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Ocean King Dubai warning !

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Ocean King Dubai warning !

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    If the "so called person living in Asia" is technologically adept enough to use the internet and phone to search for, accept and coordinate a job from a company located on the other side of the world, then he SHOULD have the ability to deal with any matters ON HIS OWN with the company that he is working with. Too much money already wasted is not an excuse. Skype and a half a dozen other services allow calls for free. I will offer my Skype account to him to allow this to be sorted once and for all. If he can’t take care of this himself, then he shouldn’t be trying to work in this manner.
    And with all of this "discussion" going on here the only part NOT represented in this triangle is the person it happened to.
    So, does this "person" use ROVworld? If so then why is he not here stating his claim? If he does not use this site, then its a good time to start, don’t you think. If you are his employer, then I can see the reason why you have gone this far and continue to do so.
    Subman, you keep saying that you live near maris and "could" go there or call them. Put up or shut up.. You keep saying that Maris is digging a hole. Maris accepted your challenge, of you or the "person" coming there or phoning, so now you need to follow through. Don’t, and it will be you in the hole. We don’t need to see this go back and forth without going forward anymore.
    I’m on this site and thats what I see.

    Moral of the story: If you have a problem, deal with it yourself.

    Maris Subsea

    gvb67 you’ve made a great point! thanks

    We won’t be hearing for Subman for another few hours Asia is 7 hours ahead he’s tucked up in his bed its 04:12 with him at the moment!

    Stephen Black

    Is it not about time that this discussion is taken offline


    I think my point has been made ! Please be careful when picking your agency and job .

    Its only a matter of time before the same thing happens again just watch this space .Ocean One Bulb and Maris make a good team .

    The choice is yours readers .



    Robert Black

    This request your "friend" made for a ‘driver’ I know you want to keep your ID safe Subman, but are you perhaps famous or something. Elton John maybe? Us ‘normals’ get these things called taxis. We also have these things called credit cards and expenses forms. The two latter items pretty much exist so ROV guys don’t have to sleep on floors, throw tantrums and then blub about it. Entertaining as it is watching you getting shot down in flames.

    JL Schnabel

    Besides being a very entertaining thread : and three cheers for Maris for sticking by their guns, but whatever happened to good / correct spelling?

    there / their
    your / you’re

    And top of the morning to everyone else !



    Subman, why dont you pick up your dummy, teddy and rattle and go join a womens lib forum where whining arseholes bang on and on. You posts are getting boring now.


    The really interesting bit to this now is he actually the person in question or is it the Asian on behalf of??

    I can quite believe the latter sleeping on a airport floor and not risk upsetting the client rather than an expat going straight to the nearest $200 dollar hotel after quick call to whoever as we all do.

    Maris must know exactly who the persons are involved so should not have needed to make statements of unmasking the poster!


    You guys are amazing its very clear what side of the fence your on !

    First off KreuzOps !

    Its clear your out of touch you dont do anything without being AUTHORISED

    Yes taxis and hotels included even with receipts does not guaranteed payment . Ok when you go and check in for a flight and its not paid for are you going to pay ? I dont think so !

    We are talking here about a company that just sends ONE light bulb and that I understand went straight into the vehicle !

    As for DavidClark / openside/Maris

    Its funny the amount of emails and phone calls over the weekend I have received its clear you were very busy attempting to find out my ID .

    I am not sure why !

    The feed back I am getting is you want me to delete this thread .
    I wonder why ? If you are telling the truth what are you worried about .

    However we both know the truth of the matter ,Everything I have stated is 100 % the truth or do you think I am just some crazy man from Norfolk .

    This is one more reason when dealing with agency’s or company’s get them to send you email or text then you have everything in black and white ,If you do it just verbally your asking for problems .

    If you guys find this all amusing I feel sad for you. If you wish to send rude comments please PM me as I dont think the other members wish to read them

    Thanks TEAMJBR for your feed back , The Guy in question is over in Egypt at the moment I am sure he will have some thing to say when he returns.



    James McLauchlan


    I think at this juncture, before this turns into a slagfest as personal level, which it undoubtedly will, it makes perfect sense to lock this thread.

    All aggrieved parties appear to have added as much information into the fray as is possible. Other have passed comment. All we seem to be getting now is tit for tat responses. There is now sufficient information posted to enable all to draw their own conclusions.

    I therefore feel that it might be best that this is dealt with offline.

    As a side note,
    I was asked to remove this thread shortly after it kicked off, but refused based on allowing people the opportunity to bring such issues out into the open for debate.

    The thread will remain available for all to read.
    Eventually it will fade away into our archives but will still show in search results non the less.

    (also edited out those sections whereby people are trying to identify an individual posting in this thread)


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