Home Forums General General Board Stop all ROV work worldwide until Day rate are increased

Stop all ROV work worldwide until Day rate are increased

Home Forums General General Board Stop all ROV work worldwide until Day rate are increased

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  • #15062
    Ray Shields


    please refer to forum rules regarding posting of messages http://www.rovworld.com/phpnuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=626 as the posts are now degenerating into a slagging match.

    Please do not feed the Trolls – stick to turkey n stuffing as its Christmas 🙂 Good will to all men (unless they earn £10 a day more dayrate than you, of course)


    Have to agree Ray,

    The last few comments do not require any answers. I think the point got across.



    I have to agree with Ray personal insults are a little childish when we are kind of discussing a serious issue however badly thought out.

    Incidently Binmen in Barrow in Furness are on around £6.00 an hour or at least were five years ago and I do not think SITA would have more than doubled the rates they are on.

    Most Electrical firms may charge £40 per hour for a sparky but I do not think he would get that or else if we put that back in context then we would be on nearer £800 a day.

    Have a happy christmas where ever you are I am in week four off work at the moment can’t think of to many jobs where I could do that oh yeah by choice and not worry about money as well.

    Do I need a big pay rise…..not really thank you very much but why rock the boat the world is changing rapidly more personnel who are cheaper and probably harder working are knocking at doors the same doors we knock at and lets get real here when it comes to saving money ops managers and agencies and project managers would love to cut the layout on labour but still charge the client the same.

    Or am I just synical…………………. ❓


    I agree with Ray also, I still do not agree with the rubbish that is being written on this subject, we are not highly paid, if you say 12 hours then fine have choppers galore to take everyone home at the end of the each shift otherwise accept that you are at work 24 hours a day not 12 hours, and yes there are many lesser paid coming in from other countries, but the upshot is more of the one decent guy carrying a bunch of no marks, which means the one decent guy should be on much more, as they are making a killing for the office. No council worker in the UK is on £6 an hour not even office cleaners. So more fact, less propaganda. On the working hard bit, yes UK people take the chance to relax as much as possible, but when there’s real work to be done, you definately wants brits in your team, as no one will dig out more than the brits. No sympathy for office people who are jealous of the fact that they are on less than the people they have working for them, office workers are only support staff in the end, the real job is offshore.



    All I hear is Bhal Bhal Bhal.

    Oilypipe, put your brain in gear, sorry to piss on your parade but it’s never going to happen.

    Trying to get wild strike action over pay in this industutry will never work, and if you think it will your living on cloud cuckoo land.

    One Question for you : If you are at work on your day protest where are you going to eat, sleep and pass the 24 hours of your righteous fight for the under paied workers of the ROV sector??.

    Do you also expect the company to pick up your tab for keeping you warm, fead and safe, or will you be knocing up some kind of floating platform to bob around your instalation/vessel from which to hold your dirty protest on.

    Enjoy your Day Off, or days Off when you get back to the real world.

    Before you know it we’ll all be fighting flip flops for jobs, mark my words.

    We’r all Doomed I tell ye.

    Merry Christmas, God I pray it’s my last


    The Finger 😛


    This has gone from strike or no strike, to I hate office workers. 😯 😯

    Still I think no strike is the general opinion 😕



    At the end of it office staff are just a bunch of leeches, living off the work of other people. Then they happily issue themselves bonuses at this time of year, go out and have office parties to tell each other how great they are, it makes you want to vomit.

    Scott Beveridge


    To true blue!!

    Where’s the spares??? And in our case, consumables???



    What a remarkable person you are. You give the vast majority of the ROV crews such a bad name with your silly petty views. Everyone has heard the "if it wasn’t for offshore workers, onshore would not have jobs" and "if it wasn’t for onshore workers, offshore workers would be bin men". Its such a crazy statement to make, it needs both elememts to work cohesively to keep both elements in work.
    So we winge at onshore and onshore winges at offshore so what, if you do not like the company you are in, leave. Its dead simple, its freedom of choice and it might stop the moaning.


    Good to see some one sensible is posting comments, fully agree with SGB.
    The guys in the office must get a right laugh at the childish, bitter and twisted comments on this web site.

    Andy Shiers

    More tea anyone 😯



    Glad you are trying to get everyone to unite in this one day down tools for a measly 25% pay rise.

    If we all try hard enough we could end up like the british merchant navy that we all see in every port we come across.

    If we get a 25% pay rise perhaps this might spur the Polish and eastern european lads to come across as it may seem worthwhile now for these educated tradesmen to maybe ditch the cushdy 500 zloty job they have. It may seem even more attractive than coming to britain to ply there various sought after trades.



    Hi Oily,
    as Scotbeve said "There not many replies" you must understand that this industry allows for individual agreemennts, I live in Thailand and am quite happy to work 3 months per year at my usual day rate, this allows me to follow personal projects etc. My private life still remains calm and some minor projects are procceeding well. You may well complain that to you your day rate is not satisfactory, but please complain to your present company first. All of us work on the principal of being sent a contract and agreeing upon it, if however you find that arriving on a worksite that you are on less money than your crew – finish your agreed term and leave. We all know the day we go offshore what our rate is and have signed a contract. The number of times that this has caused problems is beyond beleif.
    My advice is to talk to your management—– If you are valued there could be a good result.!!!!
    Best of luck to all for 2008 —-POLO.


    My god, and they say women moan! Unfortunately in this industry you will always have the eejits who believe they are worth what they are getting paid. What other job would you have the time off, the travelling………..and the laughs (sometimes!!). Okay, its not great being away from home but for f*** sake, its not exactly labour intensive………not all the time!

    Cheer up and stop whinging! Keep smiling 😀

    have a groovy new year!!


    You get out of the job what you put into it lads…..not happy with the dosh….move on!!!!!
    It is that simple….try going into some business yourself…..National Thai Boxing Coach of Singapore……I never knew untill I tried for eg…..offshore is not the only game.

    We at Acergy got 10% rasies and never even asked!!!

    How about learnimng to utilise your $$$ and make it go farther….look at your goals …..what you do not have any!!!

    Get busy and off your butt….there is enough $$$ out there for all of us.

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