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ROV Supt. / Supv. availability

Home Forums ROV ROV Personnel Available For Work ROV Supt. / Supv. availability

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  • #2128
    Scott Beveridge

    Hello all,

    Thought I would not have to do something like this (post) again… Ahhh, never say never! Long Hols, economic down-turn, bad timing…

    Hmmmmph! Mayhaps the dayrate I charge is a bit too much??? Uhhh, Naaaah!

    I’ve 28 yrs. exp. (yes, you’re reading it right!), close to 40 different vehicles in multi-tasked environments. PM me here.



    God you do sound good………Loads of work out there though.

    Scott Beveridge

    God you do sound good………Loads of work out there though.

    Sure is!! (If you want to take a large paycut – re:GBP forex)


    Hi Mate

    Yes there is lots of work out there but most are paying in GBP and at a crap rate or you can go and work direct to Bluestream at 680 euros a day as a sup , As for P/T work there is lots in the middle east or Nig land but rates are still crap .
    As for years in the game like you I am a dinosaur with 36 in this game !



    Scott Beveridge

    Hi Mate

    Yes there is lots of work out there but most are paying in GBP and at a crap rate or you can go and work direct to Bluestream at 680 euros a day as a sup , As for P/T work there is lots in the middle east or Nig land but rates are still crap .
    As for years in the game like you I am a dinosaur with 36 in this game !



    Exactly why I’m NOT working and having to actually look (newbies take note please). "Eeeww, certainly you wouldn’t mind being paid in pounds at the old (3 – 4 mo. ago) rate?" Egads! A 180 – 200 dollar pay cut? No thanks!

    Is that you Jim? If so or if you want to pm me


    Sorry this is not Jim but live very near by at Songkhla but Bluestream and Neptune are the best payers at the moment but there are many companys lowering there rates like Maersk over in Qatar are paying only 380 GBP for Sups and there 2 other jobs in Nigeria and there only paying max 400 GBP which is a far cry from 1000 USD or 680 Euros a day .

    Dont forget we only get 50 baht to the pound so every thing as gone up !



    Scott Beveridge

    Sorry this is not Jim but live very near by at Songkhla but Bluestream and Neptune are the best payers at the moment but there are many companys lowering there rates like Maersk over in Qatar are paying only 380 GBP for Sups and there 2 other jobs in Nigeria and there only paying max 400 GBP which is a far cry from 1000 USD or 680 Euros a day .

    Dont forget we only get 50 baht to the pound so every thing as gone up !




    52.91 now at the offshore rate…


    Agencies paying £360 per day for a Sub Eng….Wow thats around 530 USD per day….


    I can personally see dayrates decreasing,because of the slowdown and massive influx of new personnel,who will work for less….this will keep the rates down,unless you happen to work in Oz,where an ROV tech is payed a decent rate,even after tax……

    Scott Beveridge

    Sad isn’t it… just goes to show you how disposable we are (no matter how long in the biz or entrenched within a company you think you are) . "Order another box of ROVers – Walmart series please…"


    Walmart series please

    Careful Scott… complaining about your age…you just might start receiving offers from Wally World for the Door Greater Position 😯

    Sad thing is that the current openings are at Walmart in SheKou China :mrgreen:

    Scott Beveridge

    "Attention shoppers…. todays discounts are…" 🙄 🙄

    Ray Shields

    "Attention shoppers…. todays discounts are…" 🙄 🙄

    re-used Tywraps, pre-ironed? :L :L :L

    Scott Beveridge

    Had to do it before Ray… running low or out… cheap operators, etc.


    no offense, but i get calls every second or third day for work, good rates, i am being lazy i suppose and turning them down, i suppose when it was " busy " i did those horrible 280 days offshore years , so i tend to relax a bit more now, the wat it should be.. hope you get something soon.. keep well regards

    SR the A and T removed

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