a logo design for IROVA to include the letters
International ROV Association
or (getting wordy)
International Remotely Operated Vehicle Associationor (equally as wordy)
International Remote Operated Vehicle AssociationYou may wish to bear in mind that if an ROV image is included in the logo the words Remotely Operated Vehicle are hardly needed in the design as the picture makes it pretty obvious what ROV stands for. After all, the final design is not there to educate the public as to what ROV means.
For sure the full phrase can be used on the website often enough, but a time will come when a stitched badge and sticker will need to be produced.. in which case the less wordy the better or it’ll probably look too cluttered/messy.
Thanks for the input so far… so great ideas there. Progress is being made.
July 26, 2010 at 11:02 pm #28522Lemmin
ParticipantTo my eye, I think it would look better if the tether in your logo either led somewhere else, was a different color, or somehow didn’t merge into the "I".
Yes, I’ve been thinking the same thing really. I thought having the tether merge with the I was good idea at first, but I’m liking it less and less. The tether was originally yellow, so maybe I’ll go back to that, and see what I can do with it.
When I have a minute I’ll put a bit more time into the logo – I’d like to improve the ROV itself a bit, there’s a lot of detail missing.
July 26, 2010 at 11:07 pm #28523Lemmin
ParticipantYou may wish to bear in mind that if an ROV image is included in the logo the words Remotely Operated Vehicle are hardly needed in the design as the picture makes it pretty obvious what ROV stands for. After all, the final design is not there to educate the public as to what ROV means.
I disagree with this to a certain extent – even a photo of an ROV doesn’t mean very much to someone outside of the industry – I’ve shown photos to friends who are engineers, and they’ve needed the function explaining to them. I would be keen to include the full name somewhere in the logo.
Having said that, various versions of the logo can be made for different uses – for stationary I would suggest including the full name, for a website maybe not.
July 27, 2010 at 7:07 am #28524James McLauchlan
ParticipantWhich is why I said….
After all, the final design is not there to educate the public as to what ROV means.
The IROVA website can do that.
My reason for saying that is that I feel IROVA would be an association for ROV type people for the benefit of those people, and therefore (to me at least) the ROV image and the image and wording does not need to be an educational exercise, even for clueless Engineers. However it does still need to be representative of the Association’s remit.
I doubt of there is anyone in (or connected with) our industry that wouldn’t know what ROV means. Yet, in many conversations I’ve had over the years with people on the beach (Joe public), when asked what I do, the mention of the expression Remotely Operated Vehicle often draws blank looks. The same would apply to a badge or logo.
You then have to go through the whole, ‘controlled from above, manips, sonar, camera’s, lights’ routine and yet they still ask if we go under water in them!To solve this lack of public education dilemma I guess we could add a one paragraph definition to the logo. Yes, I’m sounding a little flippant but maybe it gets my logic across.
In my view the less wordy the logo is, the better…. for a few reasons.
July 27, 2010 at 8:43 am #28525Scott Beveridge
ParticipantWhich is why I said….
After all, the final design is not there to educate the public as to what ROV means.
The IROVA website can do that.
– – – – – – – – – – —
To solve this lack of public education dilemma I guess we could add a one paragraph definition to the logo. Yes, I’m sounding a little flippant but maybe it gets my logic across.
In my view the less wordy the logo is, the better…. for a few reasons.
I don’t consider that flippant – Lemmin, yes, the stationery should (of course) have the whole title (perhaps with the web link to what it ALL means). On that note, we don’t operate "robots"!!!!
July 31, 2010 at 7:42 pm #28526Rob Malkin
ParticipantSuggestion #10
How about a wire globe with the compass rose behind it and a symbol denoting a sonar transmission through it?
I was also thinking of lightning zap and a spanner to denote the Electro/Mechanical aspects underneath
1209716572yhss6b_175.jpg compass_rose_clip_art_31768_786.jpg August 8, 2010 at 9:47 pm #28527Lemmin
ParticipantSuggestion #11
I’ve tidied up the image of the ROV itself, and played around with some variations for your consideration. IROVA superimposed on the globe, with an ROV below:
rov_below_world1_small_132.jpg August 8, 2010 at 9:49 pm #28528Lemmin
ParticipantSuggestion #12
ROV superimposed on world, both within a stretched O of the word IROVA:
rov_world_inside_o_small_118.jpg -
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