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H M Revenue & Customs TAX Ruling

Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance H M Revenue & Customs TAX Ruling

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  • #19223

    The change in legislation regarding SED is one of the topics on the BBC 1 programme ‘The Politics Show’ today Sun 12th October.

    James McLauchlan

    Cheers for that :tup:


    For those of us who had a regional opt out (cheers BBC) here is a link to the report on the website.



    I wathced the Politics program and thought it was OK. I must say that I had dreaded what they might say as so many of these sort of programs give the wrong impression.:roll:
    I have heard from a friend of mine that some of the people on vessels that this change of rules will affect are doing nothing. It is a fact that always amazes me that quite a lot of people in this business are quite happy to sit on their big fat arses and do f*ck all, leaving all the work to others.
    Guys, if you are on one of the ships that may lose the SED and you notice some of these lazy sods, remind them that the only chance we have of a positive outcome to all this is for EVERYONE to get up and do something! That means putting pen to paper and writing off to the powers that be. It won’t take any longer than the morning smoko and might make a change from talking about who is the latest manager of Newcastle UTD or who scored the best goal at the Man U game 👿


    Thank god for the link mate as they proposed to show it on the Scottish show but instead had 4 twats witering on about doom and gloom of the coming apoclypse of the stock markets and how you might be able to buy your own bank and not one with 4 troters and a curly tail


    Well thats one less batttle to fight I hope.
    I fear the war is not over though!!!!!!!!

    James McLauchlan

    From the link above:

    MP receives assurances over seafarers’ wages

    16 October 2008

    SEAFARERS working in the North Sea can continue to file tax returns as they have previously been doing, northern isles MP Alistair Carmichael said last night (Wednesday).

    His comment came following a meeting with financial secretary Stephen Timms, which the LibDem MP described as “very useful”.

    Mr Carmichael was heading a delegation which met with the secretary at the Treasury late yesterday afternoon after mounting concern over proposed changes of the way thousands of people working in the North Sea would be taxed in the future.

    Mr Timms confirmed to the delegation that most people who currently benefit from sea farers earning deductions would continue to do so.

    Mr Carmichael said: “This was a very useful and productive meeting, it is clear that revenue and customs have rather gone ahead of themselves in writing to accountants in the terms that they did.

    “Most importantly of all, sea farers working in the North Sea can continue to file tax returns as they have previously been doing and there should be no question of any changes which might be made being back dated.”

    He continued: “The minister did a lot to reassure sea farers working on ships related to off-shore oil and gas exploration and production.

    “The implications of the revenue and customs original proposals could have been severe for many people. While we cannot yet have one hundred percent certainty I believe that most of the worst scenarios will not come to pass.”


    Presumably we can now organise some sort of class action against HMRC for the stress this has caused.

    Hopefully the originator of this will be the first down the road when the brush inevitably sweeps through the civil service.

    I for one wouldn’t want a single penny of someones [elses] hard earned tax supporting a non productive beaurocracy.

    The Cardiff marine compliance officers must have been crapping it for their jobs !


    Yes I agree Moray, The HMRC should be ashamed of themselves by broadcasting a ruling that hasnt been set in stone. HMRC certainly created a "stink bomb" over this. Very cloak and dagger and conducted under secrecy!

    looking at the HMRC website is just full of contradictions – its a mess- to get ones head around any of the guidelines published, wether thats in relation to NIC contributions or Income tax relating to Seafarer’s/Mariners etc. Im sure its a headache for the tax inspectors too who have to work things out as well, so they know what they are doing!. BUT lets be clear: No government is a charity, its an agency designed and developed to draw money off people. I have found the tax Inspectors based at cardiff 6 to be from the same bloodlines and mindset of the Third Reich! (Im not kidding you either). Ive seen it first hand, face-to-face, and also via telephone conversations to request clarification on certain issues. My accountant can deal with them from now on, but would I trust them? Would I B@ll@cks!

    The recent bulletin from the BBC (Scotland politics section) offers some glimmer of hope, but the best thing that the HMRC can do now is publish concrete rules so that there is no confusion, anxiety, stress or whatever for us offshore workers and accountants involved.



    Just received this e-mail from Anne Begg MP.

    Dear All
    I am writing to let you know that the meeting I and my colleagues had yesterday with Stephen Timms MP, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, went extremely well. The Minister was quite clear that the Pride of South America was not a ship and therefore the Commissioners ruling should not be applied to vessels which are ships. It was felt that the confusion had arisen when HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) had sent letters to accountants, which were perhaps unclear.

    The Minister reiterated that vessels which looked like ships, moved like ships and most people think of as ships would continue to be classed as such and will qualify for SED. Therefore seamen who work on ships will be able to submit their 07-08 tax return based on the guidance previously published.

    There will still be a period of consultation to clarify the position for vessels such as the Pride of South America and we asked that the industry be involved in that consultation.

    I will keep abreast of developments and will write letters to each of my own constituents. For those of you who reside outwith my constituency of Aberdeen South, I am sure that your own MP will be in touch.

    In the meantime, if you require further clarification or information, please do not hesitate to contact my office.

    With best wishes.

    Yours sincerely

    Anne Begg MP

    This is a massive relief to us all.


    Presumably we can now organise some sort of class action against HMRC for the stress this has caused.

    Hopefully the originator of this will be the first down the road when the brush inevitably sweeps through the civil service.

    I for one wouldn’t want a single penny of someones [elses] hard earned tax supporting a non productive beaurocracy.

    The Cardiff marine compliance officers must have been crapping it for their jobs !

    I think you learn to keep gob shut, you dont want to up set these guys like theyve upset us…………. ok

    You are a small fish in a big pond……


    I agree Mech Tech, lets move on……………


    While we have such a complex tax system, deliberately so in the case of UK to maintain an absurd number of civil servants, we will always be in fear. For my part I’d prefer we adopt a system used by Estonia – flat rate tax from the first cent earned – no bands, no loop holes – good HONEST taxation – instead we have a contrived system of smoke and mirrors devised by successively financially (and morally) bankrupt politicians.

    There…got that off my chest!

    I just hope they never work out the anagram of my log-on name or I’m in deep doo-dah 😀

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