Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates ROV are the lowest paid offshore workers

ROV are the lowest paid offshore workers

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates ROV are the lowest paid offshore workers

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  • #7960

    Right only got a few mins b4 my chopper so ….

    Dear Scot,

    Me not work north sea (dreadful place)

    Me not care about tax ruling (expat)

    Me not say same rates accross the board (said same grade i.e like for like within a company 1yr & 30yr not like for like e.g. 2 x 5yr sub eng. OI)

    Did manage to get ya ticker pumping though, nout personal just used you as an easy example.

    OK gotta go

    beam me up Scottie!

    Scott Beveridge

    Once again Wooden… not stirred nor shaken…

    If anything I’d like to get more people interested in this particular thread and give some input. Hope they do dude!! Have a safe trip.

    David Stevens

    I know this is an old post and times have changed a bit, but it sounds to me that it may be your own fault if you’re make less money that a steward. Perhaps you’re not under paid, your just paid what your worth. And if your not happy making $100k a year for what we do than you may have exalted your job to something a little bit grander than it actually is. I can’t complain at all about the money I make, especially considering I only have a high school diploma. Maybe I just have a charmed life, but I worked hard to get where I’m at and I’m being compensated well for what my day to day job entails. In the end I handle my ♠hit, and I get the job done and the sub is still in one piece when I’m done with it. We crew is happy and taken care of. Most of the guys I know who complain about being underpaid are either not worth a ♠hit or live so far beyond their means that they fell the company ows it to them to get them out of the debt they brought on themselves. Also, I am not of the union persuasion, so I don’t believe that someone should make the same as me just becuase they have been doing this for the same length of time. I know guys with more time on the job than me, but can’t fly and can’t fix coffee, let alone fix the sub. So no, they should not make as much as me. If I spent my first 3 years in the game doing drill support and only diving every other day to do a riser inspection and you spent the same 3 years doing heavy construction work, don’t you think you’re worth more? Just my take on this topic for whoever cars to read it.

    James McLauchlan

    Except that doesn’t explain why some people of equal competency and experience are on wildly differing pay rates in the same part of the world.

    Scott Beveridge

    Exactly James…


    $100K only for 200 ++ days a year??? BEFORE tax….No thanks!


    ROV types are NOT the lowest paid offshore. However,

    James is correct there is a great degree of differences between what nationality you are AND what area you choose to work.

    Example : GOM pay is about the lowest of all areas for some reason. I,m unsure as to why but there might well be a correlation between GOM Pay rates & americans working for less than everyone else is prepared to work for.
    Lunchbox , good on ya buddy, great to see you working hard & enjoying this line of work.

    Tell me what exactly do you get paid? you tell me & I,ll tell you if only to prove my point here

    Sit Rep


    In my humble opinion (IMHO for Gen Y types that can’t spell or read) you get paid what your worth when you bother to support each other i.e. solidarity.

    Mr lunchbox loves this "all american" , dare I say Republican, outlook on life which pays handsomely for the person at the top of the heap but despises the person at the coalface, derides the concept of health care for all and other basic human rights.

    Hell, what would an american do with a $1000 a day wage, buy a new trailer? 😆

    Sit Rep

    And a further word to the americano hombres,

    135 days last year in Oz AUD$180 000, as a P/T even after tax it makes your situation laughable.

    BUT there is only one reason that these Australian day rates exist and that is unionism!

    You dogs keep fighting each other (dog eat dog) but the only guy getting wealthy is the guy running the dog fight!


    Just to add to the previous comments the Uni0n agreed rate is just a starting point. If you believe you are worth more and can negotiate a better deal, go for it!

    Scott Beveridge

    Agree with all posters who have stated the assistance of the Yuni0n(s) behind them…..

    David Stevens

    I believe that the reason for lower rates in GoM has more to do with regionally based socioeconomic conditions of the US. In the southern states where all the offshore companies are located, they are fiercely anti-union. To the extent that I had to sign a form stating I would not join a union, or attempt to unionize. It sucks, but if you want to get a job close to home, or are just starting out, you don’t have a choice. Also, bear in mind that the average income in the US is a messily $48K a year, so $100K is doing good. At the moment we do have a lower cost of living than just about any country in Europe that touches the North Sea. In the US a 110 M² house does not cost £200K, it would only be about £60K. While I’m not a pro union guy for the most part, I can see that there are some benefits to a collective voice and consolidated bargaining. But here in the US, unions are part of our present economic situation. I can’t abide by the notion that some guys who sits on his a♠♠ and does nothing gets paid as much as me and can’t be fired. That’s what we get from unions in the States. I would like to move to Oz and make the fat cash you guys get there. But I know that I make more than 90% of the people I went to high school with and I haven’t even been to a University. I hope this puts my previously posted opinion into perspective.

    Craig Thorngren

    derides the concept of health care for all and other basic human rights.

    No one is against health care for all, and the vast majority of Americans don’t look at it as a "right" (as defined by The Constitution). Most Americans don’t want a government run system quite simply because NONE of the other governments in the world has produced a system that works, why should we think ours could do better? All it would do is bring us all closer to socialism…

    Its funny you mention OZ and it’s Uni0ns… I’ve been up in Dampier for close to 60 days this year alone, and the unanimous feelings amongst the folks there was the Uni0n was screwing them and the companies over….



    Its funny you mention OZ and it’s Uni0ns… I’ve been up in Dampier for close to 60 days this year alone, and the unanimous feelings amongst the folks there was the Uni0n was screwing them and the companies over….

    Thats strange, what job and which boat was that?

    Scott Beveridge

    Most Americans don’t want a government run system quite simply because NONE of the other governments in the world has produced a system that works, why should we think ours could do better? All it would do is bring us all closer to socialism…


    Mirrors my sentiments completely especially the small section above with the word NONE in it.

    Partial socialism is a plus as long as it’s not TOO radical (some management types don’t like the idea too much.. heh, heh) – a concept that I would like to see being implemented by offshore companies: by using a rigid / multi-stepped pay scale system for one of the very first changes NEEDED. This would get the "guys who sits on his a♠♠ and does nothing gets paid as much as me and can’t be fired." doing their part to get their pay – hence a Yuni0n that also uses an IMCA guideline GLOBALLY. Pipe dream? Yes….. unfortunately….

    Lunchbox…. you’ll be slamming your head against the desk in the next 5 years. And at that time, please come back to this thread and re-read your diatribe…

    David Stevens

    No one is against health care for all, and the vast majority of Americans don’t look at it as a "right" (as defined by The Constitution). Most Americans don’t want a government run system quite simply because NONE of the other governments in the world has produced a system that works, why should we think ours could do better? All it would do is bring us all closer to socialism…

    Given the hassles we go through to get our TWIC card (which is required to work offshore and other jobs), the last people I want running health care is the government. These clowns make not getting ♠hit done an art form. I could go on and on about why it’s a bad idea, but I’m sure most of you can recall the headache you had AFTER you left the doctors office the last time. It’s a pain in the a♠♠ now without Uncle Sam running the show.
    But this is getting way off topic. In the end I’m happy with what I make, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t want more.

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