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ROV are the lowest paid offshore workers

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates ROV are the lowest paid offshore workers

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  • #7975

    Them thar yankee doodle rates sound pretty shite, we’ve got Filipino trainees in the North Sea on more money than that! 😀

    And another thing, your houses are cheap allright. That’s because they’re made with twigs.

    David Stevens

    Them thar yankee doodle rates sound pretty shite, we’ve got Filipino trainees in the North Sea on more money than that! Very Happy

    And another thing, your houses are cheap allright. That’s because they’re made with twigs.

    Well if I have to be such a douche to make the you make, you can keep it. I hear it all the time from every non-American on board about how the US sucks and we’re all a bunch of lazy, fat idiots. Well let’s not start throwing rocks in our glass work vans. I don’t think any of us live in a Utopian paradise. If we did, there would be so many expats living around the globe. Sure, Amsterdam is cool with it weed and hookers. Sure the UK is good with it whiskey and beer. Sure Brazil is great with their hot little babes in thong bikinis. But when I would trade all the whiskey in Scotland or the hash in Holland for the freedom and rights I have in America. I resever the right to retract this statement if Obama gets re-elected and continues to tank our economy with is irresponsible spending.


    Good for you!

    Because after all in Scotland and Holland there are no such things as "freedom" and "rights", whatever they are?

    Over here in Europe we can only dream of Mom’s home made apple pie.

    Pass the cockroaches Papillon!


    LunchboxROV wrote:

    But when I would trade all the whiskey in Scotland or the hash in Holland for the freedom and rights I have in America.

    Please tell us which freedoms and rights you have that these two countries don’t have?

    Scott Beveridge

    And then came "HOMELAND SECURITY"…..

    David Stevens

    Please tell us which freedoms and rights you have that these two countries don’t have?

    Well the obvious one would be the guns. As of yet, I’m not being taxed to extreme that you guys are. No TV tax in the states yet. But I do concede that things are changing due to apathy and ignorance on the part of the people. We have let too many rights slip away, and after 9/11 things got worse with Homeland Security and the Patriot Act. I have hope that things will change for the better. But I also know the outcome of ♠hitting in one hand and hoping in the other. Which is why I started the expat threads.

    I guess my thought is that if America is such a horrible place, why do people risk life and limb to get there? Maybe because there is the promise of a better life? I should ask all the UK expats I know why they moved to the colonies.


    Usually Tax avoidance and Divorce or both!

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